Thursday, August 25, 2016

Giant Fraud Economy Crashes Before End of 2016

Giant Fraud Economy Crashes Before End of 2016 


Trends forecaster Gerald Celente has been predicting a financial panic in 2016. How close are we?  Celente says, “I believe we are very near an inflection point coming up very soon. . . . I would have thought this would have happened back in 2012; however, there has never been such a thing as quantitative easing.  There has never been such a thing as zero interest rate policy and negative interest rate policy.  We make forecasts based on information that used to be, but now we have things that never were.  . . . I was never taught that central banks could take over the economy as it is now.  This is not capitalism.  Capitalism is dead–it’s now bankism.  The only thing that is keeping this up is a giant fraud.  October is usually the killer month. . . . I believe the crash will happen before the end of the year, and it almost happened with Brexit.

Celente also predicts, “All this cheap money is building bigger bubbles. When this bubble bursts, it will be the worst one in modern history.  It will be far worse than the crash of 1929 because this is truly global, and it’s truly inflated with fake money.  It’s backed by nothing.  It’s printed on nothing.  It’s digital zeros.”
On gold, Celente says, “Why would I want cheap money that is being devalued and backed by nothing? The way we see it is if the Fed raises rates at all, it will be after the election.  Go back to last December.  The Fed said they would raise rates four times in 2016.  Here it is in the third quarter, and the Fed has not raised rates once . . . The world cannot take more expensive money.  You can only keep Ponzi alive with cheap dough.  That’s why we think gold is going to spike when it goes well over $1,400 (per ounce).  We believe it’s going to spike to $2,000 per ounce, and it’s going to be a quick hit up.  Nothing goes straight up, of course.  When you adjust gold for inflation, gold never hit the peak that it hit when it hit $850 in 1980.”
On the 2016 election, a surprising turn around for Trump. Celente explains, “We now forecast Trump will win.  First, we had Clinton.  Trump is his own worst enemy. . . . What’s going to determine the election, we believe, is the debates.  These debates will determine it more than they did with Kennedy and Nixon.  You are going to see viewer turnout on this break records, maybe even Super Bowl records.  It’s going to come down to the debates if Trump doesn’t destroy himself and/or there is not a wild card event.  In the absence of that, Trump has a shot at winning this.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Gerald Celente, Publisher of The Trends Journal.
(There is much more in the video interview.)


The Crash of the Millennium: A Controlled Demolition That Can Be Averted Only By….

2016 is the Year
When the Super Shemitah
Intersects the Year of the Fire Monkey,
While Pluto Cruises Through Capricorn
During the Catholic ‘Jubilee Year of Mercy’,
And the Global Economic and Financial System Will
Undergo a Foreordained and Epochal Transformation


Will the October Surprise of 2016 Come Early?

indicate a coming Market Crash to end all Crashes

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
There comes a time when the can can no longer be kicked down the road.  There is no more stretch of road … and only a cliff in front of the can.
Those who operate at the very peak of the Global Economic and Financial System (GE&FS) are fully aware that each day brings the world one step closer to an unparalleled “financial Apocalypse and economic Armageddon”[1]  Because of the certain inevitability, the same folks know that they must preclude such a disorderly default on the global debt burden, otherwise the ensuing monetary meltdown and fiscal chaos will cause [EXTREMELY] serious breakdown throughout the entire community of nations.
Given the current trajectories that have been tracking in every major market — equities and bonds, commodities and currencies, derivatives and carbon, real estate and insurance — the controllers are now compelled to engineer a controlled demolition, just as they did during September and October of 2008.  However, such a fastidiously executed collapse will surely set the world up for an unprecedented crisis of epic proportions.  Economist Ravi Batra has called it “The Crash of the Millennium”.
What is different about the 2016/2017 time frame is that there is a mathematical certainty to it all.  In other words the gold price manipulators can only artificially suppress the price of gold for so long before gold backwardation causes the market pricing to lose all credibility and fall apart. Ditto that for silver and some other precious metals.  Likewise, those who forever jerk up the stock market via one Sucker’s Rally after another can only get away with this massive fraud for so long.  The entire investment banking industry is now hip to the daily rigging of the markets that has gone on for as long as there have been markets.
The FIX is in for the Biggest Sucker’s Rally of all Time

