Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Quote of the Day- Archbishop Lefebvre, Indult Masses....

Quote of the Day- Archbishop Lefebvre, Indult Masses....
Dear Father Couture,       
     I am responding immediately to your kind letter which I received yesterday at SaintMichel, to tell you what I think about those priests who have received a “celebret” from the Roman Commission charged with dividing and destroying us.
     It is evident that by putting themselves in the hands of the current conciliar authorities, they are implicitly accepting the Council and the ensuing reforms, even if they have received some privileges which remain exceptional and provisory.      
     Their speech is paralyzed because of this acceptance. The bishops are watching them! It is very regrettable that these priests are not aware of this reality. But we cannot fool the faithful.      
     The same may be said regarding these “traditional Masses” organized by the dioceses. They are celebrated between two Conciliar Masses. The celebrating priest says the New as well as the Old. How, and by whom is Holy Communion distributed? What will the sermon be? etc.
     These Masses are scams which lead the faithful to compromise their principles! Many have already abandoned them.      
     What must change is their Liberal and Modernist Doctrine. We must arm ourselves with patience and pray. God’s hour will come.      
     God’s blessings to you on this holy feast of Easter. Best regards to you in Christ and Mary.