Thursday, July 21, 2016

Do encourage local Catholic traditions

Do encourage local Catholic traditions


Prince Albert of Monaco travelled to the city of Porto in Portugal to be received as a cancelário (chancellor) of the Guild of Port Wine Makers. Princess Charlene, his wife, and Prince Pierre Casiraghi, his nephew, were received as infaçons (candidates for officials).
In the photos on this page, we see them being welcomed by Cancelário George Sandeman and wearing the traditional mantles, hats and medallions that characterize the famous guild.

It was a good thing for the Princes of Monaco to enroll in this medieval guild in order to help support and keep alive an old Catholic tradition of Christendom.

If more temporal and religious authorities would endorse traditional institutions instead of rock bands, our society and especially our youth would have better models to view.

Do encourage local Catholic traditions.

Elaine M. Jordan

Guild of Port Wine Makers 2