Saturday, March 5, 2016

Women Preachers?, More Interfaith Garbage & "Rapping" Priest

Women Preachers?, More Interfaith Garbage & "Rapping" Priest
Here is the latest vomit from the Vatican II cult of man
Do not rule out women "priests" coming either!
 1 Corinthians 14:34
Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.

Vatican newspaper essays say women should preach at Mass

 A series of essays in the semiofficial Vatican newspaper is urging the Catholic Church to allow women to preach from the pulpit at Mass, a role that has been reserved almost exclusively to the all-male priesthood for nearly 800 years.


“This topic is a delicate one, but I believe it is urgent that we address it,” Enzo Bianchi, leader of an ecumenical religious community in northern Italy and a popular Catholic commentator, wrote in his article in L’Osservatore Romano.
“Certainly for faithful lay people in general, but above all for women, this would constitute a fundamental change in their participation in church life,” said Bianchi, who called such a move a “decisive path” for responding to widespread calls — including by Pope Francis — to find ways to give women a greater role in the church.
Two nuns also contributed articles in the March 1 special section that is part of a new L’Osservatore Romano series on women called “Women-Church-World.”
In her column, Sister Catherine Aubin, a French Dominican who teaches theology at a pontifical university in Rome, noted that Jesus encouraged women to preach his message of salvation, and she said that throughout church history there have been many extraordinary women evangelists. Women today also lead retreats and in effect preach in other ways, she argued.
“Let us sincerely pose a question then,” Aubin writes. “Why can’t women also preach in front of everyone during the celebration of Mass?”
Another Dominican, Sister Madeleine Fredell of Sweden, wrote that preaching “is my vocation as a Dominican, and although I can do it almost anywhere, sometimes even in the Lutheran church, I believe that listening to the voice of women at the time of the homily would enrich our Catholic worship.”
If it happened, such a change would be a controversial shift.

RELATED STORY: Cardinal Burke: ‘Feminized’ church and altar girls caused priest shortage

In the early 13th century, as part of the movement toward consolidating church power in the papacy and the clergy, Pope Gregory IX effectively barred lay people — both men and women — from preaching, especially on theological or doctrinal matters that were considered the province of educated clerics.
While occasional exceptions were allowed, it wasn’t until the early 1970s that there were hints of a reconsideration of the ban, spurred by the growing calls for women — and all lay people — to assume greater roles and responsibilities in the church. In his article, Bianchi noted that in 1973 the Vatican gave the German bishops permission to allow lay people, most of them women, to preach with special permission for an experimental eight-year period.
But the election of St. John Paul II, a doctrinally conservative pope, in 1978 launched a period of stricter bans.
The revised Code of Canon Law that John Paul promulgated in 1983 stated that the homily “is reserved to a priest or deacon” because it is an integral part of the Mass and must be done by an ordained male acting in the role of Christ.
Then, in 1997, a Vatican document backed by eight offices in the Roman Curia sought to further reinforce the proscription against lay preaching; it also warned bishops that they could not allow any exceptions.
Yet at the same time as the Vatican was bolstering the distinction between the laity and ordained clerics, lay people — many of them women — were playing a more visible role at Mass as lectors and Eucharistic ministers. Girls were also allowed to be altar servers, a practice that has become widespread.
Those changes have led a number of conservatives to decry the “feminization” of the Catholic Church, and any serious proposals to allow women to preach would certainly heighten their anxiety.
The argument for a change is not that it is “modernizing” the church but rather that it is returning to the tradition of the first thousand years of Christianity, when, as Bianchi and the other essayists note, women were regularly given permission to preach, and often did so in front of priests, bishops and even the pope.

An oil on canvas portrait of St. Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene, in fact, was known as the “apostle to the apostles” because the Gospels recount how Jesus appeared to her first on Easter morning and sent her to deliver the news of his Resurrection — the foundational Christian belief — to his male followers.

So what will Pope Francis do?
The pontiff has repeatedly called for women to have a greater role in the church, but he has also reiterated the ban against ordaining women as priests and has warned against “clericalizing” women by trying to make them cardinals or to focus on promoting them to higher church offices.
Then again, that the Vatican’s own newspaper would dedicate so much space to the issue of women preachers is intriguing, said Massimo Faggioli, a church historian at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.
“I think it is a big signal,” he said.

