Tuesday, January 3, 2017



The British security services allegedly helped to cover up widespread pedophelia in Britain.  Indeed, a whistleblower alleges that the British security services supported and funded pedophile rings as a way to blackmail establishment figures.

The Express reported in 2014:

British security services infiltrated and funded the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange in a covert operation to identify and possibly blackmail establishment figures, a Home Office whistleblower alleges.


Whistleblower Mr X, whose identity we have agreed to protect, became a very senior figure in local government before retiring a few years ago.


He has given a formal statement to that effect to detectives from Operation Fernbridge ….


“And he said [the pedophile group] was being funded at the request of Special Branch which found it politically useful to identify people who were paedophiles….”
Something similar may have happened in the U.S.  Yahoo News reported in 2010:

A 2006 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigation into the purchase of child pornography online turned up more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department — including some with the highest available security clearance — who  used credit cards or PayPal to purchase images of children in sexual situations. But the Pentagon investigated only a handful of the cases, Defense Department records show.


But the DCIS opened investigations into only 20 percent of the individuals identified, and succeeded in prosecuting just a handful.

What about the other 80 percent?  Were they blackmailed?

Yahoo continues:

Without greater public disclosure of how these cases wound down, it’s impossible to know how or whether any of the names listed in the … papers came in for additional scrutiny.


According to the records, DCIS prioritized the investigations by focusing on people who had security clearances — since those who have a taste for child pornography can be vulnerable to blackmail and espionage.


At least some of the people on the … list with security clearances were never pursued and could possibly remain on the job ….
Pedophilia or child pornography have also been revealed among some current or former agents for omeland Security (and here and here), Customs, the State Department (and here), ICE, the Navy, Indian Affairs, Agriculture, Energy,  FBI, CIA, Pentagon and other government agencies.

Pedophilia is also more widespread than one might believe in not only the Catholic church, but also Mormon, Baptist and other churches … and among Imams and Rabbis.

And a whistleblower alleges that the pedophilia by Congressman Dennis Hastert was much worse than we know, and that judges who are too “squeaky clean” are often not approved for nomination … while ones with skeletons in their closets are. And she says that high-level FBI managers have publicly confirmed this blackmail process.

And high-level NSA whistleblowers say that blackmail is one of the main reasons that the NSA conducts mass surveillance of Americans and other people.

So pedophilia is probably a lot more widespread than you believe … and a lot more resources should be allocated to stopping it and punishing the perpetrators.

Postscript:   We have no idea whether or not whether allegations that powerful people like Bill Clinton or Donald Trump engaged in pedophilia arranged by their billionaire convicted pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein are true or not.

And we have no idea whether or not there’s anything to the “Pizzagate”  claims. Several readers (and friends) have requested that we write about it.  But some smart people like Michael Rivero say that Pizzagate is a “poison the well” campaign to discredit alternative media and to distract from real scandals.

We’re expressing no opinion at all about such allegations. We’re only pointing out that pedophilia is a real and very destructive problem which is more widespread among those in positions of power than you might think.

Fiona Barnett, "Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed"