Sunday, August 14, 2016

Nancy Pelosi: We Need to Fund Planned Parenthood to Stop Zika, “It’s for the Babies”

Nancy Pelosi: We Need to Fund Planned Parenthood to Stop Zika, “It’s for the Babies”

Steve Ertelt 

Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi is no stranger to odd and ironic comments when it comes to abortion. Now, she is at it again.

This time, Pelosi said Congress should direct taxpayer funds to the Planned Parenthood abortion business to supposedly help stop the Zika virus. She said it should be done “for the babies” even though Planned Parenthood aborts over 300,000 babies each and every year.

Here’s more from CNS News:
At a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the Zika virus threat is “all about babies.”
“The Zika in the Southern part of our country is in our country, and because it hasn’t hit home in [a Republican’s] district, doesn’t mean that it isn’t hitting home for the American people,” Pelosi said. “You know how I am about babies and this is about babies. I just can’t understand it.”
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Earlier in Thursday’s press conference Pelosi mentioned the Republicans’ opposition to money for contraceptives in the Zika funding bill, specifically funding for Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood wants to get its hands on more taxpayer funding by exploiting the Zika virus scare. And on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton came to the abortion group’s aid.
For months, Democrats have been calling for immediate aid to combat the virus; but in May, they shifted positions and began blocking a $1.1 billion aid bill because of a minor provision that prohibits funding to a few non-essential Planned Parenthood facilities in Puerto Rico.
A growing international health scare, Zika has been linked to birth defects in newborns, one being microcephaly, a brain disorder that is not typically fatal but can cause health problems throughout the child’s life. Abortion advocates have been using the link as an excuse to push for more abortions on babies with disabilities. Some pro-abortion groups even have been scaring women into aborting their unborn babies without knowing if they have Zika or if their unborn baby has a disability.
Last week, the Centers for Disease Control reported knowing of at least 479 pregnant women who have been infected with Zika in the U.S. Six of the women’s unborn babies died in miscarriages or abortions, while 15 others were born with birth defects, the CDC reports. Experts predict that southern states in the U.S. will see more cases this summer.

Hillary Clinton’s Pro-Abortion Extremism, in Her Own Words, in Just 57 Seconds

I write for a living, but I thoroughly understand the power of visuals—to educate, to motive, and often to enchant. And to terrify.

A couple of days ago Gary Bauer’s American Values Action PAC released a YouTube video that in a mere 57 seconds encapsulates why Hillary Clinton is (by anyone’s definition not on the abortion industry’s payroll) an abortion extremist. These are Clinton’s own words and they are not taken out of context.
Watch it at
Of course there are many dimensions to the multi-layered Clinton abortion agenda that are not addressed, but the four items the You Tube video highlight will make your blood run cold.
#1. Expanding taxpayer funding for abortion, specifically for Planned Parenthood. And Clinton has forthrightly called for the end to the Hyde Amendment, which would put you and I back in the business of taxpayer funded abortions and increase by hundreds of thousands the number of dead babies.
#2. “Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” This is even more ominous than it sounds; Democrats are not big believers in freedom of conscience or religion. These are remarks from a speech Clinton delivered this year to the “Women in The World Summit” in New York City. In context the message was impossible to miss: to bring real “reproductive health care” to the ends of the earth (Hillary and Bill Clinton are anti-life missionaries), a lot that means a great deal to billions of people must be jettisoned. And you don’t change what Clinton labeled “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases” with pleasantries. You do so coercively, with the power of the state.
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#3. Unborn babies have no constitutional rights whatsoever, up to and including “just hours before delivery.”
#4. A pledge to appoint to the Supreme Court only people “who believe that Roe v. Wade is settled law.”
There is no way to exaggerate the level of Clinton’s commitment to multiplying the number of dead babies at home and aboard.
Listen to her. She is not hiding it.

Woman Holds Euthanasia Party Before Killing Herself in an Assisted Suicide

A woman in California held a euthanasia party celebrating her decision to take her own life before becoming one of the first people under California’s assisted suicide law to kill herself with a lethal cocktail. The party is upsetting to pro-life advocates who see it as a celebrating of death as a solution for those who are considered by society to be too old or too ill.