 The Even Newer than New Evangelization.
But hey the Neo-SSPX now thinks they could be used for it!

Evangelisation: the next frontier

Virtual reality headsets are being heralded as the future of communication. They could give seekers an awe-inspiring introduction to the Church
Welcome to the future. After decades of hype and expectation, “virtual reality” headsets are about to go from sci-fi gadgets to top of your shopping wishlist. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg described virtual reality headsets last week as the future of communication and socialising. An estimated 14 million of them will be shipped this year.
Virtual reality has been around for a while, of course, but it is only lately that the headset technologies that partly enable it are becoming cheaper and more widely available. Headsets from Facebook’s Oculus Rift, HTC and Sony will go on sale in the first half of the year and bring about huge changes in the entertainment, health, manufacturing and gaming industries.
But will the Catholic Church embrace the virtual domain with such vigour?
Fr Stephen Wang, a senior university chaplain for the Archdiocese of Westminster, thinks VR will allow new ways of bringing people together for prayer, faith sharing and education.
“Just as people might invite a friend to visit a church, or to come to a talk, VR will make it possible to open up the riches of Catholic life to others even if they are not physically present,” he says. “But it will take a lot of expertise and the Catholic Church is often lagging far behind others in the way it uses technology.”
Steps have been taken. Fr Ken Howell, an Australian parish priest, walked through the virtual model of a new church in Queensland recently wearing a prototype Oculus Rift headset. He described the experience as “mind-blowing”, giving him a vivid sense of “how it was going to feel” inside the new church, he told
In another example, a smartphone app called DigitalFood gave viewers access to free VR footage of Pope Francis’s visit to Washington last September. Using the app with Google’s Cardboard headset, it was possible to get up close to the Pontiff as he canonised the 18th-century Franciscan missionary Junípero Serra, while a choir sang in the background.
Greg Willis, author of The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid, expects VR to offer new opportunities for evangelisation which might otherwise have been impossible.
“What virtual reality could do for the Church in a powerful way is open the doors of some of the world’s greatest repositories of art, such as the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel,” he says. “Where people who are unable to travel to those places in person could still experience beauty and creativity and artistry inspired by the ultimate Creator himself, and perhaps through that encounter with art and history in a virtual way, could be brought more fully into the in-person communion and relationship to which Jesus Christ calls each of us.”
Such possibilities also raise questions. Would it be possible to transmit sacramental graces through the VR realm, such as Confession, for example? Fr Wang believes this would not be possible. “The Church has been clear that this sacrament involves a real and not just a virtual encounter,” he explains.
Some members of the Church may consider the new technology with more scepticism than Fr Wang or Greg Willis, however. Depersonalisation, alienation and self-indulgence are among the dangers of new media and social networks that Benedict XVI spoke of in 2011. The Pope Emeritus said: “It is important always to remember that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives.”
The new technology is likely to change fundamentally how people interact, and maybe not always in a positive way. A BBC documentary screened in 2013 revealed the growing number of Japanese men involved in what they believed to be “romantic relationships” with video game characters. VR could take this trend to the next level. Imperial College London believes that romantic affairs in the future will involve virtual dates, where you can potentially hold someone’s hand and smell their scent – without ever having to meet them physically.
Such innovations are likely to bring challenges for the Church, whether to do with the psychological and social effects of the technology, or the lifestyle involved, or simply the content itself.
While the Church has no official view on virtual reality yet, Fr Wang says he hopes that it will encourage some wise reflection on the use of VR. If Jesus came back today, he thinks, he would engage with VR “just as he did with the culture of Galilee and Jerusalem”.
“On the other hand, Jesus had a preference for person-to-person relationships,” Fr Wang adds. “It’s striking that he didn’t write any letters but preferred to meet people, walk with them, touch them. So I don’t know whether he would dive into VR or whether he would still prefer to walk the streets and encounter people face to face.”

