Thursday, August 18, 2016

TradCatKnight Mail....

TradCatKnight Mail....
Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox.  Be sure to invite your family, friends and church members to TradCatKnight, the #1 ranked traditional catholic website worldwide...


If anyone needs proof ...well, here ya go.

People always wonder what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.  Most people don't realize that it was found.  It was found by an archeologist Ron Wyatt.  Since then the government stepped in and has since covered over the entrance to the cave that is directly beneath Mt. Calvary and planted shrubs/landscape over it.  The government has suppressed this and I imagine the Jews wanted to suppress this also. It would show them that Jesus was the messiah. You and I both know they wouldn't want this getting out. 
Here's is the whole article about the excavation. I warn you that it is a very long article, but it is important to understand the history. Without understanding the history it is impossible to understand the fulfuillment.   It is just further proof that Jesus fulfilled all of the old testament prophecies and that even His blood flowed down from the cross through an earthquake fissure and dripped onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark. Understanding what this means is important as it is the sacrifice needed to free us from sin according to old testament sacrifices.

I encourage you to read it.  Here is the whole article.

Here's the link to the website:

 Video where he did DNA analysis on the blood that was on top of the Ark of the Covenant.

Please feel free to share this information.  I think your readers will find this fascinating.   If you don't have time to write a quick intro article pointing to the whole article/website let me know and I'll write one up.  You know I'm not the best writer but I am happy to help.

Older article. I know where you stand but truth is truth. What he says as a refute to Francis is perfect...and the teaching of the true Catholic church. 

Jenn C

 Here is another story of the apostasy in the Church

Regards, Gabriel A


I am in Maryland Carroll county I need a contact for me to join forces and info with please help....
Brian R.

TCK: You are in the right place!

The last stand.  Will you please send me a letter, info, pertaining to this stance taken. Eric after the last of my life's blood has drained out. Then I will know happiness. 
Gary C.

Like to know if I can help with something.   My life is different now no 
drinking, parting etc.  I have learned to deny myself and pick up my cross 
and follow.  I have no problem with that. 

Thanks, Richard S


All Mr. Vennari has to do is eat lima beans, organic apple seeds, and 
buckwheat, all organic of course!  Ask Bishop Williamson, as he wrote 
either the preface or the introduction to the history of the Church, (which 
I can no longer find on the SSPX loan library of a certain chapel!!!!) 
which contained a chapter on health.  Cancer is a white blood cell that 
eats diseased tissue and does not shut down and eats healthy tissue if 
vitamin B 17 is not found in the body.  He should also do a cleanse with 
raw foods, especially organic fruits and vegetables, fresh juiced, barley 
leaf powder or fresh wheat grass juice.  My father was given 3 months to 
live.  My mother turned the kitchen into a juice bar, grew wheat grass in 
the window, used a Champion juicer, and put him into remission in those 3 
months!  My father's medical doctor said, "Keep on doing what you are doing 
and do not tell me what you are doing, because I have no training in it".  
about-buckwheat, etc. are very high in vitamin B17 and Steve McQueen was 
too put into remission!  He went to another doctor out of vanity and died a 
few days later due to vanity!  If you want, contact me and I will tell you 
the story, which you can also find on-line.

Regards, Elise H 


So many people consistently misspell "Vatican II" referring to the council. 
It is and really was Viaticum II Council. And the grand old Lady, the 
Church, died shortly thereafter rather quietly relative to the loud noisy 
disputations that followed.

