Wednesday, March 2, 2016

TradCatKnight Mail...

 TradCatKnight Mail...
Here is the latest coming through my inbox... 
Hi Eric, 
I really like your website, it is very informative and i continue to search in your web regularly, i do pray the rosary daily that gives me strength to carry on. Just a question regarding an apparition, is the Garbandal apparition valid ? certain sites say it is valid some say it is not to be taken seriously, what are your views ? Best Regards, Shenuka

TCK: I would say the message of Fatima suffices...

Eric;  My name is Francois R. I live in Canada. I have been following your blog/youtube channel for a long time now and I appreciate all that you do, keep up the good work.

The changes in the world prompted me to ask this question to other T.C..We can panic or unite and make plans to help each other. When this happens  and it will how are we going to provide food, clothing and shelter for each  other?  The city is going to be taken over and how will we survive when we  need to relocate into the vast wilderness? God helps those who help themselves. Even though we are small we could set up a network for survival. We need to have a place of light  in this world of darkness. Each of us has something to offer. Who will put this all together? Most panic, idle or say to old to do anything. Is anyone helping to set this up?  Regards, Traditional Catholic

TCK: Things will develop at local levels.  But overall leadership in the CounterRevolution will be quite evident to all at a certain point.

Hey Eric - Would it be possible to have an Exorcist on your show at some point ? Perhaps a discussion on the realities of Spiritual warfare, also. Thanks. In JESUS through Mary - Frank C

TCK: Not likely but I will look into...

Hi Eric, Your website sets better everyday.  Thank you!!! God Bless you and we are praying for you everyday. ~Judy M.

TCK: Thank you I appreciate that and need your prayers, Ave Maria!

Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to for review