Monday, January 9, 2017

ISIS Shows Preschooler Killing Victim Tied to Carnival Ball Pit

ISIS Shows Preschooler Killing Victim Tied to Carnival Ball Pit

After an end-of-the-year video showing pre-teens hunt down and kill bound prisoners in an abandoned building, the Islamic State today released an even more gory follow-up with children as young as preschool age murdering prisoners tied to broken carnival rides.
The 18-minute highly produced video out of ISIS' Khayr province in Syria was distributed through publicly accessible Islamic State media channels, social media and file-sharing sites, including Google Drive and, briefly, YouTube.

It begins by showing adults training in a bombed-out building, but transitions into adults leading small children in exercises. A boy about 9 or 10 years old is shown gleefully participating in a public stoning.
Like previous ISIS videos featuring children, the video argues that coalition bombing is a reason for kids to join jihad and kill Americans.
And as in previous execution videos, a trio of prisoners accused of being spies make videotaped "confessions". The film then cuts to an abandoned funfair filled with ruined carnival rides such as a Ferris wheel and kiddie train.
(ISIS video screenshot)(ISIS video screenshot)
The first victim is zip-tied to the interior of a tilting, spinning disk ride. A boy about 7 years old ascends the stairs and is handed a knife by a black-clad ISIS member. He covers the victim's eyes with one hand before being given a signal by the adult jihadist. The boy then saws at the victim's throat. When done, he wipes off both sides of the knife on the victim's white T-shirt.
The ride is then slowly spun with the victim's head sitting on the floor of the interior.
(ISIS video screenshot)(ISIS video screenshot)
The second victim is tied to the fence inside a ball pit filled with broken balls. A preschool-aged boy clad in black is handed a small gun by the adult ISIS member. The child shoots the victim five times before holding the gun aloft and yelling "Allahu akbar" twice.
An older boy who appears about 12 years old is the final executioner, pushing a bound victim into the dirt next to kiddie train tracks.
(ISIS video screenshot)(ISIS video screenshot)
Before he kills the prisoner, the preschool-aged boy makes a motion of drawing his hand across his throat.
After sawing the victim's throat, the boy plunges the knife into his back before walking away.
(ISIS video screenshot)(ISIS video screenshot)
At the end of December, the Islamic State released a grisly video showing child jihadists hunting down bound "apostates" in a live-fire training exercise.
The half-hour-long production, from ISIS headquarters in Raqqa, shows child jihadists -- boys about 9 to 12 years old -- sent on an exercise through an abandoned building with some dummy targets in the rooms and a handful of live targets: prisoners with their hands zip-tied behind their backs, trying to elude the child jihadists in the multi-story, debris-strewn building.

TradCatKnight: "ISIS, The Zionist's Latest Boogeyman"