Saturday, August 13, 2016

Signs of the Times (August 13th, 2016)

 Signs of the Times (August 13th, 2016)

Sex-change men to give birth on NHS… with three British men born female already ‘on brink’ of having babies

WARNING: Sensitive Material

Here is the latest madness coming from the modern world.  Who can argue at this point we are on the verge of the great chastisements foretold at Fatima?

If you aren’t convinced that we are in the same parallel as the “Days of Lot” this story should definitely help convince you! A new report is indicating that Women having sex changes on the NHS are being given free fertility treatment so they can have babies after they become men.  At least three British men who were born female are ‘on the brink’ of becoming parents using IVF techniques, according to a top doctor. 

Excerpt From Daily Mail:
And dozens more are now having their eggs frozen at NHS clinics before undergoing surgery or hormone therapy to switch sex. The controversial treatment means that a British transgender man could soon become a parent – all funded by the taxpayer. In rare circumstances, the man could become pregnant and give birth, although the vast majority of cases would involve implanting an embryo into a surrogate mother, often the man’s partner.

Women having sex changes on the NHS are also receiving free IVF 



Woman tells police she was RAPED by a Pokemon Go character after she felt an ‘assault’... and the virtual reality game detected the creature in her bedroom

  • The woman said she woke up to find a Pokemon on top of her in bed 
  • She had been playing the popular game in her home before she slept 
  • Police dismissed her claims and told her to seek psychiatric help
  • Pokemon Go was downloaded 15 million times in its first week in the US 
  • Players use GPS to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures 

Police say a young woman has lodged a formal complaint that she has been raped - by a Pokemon.  
She told officers that she had been sexually assaulted by a giant Pokemon in her apartment in the Russian capital city of Moscow.
The married woman, whose name has not been released, had reportedly been playing Pokemon GO before she fell asleep.
She claimed that she woke up to find a huge Pokemon lying on top of her body and says it was raping her.

The woman says the Pokemon disappeared when she jumped out of bed - but says the Pokemon GO app on her phone could still detect the same virtual character's presence on her bed.
She woke up her husband to tell her what had happened who told police officers that he did not believe her and told her to see a psychiatrist.
Russian news website Bloknot reports that the police did not believe her either and that the woman then went to see a psychic who was unable to help her.
Ivan Makarov, the woman's friend, said: "She says there are too many Pokemon at her place and even the dog can sense them. She says the dog barks whenever she plays Pokemon GO."
Mr Makarov said that his friend had eventually accepted her husband's advice, in desperation, and had booked an appointment with a psychiatrist.
Pokemon GO, a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game for iOS and Android devices, has become a huge craze since it launched in July 2016.
Players use GPS to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokemon, who appear on screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player.



North Carolina School District Says Children Shouldn’t Be Called Boys or Girls

Welcome to 2016 where boys are no longer boys and girls are no longer girls! At least that’s what’s being proposed anyway.  According to a new report from CBN, A school district in North Carolina is recommending its principals and counselors to no longer use the terms “boy or girl”, but instead “scholar or student”. The agenda is to eventually Eliminate the traditional gender references and is just one policy included in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district’s new anti-bullying prevention rules. 
Excerpt From CBN News:
The district also plans to allow transgender students to use pronouns, names, restrooms and locker rooms based on the gender they identify with. The plans were announced in June, but a court ruling last week forced them to hold off with bathrooms and locker rooms.In a Facebook post, Franklin Graham accused the school district’s use of a “gender unicorn” to “grab the imagination of children and make this seem acceptable.”

Texas mom fights for 4-year-old transgender daughter’s rights

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Well, here we go! The state of Texas heads to court on Friday to defend its bid to block the Obama administration’s recent guidance that said public schools should allow transgender students to use restrooms according to their gender identity. But the Lawmakers are now getting back up because It’s not just the lawmakers who are fighting over the issue — it’s the apparently some of the residents, including a 4-year-old girl and her mother in Pearland. 
Excerpt From WFAA8ABC:
As soon as she could, Kai Shappley gravitated towards dresses and dolls. But even though she was born a boy named Joseph Paul, she made it clear what she identified as. “By age 3, she was verbalizing, ‘I’m a girl, you know I’m a girl,’,” said Kimberly Shappley, Kai’s mother. At first, it was a huge hurdle for Kimberly, a devout Christian. She admitted to a period of punishment towards Kai, until the child’s behavior proved traumatic.

Other Parent of the Year Award Recepients:

New Jersey Lesbian Couples Suing for Insurance to Cover Their ‘Infertility’

A report is indicating that a pair of lesbian couples is suing the state of New Jersey to get insurance coverage for their artificial insemination operations.  The couples Erin and Marianne Krupa and Sarah Mills and her partner Gloria Torres reportedly filed suit earlier this month against the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Richard Badolato.
Excerpt From Christian Post:
“This civil rights case is about family and the right of all New Jersey women who dream of becoming mothers to access the reproductive health care they need to realize that dream on an equal basis, regardless of their sexual orientation,” reads the lawsuit. “Although New Jersey mandates that insurance plans operating in the state cover medically necessary expenses incurred in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, this mandate, in relevant part, defines infertility as an inability to conceive despite engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse with a male partner for either one or two years, depending on a woman’s age.”

