Monday, January 2, 2017

TradCatKnight Interviewed by Jonas Alexis of VeteransToday

Benjamin Freedman Exposed the Khazarian Mafia

Freedman covered the Khazarian Mafia's influence in Russia (behind the revolutions and installment of the Soviet Union) and exposed how they wanted to (in general) bring down constitutional monarchies.
Eric Gajewski holds an undergraduate degree in Business and a Master’s Degree in Business both from Franciscan University in Ohio. He exposes the new World order spearheaded by the Khazarian Mafia.

Eric runs, the most comprehensive and followed traditional catholic website in the world (a top 20K website worldwide). You can subscribe to his Youtube channel tradcatknight.

Jonas E. Alexis: You have done some studies on Benjamin Freedman. He seemed to have been the antithesis of what the Zionist establishment represented. Obviously they hated him because he exposed them and revealed their dirty secret to the world. He was even a strong supporter of the Arab cause.

Tell us a bit about the man and how he actually stripped the Khazarian Mafia of their ideological clothes.

Eric Gajewski: Benjamin Freedman (1890-1984) was a Jew who converted to Roman Catholicism from Judaism. He broke with the Khazarian Mafia after the Judeo-Communist victory in 1945.  From there he spent a considerable amount of his fortune (was a well to do businessman) exposing the KM and their plots for dominance in not only America but also worldwide.

He was able to speak so fluently and specifically on the KM because he had been an insider at the highest levels of various Jewish organizations seeking to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more influential people of his time.

He is well known for his speech in 1961 warning America about the tactics and plots of the KM in general but also spoke as an American patriot warning us about the KM’s in our country. He stated then that the Khazarian Mafia already had control of our country and that Zionists very much had their hands in all the wars.

Who can doubt that their hand is not behind the forthcoming world war in which it seems virtually every country will be involved. He warned about the KM’s destruction of Germany and unmasked their favorite word, “anti- Semitism,” which is still used today when Jews/Zionists/Israel are admonished or exposed for their illicit actions.

He continued exposing the Khzarian Mafia who call themselves Jews but in reality are not. The Synagogue of Satan is very much alive today and no wonder Christ was so adamantly opposed to them.

The Jews of the world, the Zionists and their co-religionists everywhere, are determined that they are going to once again use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government.

Freedman exposed how a lot of people were pagans and how they hide behind the notion that they are God’s chosen to “build up” the puppet state of “Israel.”

Before Vatican II the popes warned about the KM in general but it is the KM using Free Masonry who now have infiltrated the Vatican and are now preparing the stage for the New World Order, which we can logically call the Antichrist.

Freedman went on to elaborate how even in the Jewish community there was much disunity. He spoke of Rothschild and his influence in France and covered how the KM were driven out of England by King Edward in 1285 only to later return in the Cromwell Revolution which was financed by Rothschild.

The Catholic Church had quite frequently in medieval times banished the KM because of the sinful usury practices and this was exposed as well by Mr. Freedman.

Lastly, Freedman covered the KM’s influence in Russia (behind the revolutions and installment of the Soviet Union) and exposed how they wanted to (in general) bring down constitutional monarchies.