Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Pro Life: Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law

Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law


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The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that a woman’s wrongful death lawsuit against an OB/GYN accused of contributing to the death of her unborn child may proceed. It declared that unborn children are human beings whether or not at the point of viability and therefore are entitled to legal protection. “In light of the legislative recognition that a ‘person’

includes an ‘unborn child in utero at any stage of development, regardless of viability,’ we do not believe that probable progression to viability is the appropriate relevant proximate-cause inquiry in this case,” it wrote. “Rather, we hold that, in order to establish proximate cause, Stinnett was required to show that Dr. Kennedy’s actions probably caused the death of the fetus, ‘regardless of viability.’” READ MORE


Rugby Star’s Wife Has Abortion Just to Avoid the “Trauma” of Another Miscarriage


 When Australian rugby star Darius Boyd’s wife lost both her grandmother and her unborn child last year, she was devastated.

According to the Daily Mail, Kayla Boyd said she felt so emotionally scarred by her grandmother’s death and her unborn baby’s miscarriage that the news of another pregnancy three months later prompted her to immediately seek an abortion.
“I didn’t want to get attached to the fact that I could have another baby and then I could miscarry again,” she told the Courier Mail. “It would have affected our marriage, it would have been very stressful and hard.”
Boyd miscarried one unborn child in April, then aborted another one in August of 2016, according to the report. There are no indications in the reports that there was anything wrong with her health or her second unborn child’s, no threat of another miscarriage that prompted her to abort the child.
Here’s more from the Daily Mail:
When she learnt of her pregnancy, Boyd said she was overcome by a feeling of self-doubt and that was what ultimately lead her to make the tough decision to abort the fetus.
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‘I felt like that’s what i had to do. The first time (I was pregnant) I didn’t feel lost, I didn’t feel scared or confused and i really felt that way this time,’ she said.
While Boyd said the decision caused her enormous emotional pain, she said she felt it was the right one and simply wanted to move forward from her experiences.
She also admitted her story would be judged by a lot of women but appreciated everyone was entitled to their opinion.
The young mother said she and her husband Darius still wanted to have three children together, and would try for their second child in a year’s time.
She and her husband also have a 1-year-old daughter together.
How Boyd thought aborting her unborn child would save her from suffering is both puzzling and deeply concerning. According to countless women’s accounts, their abortions were among the most heartbreaking and painful experiences of their lives. Many women have been damaged emotionally as a result of their unborn child’s abortion death, others physically.
Tammy Romo-Alcala, who had an abortion in Texas more than two decades ago, said she never would have gone through with it if she had truly understood what an abortion was. For years afterward, she said she struggled with depression and alcohol abuse; and at 28, she had to have a hysterectomy.
Another woman, Nona Ellington, said she had five miscarriages after aborting her unborn child. She said her abortion “ruined any chance of giving birth” to future children.
One also has to wonder if Boyd is aware of the studies linking abortion to increased risk of future miscarriages and preterm birth. A study published in 2006 in the British Journal of Gynecology found that women who had an abortion experienced a 60-percent higher risk of having a miscarriage in a future pregnancy.
Boyd’s not wanting to lose another child to a miscarriage is understandable. Just like when a born child dies, an unborn child’s death often is devastating to the parents. Boyd was not wrong for wanting to avoid more pain and grief, but, in choosing abortion, she opened up the possibility of potentially hurting herself and her family even more.
Moreover, she did not avoid losing her unborn child; she chose to lose it, to have the child aborted. Her child was a unique, individual human being who deserved a right to life. That child may have lived and brought her and her family unexpected joy in the midst of their grief. But Boyd eliminated that possibility when she chose abortion. 

8.7 Million Unborn Babies Have Been Aborted in the UK Since It Legalized Abortion 50 years Ago


 SPUC Scotland’s motivational message issued today via Twitter is: “The fight for the right to life is not the cause of a special few, but the cause of every man, woman and child who cares not only about his or her own family, the whole family of man” – the words of Dr Mildred Jefferson.

Jefferson, a prominent, outspoken opponent of abortion and the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School who died in 2010.
How true! And yet, sadly how few people, including people we know personally, realise this truth.
2017 will mark the 50th anniversary of the passage of the British Abortion Act, which has been responsible for the killing of around 8.7 million unborn children – with all the devastation that has involved for countless mothers, fathers and other family members. Let’s resolve to do much more to build our pro-life movement into a great, historic, really effective movement which stops abortion in the UK.
SPUC is launching this year a commemorative tour visiting towns and cities the length and the breadth of the country, taking with us our message and plan of action stopping abortion in the UK. If you want SPUC’s commemorative tour to visit your area, contact
Help SPUC to help you to stop abortion in the UK.
In February 2016, Live Action produced a compelling series of videos which remind us exactly why abortion must stop. If you haven’t watched them, I recommend you do now. Dr Levatino, the former abortionist who features in the video, is speaking at SPUC’s youth conference in Stone, Staffordshire (3 – 5 March). Any young person(16 – 35) wishing to attend should contact as soon as possible.

Finland Set to Debate Legislation That Would Legalize Euthanasia

A citizen’s initiative to raise the issue of euthanasia in the Finnish Parliament (Eduskunta) has gathered the requisite 50,000 signatories required to trigger a parliamentary debate. [1]
As in many countries, Finland has been dicing with [considering] euthanasia for some years now. The pro-euthanasia lobby, Exitus has been active since the early 1990s.
As in many countries, the public support for euthanasia is above the two-thirds mark. Support amongst the nation’s doctors has also been steadily increasing in recent years. In 2014 support for and opposition to stood at 46%.
The Finnish Medical Association remains opposed to the initiative. Association head Heikki Palvesaid that the majority of palliative care doctors working with dying patients object to legalizing euthanasia.
A 2010 survey of doctors attitudes found that, in their opinion, more training on palliative care would diminish requests for active euthanasia and improve physicians’ skills in dealing with the difficult challenges faced in end-of-life situations and care.
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As with all Finnish Citizen’s Initiatives, the ‘Euthanasia initiative on behalf of a good death ‘includes a prescription of the form of the Bill to be debated. The presented model is for euthanasia for people experiencing an ‘incurable fatal disease, and death takes place in the near future.’
The sponsor for the initiative is former Finnish MP, Esko Olavi Seppänen. Seppänen, a member of the Left Alliance Party and earlier the Finnish Communist Party, was also a Member of the European Parliament from 1996 to 2009 as a Member of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL).
The Finns Party is the second largest party in the four-party governing coalition in Finland and has a socially conservative base. Timo Soini, the chairperson of the Finns Party, has confirmed his intention to vote against the citizens’ initiative to legalize euthanasia in Finland. Amongst its coalition partners both the National Coalition and the Centre Party hold within their ranks majorities of socially conservative MPs.
It is not clear at this time when a bill will be tabled [introduced] for debate.
[1] The registered signatories now exceed 62,000 which should ensure that, after exclusion checks, that a formal bill is developed and that the parliament is compelled to move to a vote.