Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fr. Kramer On AntiPope Francis & Apostasy

Fr. Kramer On AntiPope Francis
Facebook May 20th...
There is that 666 hand sign again...

The Pope told La Croix that the SSPX “love the Church” and “Bishop Fellay is a man with whom one can dialogue”.

“That is not the case for other elements who are a little strange, such as Bishop Williamson or others who have been radicalized. Leaving this aside, I believe, as I said in Argentina, that they are Catholics on the way to full communion,” he said.》
So, it's Bishop Williamson who is "a little strange"??? Bergoglio seems quite unaware that he himself is quite a nasty piece of work -- and more than just "a little strange"!
Jorge thinks the SSPX are "Catholics on the way to full communion" !!! How would he know (?); since he is neither a Catholic, nor is he on the way to communion with the Catholic Church.

Bergoglio denies the most basic truths about religion that pertain to Natural Law -- which demonstrates that he is outside the Catholic faith. Whoever would say what Bergoglio has said against the necessity of faith and obedience to divine law for salvation cannot possibly err in good faith. Bergoglio's heresy is against the Natural Law, and therefore manifests patently that he is indeed a faithless infidel.

To Eugenio Scalfari, the Infidel said of "those who do not believe and do not seek faith." Does God forgive them? Bergoglio says, "God's mercy has no limits . . . the issue for those who do not believe in God is obeying their own conscience" (!!!) and:

"The goodness or the wickedness of our behavior depends on this decision".

This is the doctrine of Shaftsbury, in which morality is not tied to faith or religion; and in which there can be true virtue even in an atheist.

Bergoglio is a Deist.

I have lost count of his blasphemies.

Now that there has taken place what Malachi Martin foretold from his knowledge of the 3rd Secret, "the collapse at the center" (i.e. the collapse of the center of Christianity -- the papacy); Freemasonry is now in possession of the Vatican under the Freemason Jorge Bergoglio, who is a manifest heretic and infidel (since he denies the most basic truths about religion which pertain to the Natural Law).

Bergoglio's reign of perfidy has been foretold by St. Francis of Assisi and Sr. Jeanne de la Nativité (Jeanne le Royer). This is only the beginning of horrors. Bergoglio's ecumenical policy of stripping Catholicism of its doctrinal and moral teachings according to the Masonic agenda of creating an ecumenical "dogma free Christianity" (dogmenfreies Christentum) is aimed at the destruction of Christianity. That will be followed by the New Religion, which will be Pagan.

These things are all described in Catholic prophecy. The Church will have to go underground. There will be a vacancy of the Roman See for 25 months or more. It will appear that the Catholic Church has disappeared from the face of the earth. There will be the fulfillment of the words of Our Lady to Melanie Calvat, "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."

Bishop Cosme do Amaral exaggerated by using the word "only", whereas he should have used the word "principally" when he said that the Secret concerns "only" our faith. Indeed, the Third Secret concerns primarily our faith: the attack on our faith by the "rulers over the masters of the world", who will attempt to enforce the one world religion (that St. Pius X warned about in Notre charge apostolique); by hijacking the papacy and using a false pope to lead the world into the apostasy of interfaith communion (as is depicted in the visions Bl. Anna Katherina Emmerich), which will be founded on Paganism. The true pope will have much to suffer, as Our Lady revealed to Bl. Elena Aiello and others.


The third secret speaks specifically about a "pope" who will be completely under the power of the devil. This has been divulged by multiple sources. Most notably, Fr. Malachi Martin, confidante of Cardinal Augustin Bea, who had received the contents of the Secret from Bea. When I mentioned to Malachi that I believed the Secret reveals that there will be an antipope who will be a heretic, Malachi replied to me, "Were it only that!"

So, the 3rd Secret is not exclusively focused on the loss of faith alone, but speaks the popes, world war, persecution, etc. (as some who have read the secret have divulged); and the godless global government that Benedict XV warned against in his Motu Proprio, Bonum Sane (25 July 1920), which will be inaugurated after the defeat of the NATO powers in World War III.

I believe the reason why Ottaviani was opposed to the publication of the Secret at first, was due to the same misgivings and reservations that Wojtyła & Ratzinger had about the text seeming to undermine the dogma of the indefectibility of the Church -- hence, their reluctance to publish the Secret. However, when Paul VI began to radically alter the liturgy of the Mass, Ottaviani reversed his position on this point, and circumvented the oath of secrecy by releasing the so-called "diplomatic version" of the 3rd Secret (which was published in Neues Europa), and which divulges the principal points of the Secret, without mentioning the particular details of it.

Leo XIII had no such doctrinal misgivings, or concerns about the hijacking of the papacy undermining the dogma of Indefectibility. He saw it in a prophetic vision, and foretold it in a prayer that he published in the Raccolta (no. 407 I believe). The key text of the prayer, which I have read in both original versions (Italian &; Latin) say:

"These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the
Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered." Thus will take place the fulfillment of scripture: Lamentations 4:12.

As Cardinal Ratzinger said in 1984, "what is revealed in the Secret corresponds to what has been revealed in many other Marian apparitions" (quoted from memory), and the most assuredly authentic and approved Marian apparitions reveal the third world war, the bloody persecution of the Church, and the false religion that the godless rulers will foist on the world.

The consecration of Russia will transform Russia into God's instrument agsinst the evil empire and its leader, whose throne will likely be located in Astana, Kazakhstan.

However, the movement towards the universal republic with its universal religion is already embodied in Bergoglianism, which is the engine specifically designed according to Freemasonic doctrine to politically transform the world, and spiritually mutate the Church in a manner that adapts and modifies them to fit in with the New Order.

Notre charge apostolique could have been written today against Bergoglianism with very little modification -- in fact, with a little modification, one could edit it in such a manner that it would appear to be directed against the Bergoglianists. The most ominous sections I quote in full:

《 « 39. Nous craignons qu’il n’y ait encore pire. Le résultat de cette promiscuité au travail, le bénéficiaire de cette action sociale cosmopolite ne peut être qu’une démocratie qui ne sera ni catholique, ni protestante, ni juive ; une religion (car le sillonnisme, les chefs l’ont dit, est une religion) plus universelle que l’Église catholique, réunissant tous les hommes devenus enfin frères et camarades dans “ le règne de Dieu ”. – “ On ne travaille pas pour l’Église, on travaille pour l’humanité. ” »

« 40. Et maintenant, pénétré de la plus vive tristesse, Nous Nous demandons, vénérables Frères, ce qu’est devenu le catholicisme du Sillon. Hélas ! lui qui donnait autrefois de si belles espérances, ce fleuve limpide et impétueux a été capté dans sa marche par les ennemis modernes de l’Église et ne forme plus dorénavant qu’un misérable affluent du grand mouvement d’apostasie organisé, dans tous les pays, pour l’établissement d’une Église universelle qui n’aura ni dogmes, ni hiérarchie, ni règle pour l’esprit, ni frein pour les passions et qui, sous prétexte de liberté et de dignité humaine, ramènerait dans le monde, si elle pouvait triompher, le règne légal de la ruse et de la force, et l’oppression des faibles, de ceux qui souffrent et qui travaillent. 》