Thursday, October 27, 2016

Be Not Deceiving in Your Receiving

Be Not Deceiving in Your Receiving 


No man, be he lay man, deacon, priest, bishop, cardinal or Pope can receive the Lord Jesus 
and reject His teachings.
Those who reject the Lord's teachings reject the Lord even while receiving Him.
Surely, for this reason do we regard those Communions as sacrilegious in which a person outwardly honours Jesus, but inwardly rejects His commandments.

Why should we be surprised then, when unfaithful Prelates fail to uphold the sublime dignity of the Most Holy Eucharist and fail to discourage those in mortal sin from receiving Him?
Those wicked men, be they Priests, Bishops Cardinals or the Pope himself, who receive Jesus while rejecting His teachings deceive not Jesus but they do deceive themselves and they do deceive the people entrusted to them.
Be not deceived.
The Lord Jesus takes up residence and dwells within the hearts and souls of those who accept Him.
In them He finds a home for they truly welcome Him as their King, Lord and Saviour.
Those who reject Jesus Christ profit nothing from receiving His Body and Blood.

It turns to their condemnation.

For those who do not believe Jesus's Teaching. do not believe in God the Son.

Christ and His Law cannot be separated.
If a man accepts Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist but does not accept Jesus Christ's teachings how can the Most High dwell within him? How can the love of God possibly be in him?

Can it be said that a child respects, reveres or loves a Father whose words he despises? Whose discipline he refuses? Whose decrees and precepts he laughs off? Whose customs he finds repugnant?
Do they think they can receive Jesus Christ and reject His infallible words when He Himself is the Word of God?
Do they truly receive Christ who cannot bear His voice, His speech, His teachings, His commandments and His law?
Do they receive the Lord when the doors of these men's hearts and souls are slammed tightly shut in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
How can He enter, whose Charity and Truth are refused?
For no good reason do such men hate us.
Such men as this hate us and scorn us.
They exonerate the wicked while they mercilessly persecute the just.
They are without shame.

But we are not ashamed of Jesus Christ. 
In your intent to desecrate and violate His Most Holy Body and Blood you will be met with 
rigid resistance.

We are not ashamed of His Commandments.  
In your intent to desecrate and violate His Church you will be met with 
rigid resistance.

We are not ashamed of His Teachings. 
In your intent to desecrate and violate His Doctrines you will be met with 
rigid resistance.
We will be unyielding. No matter how you insult us, or denigrate us. 
We are not ashamed of Jesus Christ.
We are ashamed of you who outwardly profess Jesus Christ but who inwardly reject Him.

You who are embarrassed of Jesus Christ, we are embarrassed of you!
There are two bodies in this world. 
Only two. 
These are the mystical Body of Christ and the mystical body of Anti-Christ.
Choose today which body you will belong to.
For now these two bodies exist within the same visible Church.
But even now, in the very highest ranks of the Church a great separation is taking place as those who arrogantly promote themselves as 'reformers' seek to usurp the Word of God and place their vain reasoning and foolish imaginings over and above the very words of Our Blessed Saviour Himself.

With subtlety and great cunning they seek to separate the Lord Jesus Christ from His Teachings and thus unveil a new Christ, a false Christ, a counterfeit Christ who receives those who receive Him not, because they do not receive His teachings.

They now call what is just and fitting a scandal and a disgrace and make that which is disgraceful seem laudable by their soft speech.

But their words bring death to souls.

They claim to represent Jesus Christ and for this sublime Office they were called.

But He cannot truly abide in those who refuse to abide in Him.
You may try - and you may well appear to be victorious as you attempt to dissolve not only the teachings of Jesus Christ but the faith and the morals of those in your care.

For good reason do you run to heretics to say, 'We want union with you!'

Since you are disloyal to Christ, since you cannot accept Him or abide His Teaching and since He finds no home in you, then naturally you seek union with others who are not of Christ's flock, those who, just like you, deny that He is Who He Is!

Being unable to attain union with Christ you seek union with heretics.

For like attracts like.

You seek union with heretics because you are heretics.

Should we be surprised that you seek to give the Lord to unrepentant adulterers?