Regards, Bruno W 


Dear Mr. Gajewski,
     I guess the Satanists made the wrong assumption.
      They assumed that no one would defend Our Lord and Our Lady in face of their attacks yesterday, held on the Feast of the Assumption.
      Well, as this slide show will prove – they were dead wrong!
      Hundreds of devout Catholics flocked by bus, car, train and plane to stand together in solidarity against the powers of darkness and evil. The intense summer heat (92 degrees) didn’t stop anyone from coming. 
      As you scroll through this slideshow, you will feel your heart swell with pride in being a Catholic. In being counted among those who love Holy Mary enough to stand firm with her, knowing that you are on the side of she whose triumph has been foretold.
      You will see the young and the old, men and women, many families and members of the clergy holding their Rosaries up high – brandishing them as weapons in the face of Satan. 
      And if I’m not mistaken, somewhere back in a corner, you can even see him cowering in fear!
      Eric, sadly, at some point today, you may hear some bad news. By the time you get this email, it may have already happened.
      You may even be tempted to assume our side is losing the battle against evil.
      But I promise you that this slideshow will prove otherwise. 
      You won’t see this event through any other news outlet. The media seems to put a gag on goodness, as we both know.
      Even the registered sex offender, Adam Daniels, who promoted the sacrilegious event, admitted that he had assumed wrong: “When you have the whole Roman legion out there, how likely are they to come and buy tickets?”
      His Black Mass and the desecration of a statue of Mary were a total flop. Thanks be to God and His angels and His saints.
      And thanks be to you, dear friend of America Needs Fatima – for all of your prayers and sacrifices. And for never losing hope in her promise at Fatima that “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,
Robert E. Ritchie
Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
Part of the "Diabolic Disorientation" that Sr. Lucia spoke of ...
And it starts at the top!

Is There Room in the Catholic Church for Those Who Don’t Believe Islam is a Religion of Peace?

Sean M
Hello Sir,

I just wanted to say thanks for linking to Charles Coulombe's blogspot 
website under the monarchy link list on the right side of your page. But 
that link is now broken, because we took that page down, and put all of the 
articles on the Tumblar House website. The updated web page can be found 
here, where we link to all of Charles's videos and articles:

BTW, we recently started doing a new series of interviews with Charles. 
There is one particular episode segment on the SSPX that I think you'd 
enjoy thoroughly:

  If you ever have a question for Charles that you want me to ask him on the 
show, feel free to send it our way and I'll be sure to do so.

Thanks for your time.

Vincent Frankini
Tumblar House

Regards, Vincent Frankini


Yes indeed, that is always a good answer for sure.  And until Garabandal has full approval (assuming it is indeed valid), then it is always a bit tenuous to promote it.  Nevertheless, with the likes of Padre Pio, Fr. Pel and Mother Teresa as adherents, it's hard to ignore Garabandal -- or its prediction of a universal "illumination of conscience" that has been foretold by many saints and authentic mystics over the centuries.
I'll try to keep in touch if I come across anything else that I think might be of interest to you.  I worked very closely with Servant of God Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. many moons ago, so I have been at this for most of your lifetime most likely.  And there is a lot out there right now that is not in English...
Mary Catherine
Hi Trad,

I really like your radio show! I have a question, but I must admit up front that I am new to Catholicism, so please bare with me when I ask you this newbie question. What exactly is "Traditionalism"? Are you simply referring to the traditional Catholic faith? or something more?

Also, since I am new to this stuff, are there good books I can read as a beginner to know more? I grew up as a protestant, so that's my background.
Sorry to send you another email, but what I was saying is that Im trying to learn the basics of what you talk about on your show so I can undersyand more. Is there a good place to start for a beginner like me? For example, Im not sure what Vatican II is. I really want to learn more.  Kevin S.
TCK:  We will talk on the phone soon:)
The best argument yet for concealed carry: Milwaukee Black Lives Matter rioters target white people for extreme violence... the police can no longer protect you in America's race war -

Carole Marie

Hi Eric,
I am a regular viewer of your youtube channel and love watching your program.  I am wondering if you know where I could find or contact an independent/resistance priest and/or church to attend in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  I live in Mississauga Ontario (10-15 minute drive from Toronto).
Thank you so much.
Renata S
TCK:  Im not aware of any

New listener, love the news, God bless you and keep up the good fight , Greg

Good afternoon Eric, I'd like to say thank you very much for everything you do, may God Bless you and your apostolate. I am wondering what the other pay options are for donations, I'd like to send checks in the future? I know your very busy, please let me know when you can. Thank you, Andrew.

TCK:  For those interested in making CASH, CHECK or MONEY ORDER donations send me a private email attached "DONATIONS"

Pseudo Trad Ecumenism: "Catholic Identity Crisis"
Another "eat, meet, retreat" conference. These men have so much knowledge yet appear to be blind about the " cons n liar" sect of Vatican 2. I met Dr. Rao and have read several of his articles over the years and have learned much. We will continue to pray. Time is short,  it is decision making time. 
Salve Maria, Chris G

Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to for review