Sunday, August 7, 2016

Akita Warned: Division & Cardinal vs Cardinal....

Akita Warned: Division & Cardinal vs Cardinal....

From the shadows, cardinals like Sarah Müller or sow fear

Does it increase the tone opposition to the Pope?

The operations of the 'resistant' 'are coming to an unacceptable limit " 

Jamie Escobar

Note: Not an Endorsement 

(Jaime Escobar, RYL ) .- It is well known that after the Synod of the Family and the letter of the 13 dissidents bishops, several cardinals Vatican curia who show more than a simple opposition and, covertly, recognize intolerant more reformist attempts of Pope Francisco.

 Many thought that this opposition to Pope Bergoglio diminish after the Synod, but on the contrary, this year there have been a string of events that realize that cardinals as Angelo Sodano, Tarcisio Bertone, Marc Ouellet, George Pell, Camilo Ruini Carlo Cafarra, Giovanni Batista Re, Angelo Scola, Elio Sgreccia, Walter Brandmüller, Antonio Rouco ..., led by the cardinals-prefects dicasteries, Gerhard Müller and Robert Sarah, are moving from their positions ultraconservative direct opposition to the silent conspiracy anti-Bergoglio.

In Rome, this room hidden by many is observed and silent, but it is becoming clearer a synchronized network protected by these powerful cardinals who did not hesitate to express to the press a 'loyalty to the Holy Father "operators, but from the shadows sow fear, distrust and disobedience to certain lines of action proposed by the Pope. In addition, it irritates them what they asked from St. Peter 's Square at the beginning of his mandate; "a poor Church for the poor".
Cardinal Müller: the letter and the book to disqualification
All he wanted Cardinal Müller when he finished writing the controversial Charter of thirteen cardinals at the end of the last Synod, is that Pope Francis had an immediate reaction trouble ... But that episode did not happen and the Charter, in time rather he had a papal response of understanding and understanding what the prelates criticized so harshly.
The action of the "restless cardinals" recently repeated. It was when Francisco on his trip to Armenia, claimed wise words with appropriate and a necessary ecumenical dialogue, adding that Luther's Reformation was "a medicine for the Church." Before this papal statement, Müller launched a barrage of heavy criticism for this historical recognition and globalized its famous dictum "protestanización" of the Church, sponsored from the highest sphere of the Vatican, this statement circulated hard and pleasure in the various dicasteries.

As it is well known the distance and , not only theological differences such that between the cardinal and the Pope Müller, now only we review one of the last "differences" between the two and known by the Roman press. Three months after the arrival of Francis to the Swedish city of Lund to participate in the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation initiated by Luther, in a defiant tone Müller said that "we Catholics have no reason to celebrate the October 31 1517, ie the beginning of the Reformation that led to the breakup of Western Christendom ". Clearly the form, timing and tone used by the German cardinal and perplexity caused no little embarrassment to the government of Sweden and the Lutheran World Federation.
Also Cardinal Müller took advantage of his trip to Madrid and Oviedo in which he presented his controversial book "Report on hope" (Ed. BAC) to reaffirm different doctrinal positions that postulates Pope Francisco in Amoris Laetitia, reaffirming there is "a contradiction "I am divorced and remarried and want to take communion and insisted that" no pope can change the doctrine on the sacraments of marriage and the Eucharist. "
Given these disturbing facts, attentive to the Vatican nomenclature observers indicate that these actions and operations "opponents of the Pope" cardinals, are coming to an unacceptable limit, not only because they damage the necessary ecclesial unity for mission, but because they realize that there are powerful assets and interests that want to destabilize the tremendous leadership of Francis, who persists in his attempts to make some decisive reforms in the heavy and bureaucratic structure of the Vatican curia that is protected as a single body to these attempts to change, particularly which is related to the field of finance and the work of the powerful IOR.
In this strategy, wasting and tiring for the Pope, today emerges forcefully another voice, that of Cardinal Robert Sarah, who came from Africa in 2001, called by Pope John Paul II enthusiastically. Years later in 2010, Benedict XVI created cardinal and in 2014 Francisco who is appointed Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Cardinal Sarah and the support of the Italian cardinals
Since arriving from his native Guinea to Rome, Robert Sarah knew win the trust and sympathy of a select core of bishops and Italian cardinals. As a student in Rome, noted with arrest wisdom and charisma Rector Biblicum in the 70s it was the distinguished Jesuit professor Carlo Maria Martini.
Over the years, back to Rome, stood next to the group of renowned visitors and members of the general house of the organization Opus Dei, were the glory years of Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer, who with holy expertise achieved Pope Wojtyla the desired personal prelature.

