Friday, August 12, 2016

The Elite’s Plan B Emerges Due to Clinton’s Failing Health

The Elite’s Plan B Emerges Due to Clinton’s Failing Health

In addition those opposing Clinton are seemingly being killed...

Dave Hodges 

The Independent Media is abuzz with the apparent rapid decline of Hillary Clinton’s health. Yesterday, I spoke with two medical experts about Clinton and both agreed to let me interview them off the record.

The healthy Clinton, heavily medicated either with steroids and/or an amphetamine based medication.
The healthy Clinton, heavily medicated either with steroids and/or an amphetamine based medication.

Hillary-Clinton-frailty-640Both doctors said the same thing about Clinton’s health. Both felt a brain tumor was a distinct possibility and one said from what he’s seeing it is a probability. One of the doctors said it appears that she is highly medicated. In a soon-to-be-released interview, Dr. Ted Broer essentially said the same thing. One moment Clinton appears to be 50 years old and in good health and the next moment, she appears to be at death’s doorstep. Both doctors and Dr. Broer feel that this is the sign of someone who is heavily medicated, but the medication has limits in terms of how long the drugs can keep her on her feet.
Another possibility is brain cancer and if it is brain cancer and it is already impacting motor skills, she would have less than six months to live. We could also be seeing the end result of dementia and Alzheimer. However, for the signs to appear this rapidly and with such severity, I was told that attempts to cover it up would be very difficult at best. Both agreed that Clinton shows signs of being heavily medicated and the medication is now failing in the attempt to mask symptoms.
And, of course, there is the anecdotal, nonprofessional stories and observations of Clinton in which the same concerns are being voiced.

hillary diapers 1Is Hillary Clinton incontinent? She is increasingly hillary diapers 2seen as wearing excessively baggy clothes and some wonder if this is to hide diapers. Certainly, her recent dress is less than stylish. If Clinton is experiencing incontinence, the disorder, whatever it maybe, is having a global effect on her body. And her recent and apparent weight gain would speak to the use of steroids to mask the symptoms.

Although it is not possible to assign a definitive diagnosis based upon the following video, the apprehension and confusion is typical of dementia.

If Clinton does not make it to the election, from a health perspective, what will the criminal elite do? They have a Plan B and his name is Tim Kaine.

The Global Elite Plan B: Get Clinton Through the Inauguration and Pass Kaine the Mantle

Tim Kaine is a poor man’s representation of Hillary Clinton in terms of character, ethics and conduct on the job.
From Breitbart:
“How can you trust a candidate on national security who appoints a Hamas supporter to their immigration commission and speaks at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect?”
Breitbart clearly elucidates Kaine’s ties to radical Muslims who are a part of such organizations as the terrorist group, The Muslim Brotherhood. The details of Kaine’s ties to terrorist groups can be found here.
Like Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine takes from the people that he serves. Hillary Clinton’s running mate, VP candidate, Tim Kaine, reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, while serving as both the Lieutenant Governor and Governor, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences, according to disclosures compiled by the Virginia Public Access Project.

Congressman Wolf, brave enough to take on child sex trafficking in Fairfax County Virginia which is right next door to Washington DC.
Congressman Wolf, brave enough to take on child sex trafficking in Fairfax County Virginia, which is right next door to Washington DC. He mysteriously did not seek re-election following his public proclamation of sex trafficking in his district. Maybe we should ask Tim Kaine why Wolf did not run for re-election.
Child sex trafficking is rampant in Virginia. I have written about this. days after federal authorities busted a “possible human trafficking” ring at a Saudi diplomatic compound in Virginia, state lawmakers and law enforcement officials warned that the Old Dominion is becoming a sanctuary for sex traffickers. At the forefront of the investigation was former Congressman Frank Wolf. In the above-referenced article, I had six links to Wolf’s references to sex trafficking. His congressional website was replete with information on the subject as well. All six links have been removed. However, there are remnants of Wolf’s involvement. Interestingly, the year after I published the report, Wolf did not seek re-election despite his popularity in Virginia’s 10th District. Why? Who got to him? And isn’t it interesting that Kaine’s administration received public criticsm on appointing, just like Obama, people with obvious links to key positions in his administration, according to Politico, as nearly” 80 Northern Virginia establishments have been identified as operating illicit sex rings that enslave mostly young American girls, forcing them to engage in sexual acts for money, Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) and state law enforcement officials told a crowd of some 50 concerned residents during a town hall forum (in) McLean, Va.”

 Kaine is in good company with regard to his similarities to Clinton.

It is apparent that the elite are just trying to get Clinton through the inaugaration process  and they will still have their sock puppet in Tim Kaine, who will back the same initiatives. And Kaine has proven that he is unethical enough to betray his country in the same manner as Clinton and Obama.

Hillary Clinton's VP Pick Tim Kaine Is As Corrupt As Her

Clinton Body Count +5 in Just 6 Weeks