Why should we be surprised?

 When unrepentant adulterers is just what you are!

You who professed to be wedded to the Lord at your Ordination! 

You take other lovers and feel no shame because you have no love for Christ!

You wish to refashion the Church in such a manner as to make it indistinguishable from the Church the Lord Jesus founded. 

Nothing is safe in your hands, be it the Church's doctrines, her Sacred Liturgy or Her Sacraments.

You have set your faces against the Lord and against His children.

You deride as 'rigid' those who remain loyal to the Truth, to Christ and His glorious Martyrs.

You will deceive and fool many in your plans.

But you will by no means succeed in your efforts.

Christ is with His Church and His Church is His Body until the End of Time.
In as much as you feign love for Christ, receive the Body of the Lord but try to deceive Him Whose Body it is, will you find yourself deceived as close as you get to achieving your claimed victory.

Don't you understand?

You have chosen as your master the origin of lies and illusion itself!
For were you the visible Head of the Body of Christ, if you do not accept the teachings of the Lord, if you will not allow yourself to be instructed by Him, then you will discover yourself not only to be not the Head, but not even a part of the Body!
Do you understand what this discovery will mean for you?
And do you think that the Church is decapitated if you discover yourself to be not only not the Head but not even a part of the Body?
No. It cannot be.
Jesus Christ is the Head of His Body the Church.

The Church is never without its true, divine and glorious Head.

And He Himself is Truth.
The overwhelming majority of your venerable and esteemed predecessors,
Bishops, Cardinals, Popes knew and understood that.
When you receive Him, you receive the whole Christ, whole and entire.

You receive not a corpse of a dead man whose words you wish to be forgotten and erased but the Living One, He, the Word of God, Faithful and True!

The Alpha and the Omega! The beginning and the end!
But you cannot receive Him and deny Him entrance at the same time!

For he who denies Him in the company of men will find himself denied in the company of Angels.
You may not know that or understand that today. 
But you will.

You are the Father who has been placed in authority over us. 

We pose no danger to you whatsoever. But there is one you must fear and he is purely spiritual.
Power has been given to you for a time and for a season.

But as to whom your Father is?

Know this and mark it well.

It doesn't matter to what rank in the Church you have been raised. 

For every Catholic this remains true for all time:

The Church's infallible doctrines are those of Christ our Lord and Saviour.

He founded the Church and He is its Bridegroom and Lord.

Those who do not believe Jesus's Doctrine. do not believe in Jesus as God the Son.

If you will not submit yourself to the holy Teachings of God the Eternal Son and the Church which He has founded, Whose Teachings are His?

Then you do not believe in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit, you cannot receive.

And God the Eternal Father, your Father cannot be.

And the end of those who have will not have God for their Father is one of terror and endless torment, eternal anguish and the tremendous horror of separation from the happy company of 
the Lord Jesus Christ, His Blessed Mother and His Saints.

Do not let this be your fate!

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, of Most Holy Mary, St Joseph and all the Saints.

 I plead with you.

It is not too late to turn to the Lord!

You may think you have the upper hand over us, but it is not so.

For it is you who are surrounded!

 You think that your enemies are being purged but they are your friends.

Instead, you surround yourself with enemies of your immortal soul!

Your Eternal Salvation!

In the web of illusion and deceit you have spun, care you nothing for this?

For your own sake and for those in your care:

Reject the wiles of the Enemy who is Satan.

Do not allow him to ensnare you!

Beg the Lord to guide your ways!

We have petitioned you. 

We have written to you. 

We have sought your ear and you made it plain that you have no time for us. 

You have made it plain that you consider us beneath contempt.

But we love you! 

Why do we love you?

Because we take Jesus's Teachings seriously and we believe in Him!

And that is why we warn you! 

With one accord, may each one of us turn towards the Lord, rich in mercy and slow to anger because when He comes He will come in great power and might and His recompense He will bring with Him giving to each as their deeds deserve.

Come, Lord Jesus and deliver the people you purchased by your Royal, Precious Blood!

Jesus, I trust in Thee!
Fr Hesse: Is the Church Indefectible in her Sufferings?