Thursday, January 12, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, Candy Gibbs "Raising Teens in the Culture of Death"

TradCatKnight Radio, Candy Gibbs "Raising Teens in the Culture of Death"
Talk given 1-12-17   (aprx 30 mins)

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Candy Gibbs is the Executive Director of the CareNet Pregnancy Centers in Amarillo, Texas.  She is the author of Rescue: Raising Teens in a Drowning Culture; as well as, Chosen and Pearls mentoring curriculums for pre-teen and teen girls.  With a degree in Psychology from West Texas A&M University, Candy has served as the national co-chair for the Campaign for Life in America.


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TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: her past and her current ministries, early signs of "problems" for a teenager, parents and children reconnecting, communication, tough love, being pro life in a society openly promoting death, practical advice for parents and teens, homosexuality, pornography and technology, no fear of God anymore?, teen suicide rates on the rise and more!

 TradCatKnight Radio, Candy Gibbs "Raising Teens in the Culture of Death"