Monday, January 9, 2017

Muller: No Correction Coming For Antipope Francis

Muller:  No Correction Coming For Antipope Francis
Why do so many think Muller is Orthodox in his teachings again?  Heresy everywhere.

"A fraternal correction to the Pope seems very distant to me, at this time is not possible because there is no danger to the faith."

He said the program "Vatican Rooms" to Tgcom24, Cardinal. Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, about the "dubia" raised by 4 Cardinals (Burke, Meisner, and Brandmüller Caffara) on some sections of 'apostolic exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" on access to the sacraments to divorced and remarried and the possibility of making a "correction" to Pope Francis.

"Everyone," said the German cardinal, "especially the cardinals of the Roman Church, have the right to write a letter to the Pope. I was surprised because this has become public, however, almost forcing the Pope to say yes or no. I do not like. Even a possible fraternal correction of the Pope, "he continued," it seems very far away, it is not possible at this time because it is not a danger to the faith as St. Thomas said. "

The Prefect of the former Holy Office, then continued: "We are very far from a correction, and I say that is a loss to the Church to discuss these things publicly. Amoris Laetitia is very clear in its doctrine and we can interpret the whole doctrine of Jesus on marriage, the whole doctrine of the Church in 2000 years of history. Pope Francis, "the cardinal concluded," he asks to discern the situation of these people who live a union does not regulate, that is not according to the Church's teaching on marriage and asks you to help these people find a way to a new integration in Church under the conditions of the sacraments, the Christian message about marriage. But I do not see any opposition: on the one hand we have the clear teaching on marriage, on the other the obligation of the Church to worry about these people in difficulty. "

Cardinal Muller: SSPX Will Accept Religious Liberty & Ecumenism!