Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Video of the Day- Canon Lawyer admits Opus Dei & Josemaria Escriva linked to Communism!

Video of the Day- Canon Lawyer (Fr. Hesse) admits Opus Dei & Josemaria Escriva linked to Communism! 
The speaker is Father Gregory Hesse, S.T.D., J.C.D. who was ordained in 1981 in St. Peter's Basilica. He held doctorates in both Thomistic theology and Canon Law. From 1986-88 he served as Secretary to Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican. He died of complications due to diabetes on Jan 25, 2006 (RIP). In this short clip, Fr. Hesse reveals some very damning information about the Opus Dei and their founder, Josemaria Escriva's connection to communism