Reaction to a Francis sermon

 Francis to church benefactors: We don’t need your blood money

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has a message for church benefactors: The church doesn’t want your money if it comes from exploited workers.
Francis railed against employers who mistreat and underpay their workers during his general audience Wednesday. It’s a theme the Jesuit pope has frequently emphasized, denouncing how the wealthy exploit the poor and working class for their own profit, often subjecting workers to slave-like conditions.
Francis told the crowd in a sunny St. Peter’s Square that when he thinks about church benefactors who offer donations that are “fruit of the blood” of exploited workers, he tells them: “Please, take your checks back and burn them.”
He added: “The people of God and the church don’t need dirty money. They need hearts that are open to the mercy of God.”

Francis changes remarriage rules 

(for heads of state)

There is intense anticipation in the Catholic Church — and no small amount of anxiety for traditionalists — over what Pope Francis will say about Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics in a key document expected in the coming weeks.
But Francis has already made an intriguing change in this area, albeit one that only concerns the Vatican’s arcane diplomatic protocol and a very, very select group: Catholic heads of state.
As longtime Vatican-watcher Andrea Tornielli reports, the pontiff has altered the long-standing Vatican custom that if a Catholic president or prime minister (or dictator) who is divorced and remarried without an annulment visits the pope with his or her spouse, the pope will meet with the head of state first and then later greet the spouse — who is usually waiting ensconced in an anteroom.
“From now on,” Tornielli writes, “Catholic heads of state in irregular marital unions will be able to meet the pope along with their spouse and the latter will also be able to appear in official group photos when gifts are exchanged.”
Tornielli said Francis asked for the change — first reported by Argentine journalist Elisabetta Pique — two years ago when an unnamed Latin American head of state who had married his wife in a civil ceremony met the pope, who then greeted the wife in a separate location.
The new protocol was used for the first time last Saturday (Feb. 27) for another Latin American head of state, the new president of Francis’ native Argentina, Mauricio Macri, and his third wife, Juliana Awada.

How real Catholics look to Modernist Francis

Got to have Faith! (Cough, cough) I meant Interfaith...

Delegation of interfaith leaders meets Pope following Baltimore race riots

US archbishop William Lori met Francis along with leaders of other faiths representing the city where the death of young African American, Freddie Gray, sparked protests and scenes of chaos

From the US to Rome as a sign of the commitment of religious faiths to a peaceful co-existence that is possible. Today, an ecumenical and interreligious delegation was accompanied by the Archbishop of Baltimore, William Lori to attend a meeting with Pope Francis after the General Audience in St. Peter’s Square and receive his blessing for this US city which is the scene of violent clashes that have demonstrated the persistence of the racism problem.

Aside from the archbishop and Bishop Denis Madden, the following took part in this “pilgrimage of solidarity and spiritual renewal”: the Imam Earl El-Amin, the Rabbi Steven Fink, the Rev. Al Hathaway (Baptist Church), the Rev. Wolfgang D. Herz-Lane (Lutheran Church), William McCharthy of Catholic Charities, the Rev. Frank Reid (Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church) and the Rev. Donald Sterling (New All Saints Catholic Church).

The theme for the pilgrimage is: “Healing Baltimore in the Year of Mercy”. As the presentation of the trip says, this theme was chosen because in April 2015, Freddie Gray, a young African American boy died while being held in custody by Baltimore’s police. The video showing his arrest and the theories surrounding his possible cause of death sparked days of protests across the city, some of which turned violent, attracting the attention of media across the US for a number of days. There were peaceful protests as well as clashes, lootings, properties and cars were set on fire and there were confrontations with local police. The municipality called a curfew and Maryland’s governor sent the national Guard to protect the city from further violent demonstration. Many, the presentation went on to say, believe that Gray’s death was a trigger and not the only cause of the clashes that took place. Baltimore has a long history of growing violence, much of which is down to heavy drug trafficking, a shortage in housing, unemployment, racial divisions and a lack of trust between many members of the black community and the police. The death of a young black man while in police custody was seen as the final straw and revealed a city that is deeply wounded and divided.

