Thursday, January 5, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, Craig R. Smith "Trump & Global Debt Bubble Burst"

TradCatKnight Radio, Craig R. Smith "Trump & Global Debt Bubble Burst"
Talk given 1-5-17     (aprx45 mins)

Disclaimer: Not all the views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight/Catholic position.

Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize the volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.

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Craig R. Smith is Chairman of Swiss America Trading Corporation, an investment firm specializing in U.S. gold and silver coins. Mr. Smith founded the company in 1982 out of a bedroom in his home with $50.00. It has since grown into one of the largest and most respected firms in the industry known for its dedication to consumer education and safety. Craig is an expert in many forms of tangible assets including; oil, precious metals and United States numismatic coins. He’s a student of history and author of nine books;

Mr. Smith is sought after by national media for his insights on breaking news because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analysis of major political and economic trends. He is a former columnist for, and writes economic columns for
Mr. Smith does not go to Washington D.C. often, but when he does he always comes back with a fresh perspective on why self-government is key to solving our modern crises – not more government spending. Craig understands that fellow Americans want solid answers to the tough questions, having hosted two national talk radio shows during the 1990s: "America Talks" and "World Economic Perspective."
Mr. Smith's free market economic worldview offers Americans a breath of fresh air amid today’s failed 'big government' approach. He believes we need a revival of self-government and free market principles to help rebuild the American economy; unlike the current administration's belief in multi-trillion dollar 'cradle-to-grave' government dependence.

Craig's door is always open to the media. Over the past two decades Mr. Smith has been interviewed on over 1,500 radio and TV programs. He has also been featured in various print publications. These include: FOX News, CNN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CBN, TBN, Time, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Newsweek.

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TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: Trump, positive/negative aspects, economic outlook for tangible assets, global debt bubble burst coming, ObamaCare, USA/China relations, job creation here in America, Faber's latest doom and gloom report, USA going to digital economy?, backlash in Mexico, faith and hope for the future, Syrian refugees in America, refugee crisis and the problems it presents, 2017 to be "eventful"?, his book Money, Morality and the Machine and MUCH more!

TradCatKnight Radio, Craig R. Smith "Trump & Global Debt Bubble Burst"