Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp

Every NFL Stadium Is a FEMA Camp

Dave Hodges 

The conditioning of the sheep

Have you ever heard the old saying “My husband would live at the stadium if we could”? This is the lament of every football widow. However, the husband may soon get his wish and the wife may indeed become a widow in the true sense of the word.

The Tyranny That Is the NFL

The NFL season is just over two months away. The NFL’s actions in this past season dictates that all freedom-loving Americans will boycott this globalist serving organization. This article demonstrates how the NFL is an extension of the TSA, DHS and the globalist agenda in general.
The new NFL policies are something right out of the Pol Pot regime. In some stadiums, women cannot enter the same entrance as men and children. This is FEMA camp training. The American public is being conditioned to the fact that the state owns your bodies and your freedoms. Carefully examine the following sign.
This is one of the signs outside of Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City NFL team. Notice the segregation of single females. Can you think of a legitimate reason why stadium authorities would segregate fans.....? It is all part of the conditioning process.
At Arrowhead Stadium, home to the NFL Kansas City Chiefs, we see the segregation of women from other fans entering the stadium. Now, why would the officials at Arrowhead Stadium institute such a policy? Simple, they are conditioning the public to accept being separated from one another. What my insider sources tell me is that the future martial law detention camps will consist of men in one camp, women in another and children in a third camp.
In addition, the NFL is promoting various globalist agendas such as gun control, and they are doing so with our money. The NFL has come to represent a new era of in-your-face-tyranny. Soon, the following picture will be played out in American stadiums all across our country.

The NFL and Its Globalist Agenda

The NFL now represents the antithesis of everything that comprises the backbone of traditional American values. I love the game of football. Football was one of the sports that I grew up playing and I later coached the sport as a former head coach in the high school ranks prior to moving to coach college basketball. I thoroughly enjoyed the competition at every level both as a player and a coach. However, the NFL has taken all the fun out of the game, because the league spouts the mantra of the globalist forces which seeks to enslave us.

Meet the NFL, the New TSA

The NFL is the current trend setter in the indoctrination of the American people into living under total martial law. The NFL is indeed the new TSA.
The National Football League has instituted new security rules at all stadiums which bans certain items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: Purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.” And, they have granted themselves the “right” to touch you anywhere, in their enhanced pat downs from the ankles and above. Welcome to the TSA’s Police State America, NFL style.

Don’t Try to Smuggle Your Constitution Inside of An NFL Stadium

fema camp nfl perverted pat downs


Please allow me to remind the readers that every genocide in the 20th century was preceded by gun confiscation (University of Hawaii).
As with most things in life, we have a choice. If we don’t care for Walmart’s overseas virtual slave labor practices, we simply don’t have to shop at Walmart. If you don’t like seeing your family members “felt up” by the TSA, then don’t fly. If you don’t want to be the victim of the same tyranny, don’t attend or watch an NFL game at the stadium. We have a choice. We could bring the globalist economy and their practices to their knees through non-participation.
The forces of the NWO are so omnipresent, so powerful that the general public is unable to gain any traction against this tyranny. However, this is a battle we can win. Nobody can force you to go to a NFL football game. Nobody can force you to purchase NFL products. This is what we should have done after the TSA began to sexually assault Americans, just refuse to fly. If the American public stood down in the face of tyranny, the airlines and the NFL would go broke and their screams would have been heard all the way to the halls of Congress.
The $30 billion dollar industry known as the NFL will collapse. TV Revenues will plummet. Broadcasting would be imperiled by this one event.

 The $30 billion dollar, tax exempt industry known as the NFL would collapse if we did not tolerate their tyranny by simply not attending. TV Revenues would plummet. Broadcasting would be imperiled by this one event. If you must watch football, attend a high school game.
The Acronym NFL Should Soon Come to Mean Not For Long

Every NFL Stadium is a FEMA Camp in Hiding