In light of this, religious leaders decided to go on a pilgrimage to Rome on the occasion of the Year of Mercy. The archdiocese headed by Mgr. Lori stressed that this is a sign of their commitment to work together for the good of the city of Baltimore and its citizens in order to strengthen their faith relations and receive Pope Francis’ blessing for their commitment to working together to deal with issues that are key for the city. During the course of last year, the group engaged in a dialogue about issues which they presented to Pope Francis this morning. The Pope gave them his apostolic blessing. During their stay in Rome, Baltimore’s religious leaders - who are staying in St. Martha’s House where the Pope lives - will meet Holy See officials and pray together in St. Peter’s Basilica.

“Together,” the representatives of the various religious faiths said in a statement quotes by Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, “we have asked the Pope to bless our efforts and together we wished to come to Rome in the Holy Year of Mercy. Now we will take this message of peace and tolerance with us and pass it on to the inhabitants of Baltimore, whatever their faith and we will renew our commitment in the fight against poverty and marginalisation, to offer everyone new opportunities, especially to minorities suffering discrimination.”

The Pope writes to the children: “As a child, I would dance as a form of expressing joy”

  The modified "DAB"?


Pell admits he did not act on abuse claim

The cardinal has completed four gruelling days of cross examination where his testimony was at times described as “implausible”
During his fourth and final day of questioning by an Australian inquiry, a senior Vatican cardinal has admitted he did not take action when an abuse claim was made to him.

Cardinal George Pell told the Royal Commission examining institutional responses to abuse that a schoolboy told him in the 1970s about the behaviour of Edward Dowlan, a Christian Brother who was convicted last year of molesting boys at a school in Ballarat.

When asked why he did not take the allegation to the school the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See said: “People had a different attitude then. There was no specifics about the activity, how serious it was and the boy wasn’t asking me to do anything about it but just lamenting and mentioning it.” The cardinal did inform the school’s chaplain, however.

During his cross-examination this week the cardinal has been asked about his knowledge of sexual abuse taking place in the 1970s and 80s in his home Diocese of Ballarat and then later as auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Pell served as Episcopal Vicar for Education in Ballarat as well as being a member of the bishop’s advisory body.

The small diocese was home to five paedophile priests who abused dozens of children which has left suspicions that they acted in a co-ordinated way as a “ring”. But last night Pell said the large number of abusers in Ballarat was simply a “terrible coincidence.”

During his evidence, given by video-link in a room at the Albergo Quirinale hotel, the cardinal has consistently denied that he knew of abuse and that he tried to cover it up. He has said he was deceived and lied to by fellow church leaders and in one case the Archdiocese of Melbourne’s education office.

However, the lawyer assisting the judge-led inquiry said she found some of his denials “implausible” while abuse victims watching the testimony in Rome have described it as a “performance.”

Giving evidence to the commission in Sydney has been a gruelling ordeal for the 74-year-old cardinal as it has meant sitting in the witness stand for long periods during the middle of the night (from around 10pm to 2am).

After completing his evidence last night he gave a brief press conference to say he hoped his evidence might bring about some healing and that he would meet victims later today.

On Monday the cardinal met with Pope Francis and has said he is keeping the Pope and Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State, updated on the commission.

In his final evidence session the cardinal was questioned by lawyers for the different victims including David Ridsdale whose uncle, Gerald Ridsdale, abused him and committed more than 130 offences against children.

The cardinal, who was a friend of the Ridsdale family, denied the claim he tried to silence David during a telephone call in 1993. David alleges that during the phone call the cardinal asked him what could be done to “keep him quiet.”

Elsewhere, the cardinal said that when he was Archbishop of Melbourne he defied opposition in Rome to remove an abusive priest Peter Searson from a parish.

"I was quite clear in my obligations to the community so I must say I just ignored the Roman decision and Rome didn't push the point,” he said.

A Royal Commission is the most wide-ranging and detailed form of inquiry at the Australian state’s disposal and it will submit a report assessing the Church and other institutions’ handling of abuse. It could also criticise the cardinal by saying that his evidence was unreliable and that he was at fault for not doing more to protect children.

He meant error, heresy and novelty...

