Monday, August 22, 2016

Suor Cristina brings nightclub atmosphere to WYD-2016

Suor Cristina brings nightclub atmosphere to WYD-2016


I have seen enough of this "Sister" to make the statement... "she is a NWO plant"

Suor Cristina brings nightclub atmosphere to WYD-2016

Besides her other music-shows performed in Krakow following a Protestant mode, Suor Cristina Succia took advantage of her stay at the WYD-2016 to perform for the youth in a discotheque atmosphere. 

Although the lyrics of the music were not particularly censurable, the whole show was intended to send the message to youth that there is nothing wrong with going to nightclubs and rock shows.

However, people go to these clubs not to practice the virtue of chastity, but rather to look for means to violate it. Thus, what Cristina did, with the full approval of the religious authorities, was to give another "blessing" by the Conciliar Church to the immoral customs of the world.

Suor Cristina in Krakow -2


Sister Cristina in Krakow WYD
