Friday, January 6, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, Dave Dionisi "Trump Card Played: Advancing the Brotherhood of Death Agenda"

TradCatKnight Radio, Dave Dionisi "Trump Card Played: Advancing the Brotherhood of Death Agenda"
Talk given 1-6-17    (aprx 1hr 15 mins)

Disclaimer: Not all the views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight/Catholic position.

Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize the volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.

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Dave Dionisi is the founder of the Teach Peace Foundation.  Dave's experience includes service as a board member for Franciscan Works and as a senior executive with MetLife, DirectAdvice, and New England Financial. Prior to working in corporate America, Dave served the country as an Army Intelligence Officer. His business and military experiences over the last 30 years are complemented by an extensive background as an international volunteer in Asia, Central America, Europe, and Africa. Dave is the author of the Vigilant Christian book series and producer of two documentaries (Akita and the Fatima Secret and The Secret of Nagasaki).


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TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: infiltration of Catholic Church, the brotherhood of death, link between USA Presidents and this cult, factions in FreeMasonry?, Norman Vincent Peale 33rd degree FreeMason and mentor of Trump, Trump, not a true friend of Christianity, has he changed?, is he really an outsider?, his German Jew family tree, his zionist alliances, Trump and pedophile island, presidents are selected, Bilderberg, naked masonic Trump statue, Trump to help rebuild the 3rd temple, predictive programming indicated Trump presidency, "assassination" propaganda also predicted?, Trum and the 666 handsign, Kissinger calls Trump ultimate con man, Trump and his jewish mafia connections, even the elect will be deceived (if possible), his book, be prepared for the economic and societal collapse and MUCH more!

 TradCatKnight Radio, Dave Dionisi "Trump Card Played: Advancing the Brotherhood of Death Agenda"