Cdl. Dolan: Past three popes model soul, mind and heart

In welcoming Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan to Washington University, former Sen. John C. Danforth introduced the Archbishop of New York as "the most prominent spokesman for Catholicism in the United States."
Then, he hit on why Cardinal Dolan's appearance was so special.
"He is one of us," Danforth said, emphasizing "is," to the applause of the noon-day crowd March 2 at Graham Chapel. "You can take the Cardinal out of St. Louis, but you can't take St. Louis out of Cardinal."
With that, Danforth presented Cardinal Dolan, a St. Louis native, with a Cardinals baseball cap — "redundant as it is," Danforth said, with a laugh — one of many Cardinal Dolan has received since Cardinals legend Stan "The Man" Musial sent him the first one after Dolan joined the College of Cardinals in February 2012.
"It was signed, 'This is a real Cardinals' cap,'" Cardinal Dolan said, later saying, "I love St. Louis. It's in my DNA."
So, too, is his love for the Catholic Church, which was abundantly clear in his 50-minute talk and 20-minute Q&A session as he showed "The Joy of the Gospel," the exhortation by Pope Francis. Cardinal Dolan drew applause, laughs and smiles throughout his engaging presentation, attended by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson and Kenrick-Glennon Seminary president-rector Father James Mason, among other archdiocesan leaders.
As he appeared at the behest of the Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, Cardinal Dolan addressed religion and politics in his lecture, focusing on three attributes essential to good leadership, whether family or a huge civil or church organization.
"A soul, a mind and a heart," Cardinal Dolan said.
His models for each attribute: the past three popes, the leaders of the Catholic Church for the past 38 years.
"Let me propose St. Pope John Paul II personified the soul, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI the mind and Pope Francis the heart," Cardinal Dolan said, noting that each was — in the former cases — or is — in the latter — a strong political leader, without being a political leader per se and a strong witness inside or outside the Church.
"The Church can be the witness to world," Cardinal Dolan said.
Early in his tenure, St. John Paul visited the United States and President Jimmy Carter introduced him "as the soul of the world," and later Billy Graham called him "a prescription for an exhausted soul." When he visited his native Poland, a nine-day excursion, Mikhail Gorbachev called the nine-day visit "the beginning of the end of Communism and the Soviet Union." Rather than condemn communism and the Soviet Union, St. John Paul famously exhorted a 2-million strong crowd with three words: "We want God."
"Soul" is an apt description of St. John Paul, who developed his "spiritual intensity," as Cardinal Dolan called it, based on his upbringing in the territory between Germany and Russia — first under the horrid Nazi regime then under Communism after World War II.
"In that dreary situation, his soul came alive ... he had the essence of soul," said Cardinal Dolan, who viewed St. John Paul as a mystic. "He set his mission the recovery of spiritual."
Pope Benedict, meanwhile, embodied the mind, "the ancient wish of reason and faith," said Cardinal Dolan, noting that "reason without faith leads to relativism ... to shallow, knee-jerk reactions" so dominant in culture today.
Finally, Pope Francis shows "heart," in being the face of a kind and loving people, in being "authentic."
Being Archbishop of New York, the media capital of the world, Cardinal Dolan joked about being asked: "Pope Francis is doing everything right; who's doing his P.R.?"
"Nobody. He's not scripted," Cardinal Dolan said. "It's natural."
The U.S. Constitution calls for the separation of church and state, but St. John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis — soul, mind, heart — can be a witness and show political leaders the way.
As Cardinal Dolan noted, history shows that religion has been at the heart of all great movements in the United States history, dating to the Revolutionary War through the Civil Rights Era to the present day.

New Age MUST have a new civilization! Here is another puppet prelate...

Cardinal Tauran: Pope proposes a new civilization in ecological encyclical

Laudato Si’ is “not an encyclical on climate change,” but a social encyclical that proposes “nothing less than a new civilization,” according to Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
The prelate made his remarks at the publication of a commentary on the encyclical by two Spanish priests, one of them a Vatican diplomat.
Pope Francis “invites us to rethink our world and to act,” said Cardinal Tauran. “Francis proposes the ‘good life’ to the materialistic society that thirsts for ‘living well.’”

