Monday, January 2, 2017

Planet X Researcher Says Nibiru Evidence Is Everywhere (Video)

Planet X Researcher Says Nibiru Evidence Is Everywhere

Planet X is about to reenter our solar system and mess up our world all over again. Planet X is the supposedly tenth planet of our solar system. It should be as big as many Earths, dwarfing it perhaps even hundreds of times.

Some people think X isn’t even a real planet, but a `brown dwarf’: a massive ball of dust and gas that almost succeeded in becoming a star.

Planet X has something no other planet has: a huge orbit. Its orbit around the Sun lasts 3,600 years.

Most of the time, it is far off, invisible to the eye. But every 3,600 years, the lost planet returns. Once here, it accelerates, and swings close past the Sun, disrupting everything it encounters.