Since those years of friendship and harmony with Sodano, Ruini, Bertone and Herranz cardinals has never been altered, unlike in these three years of pontificate Bergogliano has consolidated and expanded its network of influences not only inside the Vatican curia, but also to the bishops of Africa and through the Chilean Cardinal Jorge Medina -who worked in the same Vatican dicastery not a few bishops and cardinals from Latin America.
Therefore, Cardinal Sarah knows the centers of power and influence of the dicasteries. It is not surprising that the main support now has the African cardinal is the powerful and ineffable Gerhard Müller German cardinal who dared to publicly contradict some guidelines of Pope Francisco on their way through Asturias and Madrid, as we have already noted.
Returning to Sarah, it is interesting to know what promised the pope when he confidently named in such a high position. Observe carefully what the cardinal said of his conversation with the Holy Father when he was appointed Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments:
"When the Holy Father, Pope Francisco, asked me to accept the ministry of Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, I asked: Holiness, how you want to exercise this ministry What do you want me to do ? as prefect of the Congregation of the Holy Father's answer was clear: "I want to continue implementing the liturgical reform of Vatican II '...".
So obey Cardinal Sarah and termination of protesters and harmful to the lines of action that imparts and points tirelessly Pope Bergoglio attempts.

It is urgent to produce new changes in the dicasteries
From the beginning of his pontificate, Francisco supports a persistent campaign not only opposition to their desire for reform in the Catholic Church, also increase criticism of how it carries out a series of changes that challenge the excessive power of Cardinals Roman curia.
Fortunately, the Argentine Pope, as their detractors call him has earned an impressive global leadership for his modesty, informality and sincerity to say freely what you think. It is this environment and praxis which annoys powerful cardinals from several sides and from the shadows sow and promote speculation, "gossip" and transcended trying to put doubts and rejections to the daily work of the Pope, especially when he gives his reflections from the Santa Marta house or when improvising press conferences in his apostolic journeys.
Only two examples that depict some discomfort for the sincerity and freedom that is expressed when Francisco shares his aspirations to his brother bishops. This is what happened on May 16 this year when he went to the Italian bishops at its 69th general assembly and said to them:
"We have asked ourselves what is the ultimate reason for the delivery of our priest. How much sorrow give those who in life are always a little half, with raised foot! They calculate, weigh, do not risk anything for fear of getting lost. .. they are the most unhappy Our priest, however, with its limits, it is one who plays it to the end: in the concrete conditions in which the life and ministry have put him, is offered gratuitously, with humility and joy. Even though nobody seems to notice. Even when he senses that, humanly, perhaps no one will thank you enough delivery without measure. "
The second example, full of truth and obviously not pleased the clan of Vatican cardinals who repeatedly criticize Bergoglio, is when in October 2013 shares with Eugenio Scalfari: "The leaders of the Church have often been flattered daffodils and badly encouraged by his courtiers. the court is the leprosy of the papacy ... ".
For this and more, tenacious Cardinals as Sarah Müller and cling to that Church power that punishes in court before the necessary dialogue. Also these opponents cardinals the pope not trepidan in disregard indicating them the Holy Father regarding the principle of mercy as a central element of Catholic missionary pastoral, on the contrary, this cabal of cardinals insist on an already failed variable: imposed by the fear or, on pain of excommunication. That rule darkened the Church for years was happily obsolete since the time of Vatican II.
Finally, from Latin America, we hope that this "revolution of Francisco" in the words of Cardinal Kasper, not to stop and omens that powerful people move from opposition to the conspiracy is only one of many rumors coming out of certain Roman dicasteries. It is known that the Pope has a very limited time to try the winds of reform that a majority of nuns, priests and lay scattered around the world want and demand time, but if that reckless opposition that exists is not stopped, there is a serious risk of abruptly stop this hopeful spring of making the Church a faithful discipleship of Jesus instrument.
Prophetic today are the words that Cardinal Jorge Mario Begoglio shared with the cardinals hours before the start of the conclave: "I have the impression that Jesus was locked up in the Church and knocks on the door because he wants to leave."

 Antipope Francis is not the true Pope...