The charismatic movement: a howling wasteland of starving, gibbering idiots

Just for the record…
Someone asked me today what I thought of the “Charismatic movement” in the Church.
“A charismaniac friend of mine tells me that mass with his ‘community’ tends toward two hours long because of periods of private prayer and contemplation after readings and communion.
What do you think of this?”
I respond:
“I think that yodelling in gibberish has never been identified by any spiritual writer as either ‘prayer’ or ‘contemplation’. And I think that people in the charismatic ‘community’ are mostly severely mentally and/or socially damaged folk who mostly can’t find their heads with both hands and a GPS and can’t be trusted not to fall into demon worship. I think the charismaniac movement in the Church is a result of bishops not giving a snit about their flocks’ desperate need for real spirituality, and deliberately starving the sheep until they’ll eat acorns and tulip bulbs just to survive.
“Everything I’ve seen of the ‘charismatic’ movement seems to involve the slightly less damaged and helpless, and therefore more successfully predatory, using the vast, savage and waterless wasteland of modern pseudo-spirituality as a hunting ground for weak and sickly prey. A manifestation of the stupid and often-evil leading the blind, lost, desperate and starving into a scummy alleyway and robbing them of everything they need to survive, beating the crap out of them and then tossing a wad of Canadian Tire money onto their barely breathing form.”
I went to a few charismaniac things in Halifax, Nova Scotia, back in the day, and the day they decided that, because the young immigrant fellow from Poland hadn’t yet been “given the gift of tongues” that he must be possessed, and that they would immediately start an exorcism was the day I got outta there as fast as my wee legs would carry me. When I butted in and said that this was very strictly forbidden to do by laypeple, and extremely dangerous, I was told, “Oh, that’s just a bunch of Church b-s. We’ve got the Holy Spirit.”
I legged it. If I’d had an ounce of charity in my wretched soul at the time, I would have grabbed the young idiot by the scruff of the neck and dragged him bodily out of there.
But I didn’t. God forgive me.

Saint Mary’s College of Calif. Hosts Roundtable of Same-Sex Marriage Activists

Saint Mary’s College of California hosted a roundtable discussion on Monday night “exploring the intersections of LGBT, Religion, Race, Gender and Ethnicity” featuring four activists for legalized same-sex marriage with an understanding of human sexuality not in alignment with Catholic Church teaching, causing a theology professor at the College to severely criticize the one-sided, anti-Catholic nature of the event.
“It seems to me, at a place that claims on some level to still be faith-based, we owe the students more than this,” Father David Gentry-Akin, professor of theology at Saint Mary’s, told The Cardinal Newman Society. Fr. Gentry-Akin said if the College is going to allow students to be exposed to points of view that contradict Church teaching, then event organizers “need to make sure there’s someone there who can speak credibly about the tradition of the Church on these questions.”
The panel discussion featured three speakers from the [“ecumenical” liberal Prot] Pacific School of Religion, Dr. Justin Tanis, Dr. Bernie Schlager and Janice Sommerville, along with Lisbeth Melendez Rivera, the coordinator of Catholic and Latina programming for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).
The event was co-sponsored by a number of Saint Mary’s departments and campus initiatives, including: Women’s and Gender Studies,Theology and Religious Studies, Communication and The Roy E. and Patricia Disney Forum, The Intercultural Center, CILSA, Ethnic Studies, English, History, Women’s Resource Center, Justice, Community and Leadership, Anthropology, Global and Regional Studies, Mission and Ministry Center, Student Engagement and Academic Success, and PRIDE.
Each of the speakers has a history of publicly condoning same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage. And Rivera’s employer, the HRC, actively works to undermine Church teaching on marriage and human sexuality across the country.
The Newman Society contacted the professor hosting the discussion, Dr. Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman, to ask if anyone would be presenting Catholic Church teaching on the discussion topics of the roundtable and how the event furthers the Catholic mission of the College. No response was received by press time.
College administrators were also contacted and asked how the discussion is being “conducted in a fashion worthy of a community of learning” per the External Speaker and Public Event policy when the entire panel is openly opposed to Catholic Church teaching on human sexuality. No response was received.
– See more at:

 Last but certainly not least...

how could we ever forget....

The rapping pious priests

Daniel Pajuelo: The Spanish priest who preaches to rap music 

Fresh Sánchez ft. smdani - Vamos Más Allá 

DJ Jazzy Jeff approves...


Do people really think God will be mocked much longer? Yes I will continue to mock the devil's Novus Ordo Religion! Please pray for conversions.