Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Fr. Voigt "Mother's Death"

Fr. Voigt "Mother's Death"

Dear Friends,
With a tear in my eye and sorrow in my heart I wish to request your prayers for the soul of my mother, Mrs. Leonard Voigt or commonly known as Betty.  She suffered a stroke eight months ago and by God gracious plan we were able to visit and express our love for her all these months until Friday, Oct. 28th at 3:15 p.m.  Now she stands before the judgment seat of the Lamb of God and we cover her with the Blood of that Merciful Lamb with the sure hope of a merciful judgment.  As a true mother she sacrificed all for her eleven children and gave many a holy hour for the salvation of their souls.  As I reflect upon her life I came up with a simple way to recall all that she has done.
Her beautiful name:  B E T T Y

B   For my mother her Baptism was the key to her actions for she was incorporated in the Body and Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.  She was anointed with the Chrism of salvation and heaven was the one desire of her heart.
That baptism sacrament influenced the gift she gave of prayer (especially the rosary).  Her dedication to our Lady was evident in the rosary she prayed daily and her love of the holy scapular which she wore in honor of our Blessed Mother.  

E  Daily my mother went to the church in order to assist at holy mass and receive the treasure beyond price:  the Holy Eucharist.  Eucharist meant the reality of Christ's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  Because of her love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament she offered a holy hour each week on Monday at 10:00 a.m.  She was united with my father in the Nocturnal Adoration Society and monthly took their turn in making reparation before the Exposition of the Eucharist. 

T  She trusted in our Lord and our Lady to take care of the children which she bore.  She realized that they were all gifts from God and that Our Lady would have to bring them home.  Her trust expressed the deep faith which she lived by.  

T  She was tested in so many ways but her final agony was the unfolding of the mystery of the Sorrowful Mother Mary.  My mother was always the one to do for the other.  Now she had to accept the humiliation of being cared for by others.  Her children were around her in this agony.  As much as she wished to communicate with them she could not.  I received her last words on the earth:  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you."  Her mind was 
clear but her tongue was slow.  

Y  My mother loved the youth and with eleven kids there was plenty of youthful activity throughout her life.
Even within a few weeks of her death she loved seeing the great grandchildren.  Her eyes would light up with the antiques of the little ones.  "Unless you become like a little child you shall not enter the kingdom of God."  

I believe that my mother is a good example of the faithful wife who never showed any anger towards my father, who treasured his wonderful wife all the days of his life in the world.  Now both are in God's hands and I am at peace with their souls.  May God grant them both a place in the kingdom.
Thank you for your prayers and especially for rosaries and holy masses offered for their souls.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt