Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service - Here's Why Her 'Fainting' Video Really Scares Me"

"I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service - Here's Why Her 'Fainting' Video Really Scares Me"

Gary Byrne 

I protected First Lady Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, and their family while I served in the Secret Service Uniform Division as an officer from 1991-2003.
By now, you have most likely seen the startling video of Hillary Clinton ‘fainting.’ Through the lens of my 29-year-career in The Service, I can see what a naked-eyed media pundit cannot: There is something seriously wrong with Mrs. Clinton.

Pneumonia or overheating are highly suspect excuses and I’ll explain why.
My analysis is not partisan. I cared for and protected the Clintons for many years. It was my duty to guard Mrs. Clinton in the Secret Service and I was so close to the First Family that the Supreme Court subpoenaed me to testify on the details of Bill Clinton’s late-term scandals.
These are the facts.
Watch Clinton's Secret Service’s detail in the video. Their behavior is extremely professional and very telling. Each agent is to be commended.
At the beginning of the video, Hillary is with a protective detail of Secret Service agents, as well as two female staffers. One staffer stands very close at her back and another is shoulder-to-shoulder and arm-in-arm with Mrs. Clinton to give her balance and prop her up.

Mrs. Clinton leans against a “ballard,” the metal columns we use to stop incoming 5-ton vehicles, and “bicycle racks” (our nickname for the portable metal fences) to restrict pedestrian access to an area.
As the van pulls up, she has a rigid wavering posture. She awkwardly leans on the ballard and stares straight ahead with her neck craned and extended up as her body is supported at the side and rear by her staffers.
One agent gets the door, but no one moves to enter. The Secret Service doesn’t like to wait—standing still in the eyes of the Service is waiting for an attack to happen. But the staffer can’t move Mrs. Clinton. Anything that holds up a motorcade is extremely dangerous and anything that ties up a Secret Service agent’s hands from drawing their pistol or intervening a threat is a hazard.
The female agent at the front of the van is scanning. She sees Mrs. Clinton odd behavior as well. The female agent begins backing up to the entrance of the van to shield both sight and anyone approaching—as is procedure. She keys her mic signaling that the van is about to move. The agent is to be commended for maintaining her blank expression.

The agent who opened the door moves to take the place of the staffer and take Mrs. Clinton’s arm, but as they switch control, she nearly falls completely. The bald agent, who I believe is the shift leader, knows what is going on with Mrs. Clinton and - this oddity is very telling - crosses between her and her exit (the van door).

As Mrs. Clinton jerks back and forth and her legs fold, the bald agent takes her right arm. The staffer also tries to also grab underneath Mrs. Clinton’s armpits to lift Mrs. Clinton.
Close examination of Mrs. Clinton’s legs reveal her feet and legs have extended and are not holding her weight at all. The toes of her right foot drag and skid on the pavement.
* * *
Continued reading at the Independent Journal Review

Kentucky Governor Warns Patriots May Need to ‘Shed Blood’ if Clinton Gets Elected

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) said over the weekend that patriots may need to “shed blood” if Hillary Clinton is elected president.
Bevin, speaking at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., said he was asked recently if the country would ever be able to “survive” if the Democratic nominee gets elected. He acknowledged that, while some have said “no,” he does think the U.S. could “recover.”

“I do think it would be possible, but at what price?” Bevin said. “The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood. Of who? The tyrants, to be sure. But who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren.”
“I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically,” Bevin said, according to the Washington Post. “But that may, in fact, be the case.”
Asked later about his comments, Bevin said he was referring to the U.S. military shedding blood against radical Islamic terrorists overseas.
“We cannot be complacent about the determination of radical Islamic extremists to destroy our freedoms. Nor can we allow apathy and indifference to allow our culture to crumble from within. We need strong leadership at every level of government to defend our Constitution and our republic. We must fight to preserve the exceptionalism and the promise of America, because America is worth it,” Bevin said, the Lexington Herald Leader reported.