Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming!

The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming!

The Russians are coming! They will be under your bed. You will see some of them in your bathroom. They will scare the heck out of you when come out of the shower. They will sneak in your house through your windows. They will stay at your front door. You will not be able to go shopping. They will monitor your every move.

Will Hollywood bless us with a movie entitled: “NATO and the US Are Coming, NATO and the US Are Coming!”?

…by Jonas E. Alexis

Yes, you just have to say that it’s a plot to make the world die laughing again! Grab a glass of orange juice (if you’re from Florida), sit down and relax, and listen to the major news outlets for just ten minutes. You will almost certainly hear weird things, incoherent things, crazy things, and dumb things. Here is David Ignatius of the Washington Post:
In other words, The Russians are coming! They will be under your bed. You will see some of them in your bathroom. They will scare the heck out of you when come of out of the shower. They will sneak in your house through your windows. They will stay at your front door. You will not be able to go shopping. They will monitor your every move. They have been ‘buzzing’ us in the Baltics, even though NATO and US troops have been encircling them for months.
The movie “The Russians Are Coming, The Russians are Coming!” was interesting, since it was made in 1966.
But the simple questions are these: How does the current regime continue to pollute the political landscape with lies almost every single day? Do they really believe that virtually every single one of their listeners is just stupid? Don’t they know that they are losing power really fast?
Let us grant the prevailing and stupid notion that the Russians are really coming. So what? The current regime means to tell us that this is dangerous? So, invading sovereign nations and places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Panama, Grenada, the Dominican Republic, Manchuria, etc., wasn’t dangerous? How about overthrowing a democratically elected official in Iran way back in 1953?
Moreover, by perpetuating the idea that Russia was wrong in hacking the US election, aren’t NWO agents implicitly condemning themselves? Who are those people really fooling this time? Do they mean to tell us that they don’t remember damn thing about the NSA?
Is “Mad Dog” Mattis right in saying that “[the world order is] under the biggest attack since World War II … from Russia, from terrorist groups and with what China is doing in the South China Sea”?
Well, it depends. If “Mad dog” means to say that Russia is attacking the New World Order, then yes. If he means to say that Russia’s position is less plausible than the views that New World Order agents have been propounding, then the answer is no.
If Trump again aspires to make a difference, he needs to tell Mad Dog to shape up or ship out and replace him with decent people like Tulsi Gabbard, who seem to understand covert operations in places like Syria.

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