2nd Great Depression = Ongoing 2008 Recession

The marketplace has been witnessing daily a deepening recession that no one except the fringe folks will label a worsening depression.  Not only has there been very little year over year real growth taking place across all industries, corporate stock buybacks have become the new normal as a means of keeping stock prices elevated in a distorted manner.  The price earnings ratio (P/E) is now as meaningless as the return on investment (ROI).
We actually live in a time when the more bad news that is reported on the economic front and financial sphere, the higher the stock market goes.  Likewise, the more political instability and social unrest, the more the government intervenes with their plunge protection team sending the various markets higher and higher.  All the economic indicators and financial markers are moving in a downward direction yet, counterintuitively, the bulls continue to trample the bears on Wall Street.  For instance today the DJIA sits at 18,552.  That’s only 47 points lower than the all-time high of 18,595 set on July 20,2016. And it sits there for no good reason, except that it was fabricated by those who rule the realm.
The truth be told all the most significant technicals and accurate economic data reveal a global economy on life support.  Those banks that are too big to fail cannot fail because of the domino effect that would be triggered worldwide.  Hence, the “Masters of the Financial Universe” (MOTFU) are now in a real pickle.  Actually, they are in extremely dangerous territory without a clue as to how to fix it all because it is truly unfixable.  Yet they have refused to let it self destruct … and for very good reason—life on planet Earth would become intolerably more difficult than it already is.
The banking industry and investment brokers know that even a controlled demolition carries great risks at this point.  Because of how long they kept the whole God-forsaken system going with smoke and mirrors, the MOTFU know that they sit right between a rock and a hard place with very little wiggle room that is also disappearing by the day.
As for the macrocosmic predicament both economic and financial, here’s how one essay put it right after the ’08 crash.  Given that 8 more years have since gone by, it ought to be clear that the planetary civilization is now just a few moments from midnight.
“The global money matrix, worldwide financial architecture and planetary economic landscape most closely resemble the proverbial House of Cards in the form of a Pyramid-Ponzi scheme superstructure built on quicksand.”
(Source: Economic Armageddon and Financial Apocalypse Are Upon Us)

What’s really going on here?

Everything that has been unfolding in 2016 is doing so according to a cosmic plan the details of which are written in the stars.  The rather long sub-title of this article plainly spells out the various yearlong events of great import that have converged almost perfectly in 2016.  Obviously this is not happening by mere coincidence.  It is occurring by divine decree.  Therefore, those who think they run the GE&FS are mere agents of the Highest Power the very same way that a CIA agent really does the bidding of a hidden authority far above his pay grade.
Of course, the $64,000 question is: “Can this end well?”  In view of the multi-decade crime spree that has been systematically perpetrated against people everywhere, when the true story breaks out into the mainstream, there will be a great leveling of sorts.  Such a leveling, if allowed to take its natural course, will create the circumstances for a whole new way of doing business.  The international system of currencies will be one of the very first to see a major overhaul.  Some say that this has already occurred under the radar in the USA.
New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply
It’s true that when the Almighty Dollar based on the petrodollar has been properly abandoned by the world community of nations, the very end is in sight.  And so it is in 2016 since the energies, both celestial and mundane, are now conspiring by the day to re-establish the United States as a constitutional republic shorn of all self-serving political dynasties, treasonous legislatures and other traitors in high places.
This is what happens during the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey, just as it did when Lord Hanuman burned down the palace of the demonic King Ravana in ancient times.  Because 2016 is also the Biblical Shemitah Jubilee, this year is particularly powerful in terms of overturning the present order.  After all, the GE&FS undergirds the entire planetary civilization.  When this Matrix crashes and burns, human societies everywhere will have an incomparable opportunity to build a new future from the ashes, free from so much debt and paralyzing oppression.
The Earth-Shaking Year of the Red Fire Monkey Begins On February 8, 2016
Because Pluto is still crashing through Capricorn for the next 8 years, the governments of the world will continue to experience heavy-duty citizen-quakes.  The degree of dissent and disquiet occurring in nations around the globe has reached unprecedented levels.  The discord between governments and the governed has never been so pervasive and intense. And it continues to grow by the month.   Why is this pattern ever-intensifying, and where will it end?

