Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Chinese Military Buildup on American Soil

The Chinese Military Buildup on American Soil

Dave Hodges 

Why did the Chinese call for gun control after Sandy Hook? Why did the Chinese hack into the VA and steal the names and addresses of 21 million veterans? Simple, they need to disarm America as much as possible before they invade.
As Steve Quayle and I have both reported, why are Chinese, under the cover of the UN, being spotted in Virginia, Texas and Arizona. Answer: They are are already here. The time is near.

The Chinese Build Up On American Soil

We already know that the United Nations is preparing to seize your guns. Will the Chinese military be the vanguard force in the effort to seize American guns? A very simple dot connecting exercise would suggest that will be the case.
Interestingly, in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook event, the Communist Chinese called for more strict controls over American guns. What? Why would the most repressive regime on the planet, the Communist Chinese, care about gun control in America? Because an emerging set of developments would indicate that the Chinese are going to be spearheading, along with the Russians, gun confiscation on American soil as part of an global martial law force. And since the Chinese military has such a heinous reputation, one can assume that they will be carrying out gun confiscation with extreme prejudice.
Alex Jones broke the following related story, on January 22, 2016:

The DoD/VA Records of 21 Million Veterans Have Been Hacked by the Chinese Military

I have been the beneficiary of four reports of various lengths and detail regarding the Chinese hacking all records related to 21 million veterans in the Veterans Administration.
An insider source states the DoD knows that the attacks are definitely of Chinese military origin. The stunning detail which captured my attention has to do with the fact that the INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF OVER 21 MILLION VETERANS HAVE BEEN ACCESSED.
I have good friends who are sitting on this information until some news aggregate source or reporter is willing to come forward. I received the first report almost 72 hours ago. I have decided to go forward with what I know.

The Original Report

Less than 72 hours ago, I was contacted by Paul Martin of Revolution Radio. Paul reported the hacking of the VA and said the Chinese were behind it. Within 30 minutes of Paul’s report, I was contacted by a colleague of Paul’s who had an identical story with the same message, same details and naming the Chinese military as the culprit. I am withholding the name of the second source, a person who I do know, because he has requested anonymity so he can maintain the open source of information. The source is a government employee with access to national security information.
At this point, I knew had a trail of smoke, however, I did not feel that there was enough data to come forward with this. I set about going from source to source and largely came up empty.
On Saturday morning I hit pay dirt. My best contact had an inside source contact me who had a great deal of this picture. The deep cover source stated that the Chinese military was behind the data hack of individual veterans records. The source also stated that the operating hypothesis was that the Chinese military wanted to know who to target first in a martial law takeover which had gun confiscation as a primary goal. Of course any invading force would seek to disarm veterans because they could form the backbone for any meaningful resistance effort. The source also stated that rogue elements of the DHS were believed to have provided the Chinese military with the back door necessary to access these records. The use of DHS as the treasonous conduit makes so much sense.
Doesn’t this remind you of the story related to the Bolshevik Revolution who ordered the soldiers of the former regime to turn in their guns and they would be left alone? Then as Russian veterans turned in their guns, they were executed.
Who will ever forget when it was revealed that the DHS had acquired 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition. Who were they preparing to fight? They certainly were not going to Afghanistan. And when one considered the DHS inspired MIAC Report, it was crystal clear that the new enemies of the state were now domestic instead of Middle Eastern (e.g. Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists, etc).

Irrefutable Proof: Chinese Are Here On American Soil

In 2013, I revealed that our potential military enemy, the Chinese, were invited to the 2013 Grid Ex Drills to participate in a drill which simulated an EMP take down of the American power grid. This treasonous action, orchestrated by Obama, gave the Chinese unbridled access to the knowledge of the American grid to such a degree, that they could carry out such an attack with a reasonable expectation of success. However, the presence of Chinese troops, with Obama’s approval at a highly secure national security event, is not the main story. The main story is that the Obama administration is allowing Chinese troops on American soil.
During the BLM/Bundy ranch affair back in 2014, it was clearly established through BLM documents and statements made by Nevada Senator, Harry Reid (NV-R) was complicit in the establishment of solar energy zones in which a Chinese front company was given US approval to run solar energy zones on American soil and the BLM lands were the main conduits for this activity. But wait, there’s more! Everyone of the Solar Energy Zones were near a major transportation corridor and a nearby military base (e.g. Nellis and Luke AFB). This was a very telling event, because if the American military ever needed to be subjugated, in preparation for foreign troop controlled martial law and gun confiscation, this was a brilliant plan. And now, with the Alex Jones revelation of a global martial law force, under the command of NATO, some of the BLM confrontations make more sense when we apply the lens of history and connect some known dots.
Prior to the Bundy Affair, I wrote these words in 2013, the year before the BLM standoff:
“The Chinese are on American soil for one reason, they are being integrated into an international “peacekeeping force”,  formerly known as the RIMPAC war games, which will eventually be controlled by the United Nations. This is where the formal integration of American-based Chinese military forces into an international “peace keeping force” will become official…. This will mark the first time that the communist regime, that is responsible for murdering more innocent people than any other country in human history…”
With regard to the original Bundy standoff at their ranch, I wrote in 2014, “I have come across a Bureau of Land Management Policy Manual which spells out what is happening to Bundy and why…” The whole Bundy Affair was about establishing a significant Chinese military presence on US soil.
Chinese Peacekeepers coming to collect on the debt.
Alex Jones, 48 hours ago, connected the final dot. As if this is not enough, please consider the following with regard to the intentions of the United Nations to seize American guns with extreme prejudice.
According to the UN’s own disarmament website“regional instrument that aims to curtail small arms ownership and illicit trafficking in Southern Africa along with the destruction of surplus state weapons. It is a far-reaching instrument, which goes beyond that of a politically binding declaration, providing the region with a legal basis upon which to deal with both the legal and the illicit trade in firearms.” The UN is calling for the use of foreign troops to seize guns in member countries. 
Red Dawn Chinese paratroopers?
We know now that the international global martial law force is headed up by NATO. However, the hired guns will be Chinese. Do remember when the remake of the movie Red Dawn was in the works and the D0D had a fit because the invading military force was Chinese? The movie producers acquiesced and changed the invading force to North Korean. I think the recent set of events put this move rewrite into perspective.
If anyone wants to read about how the Chinese military has been embedded, with Obama administration complicity, please read the article I wrote on April 13, 2014. In this article, I predicted what is happening today, simply because it was already in federal government documents.


It very likely that within the week, more revelations will begin to surface regarding the data breach of the veterans. It is important to remember that the VA stores data on gun ownership for individual veterans as the VA routinely sends out “surrender your guns letter” because you (the veteran) suffers from mental illness, usually PTSD.
It is also clear after reading this article, that the Chinese expect that the majority of veterans will be disarmed prior to their martial law occupation forces are brought into play. My advice to the veterans, you have all “lost” your guns and are not able to turn them in.

Warning to AmeriKa...Ret. General Special Forces