Sunday, March 6, 2016

Saint Quote for the Day- Mortal Sin & Hell

'Bossuet remarks that this truth does not depend upon whether a person believes in it; even though he doesn't believe in hell, he'll go there if he has the misfortune of dying in mortal sin, no matter what his opinion on the subject. I tell you quite frankly that whenever I see sinners, I grow restless, I cannot quiet down, I cannot be consoled, my heart goes out to them. To give you an idea of how I feel, I will draw a comparison. If a loving mother saw her child in danger of falling from a high window or into an open fireplace, would not she run and shout, "Look out, baby, you are going to fall!" Wouldn't she run up behind the child and take hold of him and pull him back if she could? My brothers and sisters, you should know that grace is stronger and braver than nature. Well then, if the natural love a mother feels for her child can make her run to him, shout at him, take hold of him, and pull him back from the brink of ruin, that is just what grace does in me.'
St. Anthony Mary Claret

Genesis 18:20
And the Lord said: The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous.