Tuesday, January 10, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, "My Story, My Conversion"

TradCatKnight Radio, "My Story, My Conversion"
Talk given 1-10-17   (aprx 1hr 15 mins)

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Join me for the next hour or so as I go into my background and history as I try to help you understand where I am coming from and why I do as I do.  There have been some of you recently who have been asking me questions along these lines.  I hope at the end of this talk you get to know me and this work a little better.

Donations:  For those who have been with us a month or two please get in the fight with a financial contribution for this is an information war.  Please click the paypal button and get behind TradCatKnight financially.  As a reminder, these full-length shows come to you free of charge however we maintain and grow based upon your charity.  I appreciate all your prayers and support!  For CASH, CHECK or MONEY ORDER contributions please email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com for the mailing address.

 TradCatKnight Radio, "My Story, My Conversion"