Mother, 36, and son, 19, Fall In Love After First Kiss

Another day another bizarre story.  As we get close to the coming of the Lord we can expect more stories like this to be deemed as a part of a “Normal” society and those who oppose it will be considered bigots and hate mongers. A report is coming out of a mother and son whose forbidden love affair could land them each a lengthy jail sentence have declared they are ‘madly in love’ and nothing will tear them apart. Monica Mares, 36, and her son Caleb Peterson, 19, face up to 18 months in prison if found guilty of incest at a trial later this year in New Mexico. But the mother and son couple have vowed to fight for their right to have a sexual relationship and are appealing to the public to donate to their legal fund. 
In an exclusive individual interview with Daily Mail Online, they told how they are willing to risk everything to be together – and have decided to go public with their affair in a bid to raise awareness of Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) relationships. GSA is defined as sexual attraction between close relatives, such as siblings or half-siblings, a parent and offspring, or first and second cousins, who first meet as adults. Mares said: ‘He is the love of my life and I don’t want to lose him.My kids love him, my whole family does. Nothing can come between us not courts, or jail, nothing. FULL STORY

Schools Push For New Identities For Boys and Girls

Are you aware that Public Schools are pushing for a plan to re-identify your boy or girl? One example of this was a report that came out last week from Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board that appears to be acting on Obama’s high-pressured, open bathroom initiative and taking it to its full measure!  This Charlotte school has just introduced “The Gender Unicorn.” which is the Charlotte school system’s new teacher’s assistant. His mission is to help our children explore and discover who they “go to bed as,” and who they like to “go to bed with.”
It appears the agenda is to capture the imagination of children and indoctrinate –and even intimidate – them in participating in the sexual revolution that has flooded society and even made it’s way into the Church as well. Even more ridiculous is the gender symbol that is placed over its private area. This madness doesn’t stop here because the purple unicorn was accompanied by an entire CMS Training presentation, where parent’s rights, teacher’s classroom gender references, and even school activities have been completely redefined. According to the report the NC Values Coalition highlighted a few points you, and I should be aware of:
Excerpt From WND:
1) Parental involvement dependent on student’s permission: “Involvement of parents in the plan is determined in working with the student, considering the student’s age and health, wellbeing and safety concerns” (Page 34).
2) Students can choose their bathrooms and changing facilities: “Students must have access to the restroom/changing facilities that correspond to their gender identity” (Page 42).
3) CMS will remove some gender-based activities: “CMS will evaluate all gender-based activities; maintain only those that have clear and sound pedagogical purpose” (Page 46).
4) Students can choose their gender-based activities (intramural sports, dress codes, classes, ceremonies, photos, extracurricular activities, etc.). This includes choosing which gender they participate with during overnight field trips: “Students are permitted to participate in gender-based activities consistent with their gender identity” (Page 46).
5) Students shall not be referred to as “boys and girls” in classrooms, but “scholars” or “students”: “Avoid gender-specific classroom management techniques” (Page 46).

Barney approved? 


New Jersey Bill will ban motorists from drinking coffee and driving

Well if you live in New Jersey and plan on driving and drinking coffee you may be facing fines soon. That’s because the state is considering banning drivers in the state from having a cup of coffee behind the wheel.  According to a report this bill which is under consideration in the state Legislature calls to prohibit “any activity unrelated to the actual operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle on a public road or highway.” That means no cup of coffee for those sitting in traffic, no munching on that breakfast burrito, no time to groom. (No, the law does not target coffee verbatim.)
Excerpt From USA Today:
The bill is meant to target distracted driving, which plays a role in thousands of fatal crashes in the state each year. At least 3,179 fatal crashes were attributed to distracted driving in 2014, according to the state’s Division of Highway Traffic Safety website. Distracted driving played a role in nearly 800,000 crashes between 2010 and 2014.


August Has Officially Become “Muslim Appreciation” and Awareness Month

The California State Assembly recently voted to officially recognize only one religious group in an effort of awareness and appreciation for the entire month of August and take a guess which one it was.
On Monday the state passed a resolution naming August 2016 as “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month.” The local NBC affiliate reports: Consequently, this resolution conveniently comes at a time of increased anti-Muslim rhetoric, according to a recent civil rights report compiled by the California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The report indicates that HR-59, introduced by California Assembly member Bill Quirk in June after Quirk was approached by a community activist on the issue, was officially passed Aug. 1 with bipartisan support. READ MORE 

DAYS OF NOAH! Government Lifts Ban On Creation Of Half-Human / Half-Animal Hybrids

Unbelievable! The federal government is planning to lift a ban on funding for research studying the effects of injecting animal embryos with human stem cells, creating half-human-half-animal hybrids. Again we are witnessing and amazing parallel. In the Bible, it tells us of a time in Genesis Chapter Six when Angels had sexual relations with the women of the Earth producing a Half-Human Half-Angel Hybrid that was referred to as “Giants.”
Excerpt From The Washington Times: The National Institutes of Health policy would allow federal funding to go toward research creating human-animal embryos known as “chimeras.” Carrie D. Wolinetz, NIH’s associate director for science, announced Thursday in a blog post that the agency is requesting public comment on expanding funding for such research, signaling the end of a moratorium on the experimentation. Ms. Wolinetz said development of “these types of human-animal organism … holds tremendous potential for disease modeling, drug testing, and perhaps eventual organ transplant.”

  When is that Comet coming again?