Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Prayers: John Vennari Cancer Prognosis (UPDATED)

Prayers:  John Vennari Cancer Prognosis
This was forwarded to me today by a follower of TradCatKnight.  Please keep this intention in your prayers...

From John Vennari

On August 11 I received a grave prognosis. I have a cancerous tumor in my colon and the cancer has spread to the diertinium.

The only thing the cancer institute offers is chemotherapy. And even this is not something that will cure, but only contain it for a time.

I am now pursuing alternative/natural means under the guidance of competence medical personnel – one being an MD.

I only mention this now because the news was sent out prematurely by a well-meaning individual who circulated a private email on the topic. I had intended this news to remain private for the moment.

In any case, as time goes on, I will reveal more.

The case is very serious. I am keeping busy and staying upbeat.

Saint Philomena has featured heavily in this drama in a manner I will perhaps describe in the future (look at the date of prognosis, the feast of St. Philomena).

My family is making a novena to both Our Lady of Good Success and Saint Philomena.

Please, please, remember my condition in your prayers.

Thank you

John Vennari

See also