Thursday, August 18, 2016

Latest Endtime Briefings & Church News Summary (August 18, 2016)

Latest Endtime Briefings & Church News Summary  (August 18, 2016)
Church NEWS Summary 8/18/16  
North Korea shrinks warning time for nuclear attack on America  
Putin places 40,000 troops and armoured vehicles along the border  
Three out of five Texans who support Trump want secession if Hillary becomes president  
 Here is the latest endtime briefings as well as the latest Church news Summary for August 18, 2016.  Be sure to spread word of TradCatKnight to your friends and family.  We are a one stop shop for all the latest Church and endtime news stories.
Church NEWS Summary 8/18/16  

North Korea shrinks warning time for nuclear attack on America  
Putin places 40,000 troops and armoured vehicles along the border
Three out of five Texans who support Trump want secession if Hillary becomes president