Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Francis sees rabbi Abraham Skorka as his roving ambassador

Francis sees rabbi Abraham Skorka as his roving ambassador

“How strange it would have been 30 years ago, the fact that the rabbi is representing the holy father.”
— Francis in an email to Abraham Skorka —
(and at 20 minutes and 34 seconds in the video below)

Keep in mind that Rabbi Skorka: 
doesn’t believe that in the Divinity of Jesus, in fact to Skorka he is just a “dude”,
is still anxiously awaiting the messiah,
is a Zionist,
is a huge supporter of same sex marriages and special rights for those with perverted behaviors,
believes that the ‘Shoah’ has no historical precedent,
believes that Nazism and anti-semitism originate in the theology of the Catholic Church,
and feels that one cannot be a Christian unless one understands the essence of Talmudic Judaism and the debt owed to it by Christianity. 

We guess this is par for the course when one’s rabbinical mentor was a known pederast and child molester!  

We can only imagine what must be going on inside the mind of Francis if he has a best friend and ambassador such as this.

Dialogue,  the Talmudic ‘other’, Chagall’s Talmudic Jesus, Bergoglio in the synagogue, Holocaustianity, etc...

The Talmudic gasbag Skorka starts speaking at 10 minutes & 42 seconds.

The six rabbis blessing the new building.

Jorge Bergoglio Hall joins Thomas Merton Hall and Angelo Roncalli Hall 
on the campus of Sacred Heart University.

 Look, it’s Francis’ favorite blasphemous painting in the new residence!
Chagall’s Talmudic Jewish Jesus gets a shout out in the above video 
at 5 minutes and 29 seconds & at 13 minutes and 23 seconds.
The new hall has a video game center and cross fit gym but no chapel.

Two women inspect the dorm room of senior, Laura Silver, in Jorge Bergoglio Hall.