Sunday, August 7, 2016

Meanwhile in Pseudo-TradLand: Fr. Z loves the Pagan Olympics!

Meanwhile in Pseudo-TradLand;  
Fr. Z loves the Pagan Olympics!
It is all good in Novus Ordo land.  These heretics must be avoided folks and prayed for... 
I am amazed by "the following" this Novus Ordite still has.  He apparently doesn't realize the Olympics are pagan he also doesn't understand he probably shouldn't be showing immodest least without warning.  Never mind all the new age/new world order propaganda coming from the opening ceremonies!  Lets get to some immodest women playing sports!  Oh these Novus Ordites never cease to amaze me.

From His website:

Olympics Day 1: Variety!

I have four monitors going, so I opened up several streams as I worked.  Also, the DVR helped me to catch a few events without the commercials.
I was a bit surprised at how difficult and technical the cycling course is.  The commentators (who also announced the Tour de France) were remarking on how hard and dangerous parts of it were, particularly the downhill stretches in rainforest (= wet roads).  Sure enough there were a bunch of nasty crashes in descents which blew away some major figures.  Too bad.
Team handball… very cool.
Epee… one of my weapons along with sabre.
Field hockey… oh well.
Volleyball is great.  It was fun to play and it’s fun to watch.  I don’t care much about the beach thing, but the court version is great, either male or female.
I also saw some of the swimming prelims.
A highlight of the morning was seeing the young lady from these USA win the large bore air rifle medal.  Apparently the bullseye isn’t much bigger than a pencil point.  Remarkable concentration and discipline.
Following the events with DVR and on-demand stream and highlights has really made it easy and more time-efficient.

  Apparently he will be giving day by day recaps wilst we remain in the worst crisis is church history.  O' the excitement...

Yes these are the same heretics saying we are outside the Church...sums it up well