Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Planet X Incoming: Birth Pangs, August 2016 (VIDEO)

 Planet X Incoming: Birth Pangs, August 2016

While TV audiences were distracted by the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and the farcical build-up to the US presidential election, the relentless pace of increasing extreme weather events around the world continued in August. Among the trends in environmental upheaval in August, we observed...

A record-breaking number of tornadoes in the US for August
Another '1-in-1,000-year flood event', this time in Louisiana
A destructive earthquake in central Italy
The fastest comet ever recorded
Lots more lightning deaths, including an entire herd of reindeer in southern Norway
Three massive sinkholes opening up to swallow (and kill) people in China
Intense storms hitting many world capitals, including record rainfalls in Macedonia and Moscow
Raging wildfires across the western Mediterranean and western US

These were just some of the signs in August 2016...

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Planet X Incoming: Birth Pangs, August 2016