Here’s more:
In early July, Betsy Davis emailed her closest friends and relatives to invite them to a two-day party, telling them: “These circumstances are unlike any party you have attended before, requiring emotional stamina, centeredness and openness.”
And just one rule: No crying in front of her.
The 41-year-old artist with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, held the gathering to say goodbye before becoming one of the first Californians to take a lethal dose of drugs under the state’s new doctor-assisted suicide law for the terminally ill.
“For me and everyone who was invited, it was very challenging to consider, but there was no question that we would be there for her,” said Niels Alpert, a cinematographer from New York City.
“The idea to go and spend a beautiful weekend that culminates in their suicide — that is not a normal thing, not a normal, everyday occurrence. In the background of the lovely fun, smiles and laughter that we had that weekend was the knowledge of what was coming.”
More than 30 people came to the party at a home with a wraparound porch in the picturesque Southern California mountain town of Ojai, flying in from New York, Chicago and across California.
Promoting assisted suicide has very real concerns, as the report warned.
Opponents of the law warn it could become a way out for people who are uninsured or fearful of high medical bills.
Marilyn Golden of the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, said her heart goes out to anyone dealing with a terminal illness, but “there are still millions of people in California threatened by the danger of this law.”
The West Coast state became the fourth in the U.S. to legalize deadly doctor-prescribed suicides in October, following Oregon, Washington and Vermont. Euthanasia advocates pushed for the legislation by using the tragic story of Brittany Maynard, a young woman who had terminal brain cancer. A California native, Maynard moved to Oregon where she committed doctor-prescribed suicide in November 2014.
The California bill is modeled after Oregon, which, in 1994, became the first state in the nation to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide. The deadly procedure involves a doctor prescribing a lethal dose of medication to an adult patient who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Proponents argue that such laws are necessary to provide “compassionate aid in dying for terminally ill patients” and point to safeguards similar to Oregon, but the rhetoric obfuscates the real truth.
Disability rights groups, many in the medical community, pro-lifers and others are upset by the new law because of the potential for horrendous abuses of human life. One of their concerns is that doctors are not required to be present when the patient takes the deadly medicine; therefore, there is no way of knowing whether the person is taking the medicine of their own free will.
Carol Tobias of National Right to Life previously pointed out that the law “shows a blatant disregard for the lives of California’s medically vulnerable citizens and sends a message to these citizens that their lives are less worthy to be lived.”
“It is a well-established fact that nearly every terminally ill patient who desires death is suffering from treatable depression,” Tobias said. “In Oregon, fewer than 6% of patients have been referred for psychiatric evaluation before obtaining life-ending drugs.”
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The California law requires that patients be mentally competent to be approved for doctor-prescribed suicide; however, psychiatric evaluations are not required.
Profit-driven motives of families, doctors, insurance companies and the state also are concerns. Assisted suicide is cheaper than many medical treatments for the terminally ill and disabled. In Oregon, there have been several cases of cancer patients being pushed toward assisted suicide because it was cheaper than the medical treatment they needed.
At least one California doctor is planning to make a business of helping people commit suicide. The Mercury News reports Dr. Lonny Shavelson is ready to welcome assisted suicide patients to his Bay Area office on Thursday. His new office is focused solely on “helping” patients kill themselves through the new law, according to the report.
Disability rights advocate Marilyn Golden said Shavelson’s new practice is alarming. She told the newspaper that the law puts the poor, the elderly and others at risk of coercion and abuse.
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“How dogged are they (doctors) going to be in their pursuit of solutions that address the patient’s underlying reasons for requesting death?” Golden said. “If they go all the way to the nth degree of assisting that person, that’s terrific. But it’s worrisome to see people advertising themselves for this, unless they plan on talking everybody out of it by getting them services.”
Euthanasia advocates already are dropping hints about forcing Catholic hospitals to comply with the deadly new law in the name of “access” to “end of life options.” According to the Religion News Service:
The next step, said Matt Whitaker, Compassion & Choices state director for Oregon and California, is to ensure access in a state where the two largest faith-based health care systems, Catholic hospitals and Adventist Care hospitals, have announced they will not participate.
Other large California systems, such as Kaiser Permanente and the Sutter Medical Foundation, the two largest HMOs in the state, are setting up procedures for doctors who say they are willing to aid patients seeking this option.
The law currently has conscience and religious exceptions for medical professionals who are morally opposed to assisted suicide. However, future measures forcing hospitals to offer or refer patients for assisted suicide are plausible. California recently began forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortions.
Ironically, the bill was passed during a special session of the California State Legislature, which was originally called to address cost savings for the state’s MediCal program. Indeed, there are many who would see doctor-prescribed suicide as a “cost-savings” measure. Writing about the bill’s passage in The New York Times, Ian Lovett included an observation by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, director of the medical ethics program at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine:
…[Kheriaty] said that low-income and underinsured patients would inevitably feel pressure to end their own lives in some cases, when the cost of continued treatment would be astronomical compared with the cost of a few lethal pills.