Debt, more debt and still even more debt.

Debt creation has been the primary means of creating a global society of indentured servants.  Indebtedness across all socioeconomic classes has reached a point of unsustainability   Not only have the many forms of debt stagnated general economies of countries across the planet, corporations and small businesses, families and individuals all labor under the weight of ever-crushing debt.
The critical point here is that the debt levels have prevented a recovery from taking place, especially throughout the Western powers whose economies drive the global engine. When this is not happening over many years, the developing countries are hurting even more. Such a state of underemployment and joblessness has created an underclass of welfare recipients who have no incentive to leave the welfare rolls.   The more who rely on government assistance, the fewer consumers there are to grow the economy both local and global.
There are many forms of debt to include sovereign, corporate, credit card, investment, student loan, small business, auto and home improvement.  Each of these has served to contribute a major piece to the overall debt problem in America and beyond.  The vast majority of the trades made on the various exchanges are also leveraged to the hilt.  Were the market to experience a precipitous downturn, the amount of uncollectible investment and brokerage debt would skyrocket in a day and a night.
This is where the Shemitah phenomenon came in very handy in the ancient Hebrew communities.  The 7-year cycle of debt forgiveness became institutionalized within Jewish communities around the world.  In so doing communities could start fresh every seven years, and especially after 49 years with the celebration of the Jubilee.  That’s where the global village is right now. 2016 is the 70th and/or 120th Jubilee within the Judaic tradition and, therefore, quite historic.  This year represents a defining moment of sorts where it concerns world-wide debt forgiveness.
Within the Roman Catholic tradition, Pope Francis has also declared 2016 the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”.  This papal bull indiction is quite significant in that it perfectly aligns with the Shemitah Jubilee.  Francis has issued this decree with the intention that mercy and compassion will be a central practice for all Christians and believers of every faith tradition. There is no better way to demonstrate mercy toward another than to forgive their debts.
Continue reading HERE.

Market Crashes Often Happen in September and/or October

From now until the U.S. presidential election, in particular, there will be much potential for extraordinary events to occur that will be paradigm-shattering.  The current election season has already seen many dramatic episodes which point to the monumental change that is surely on the horizon.  Now it’s time for banking corporations, financing companies and other creditors to re-evaluate whether they want to be a part of the problem (debt-ridden status quo) or a part of the solution (release of indebtedness).
Whole nations and individual citizens alike are encouraged to look very closely at this weighty matter like never before.  The time has never been so ripe to address the collective debts of the planet in a fashion that relieves the debtors en masse.  Such a gesture alone would serve to bring an end to the Second Great Depression that has plagued the planet.
When enough people come together in the spirit of universal debt forgiveness, it can happen in a moment’s time.  There is now every good reason to make it happen, and no reason not to.  Especially in light of the many revelations concerning the Federal Reserve System, it is now generally understood that American citizens have no responsibility for the federal debt, the illicit US Corporation, Inc. does.  Certainly it’s high time for the Federal Reserve Bank to go bankrupt.  Then the U.S. Treasury can set about the process of legally and constitutionally issuing money backed by gold.
Such a desperately needed move would be a great start toward establishing a legitimate American currency to replace the fiat petrodollar.  Global debt forgiveness could then follow with regard to all dollar-denominated debt, which would then encourage other nations to follow suit.  This single endeavor would initiate a global financial catharsis the likes of which the world has never known is the present epoch.  It would catalyze many similar debt-releasing initiatives within the corporate arena, both for-profit and nonprofit, that would free the people from the largest debt burden the world has ever known.


The real root problem here is very much a two-way street.  The market manipulators only know how to manipulate ALL the markets to their perennial advantage.  The market players have become addicted to the roller coaster dynamic that is the very essence of the constant manipulation.  Every stock broker will tell you that it never makes any difference to them whether the market is going up or down, as long as it changes.  For it is the change of direction which precipitates the impulse to buy or sell … … … which is where all the investment brokerage houses make their massive profits.  It is sometimes called churning of accounts for financial gain (aka stock broker unconscionable enrichment).