Friday, March 4, 2016

Fr. Juan Ortiz: "Unilateral Recognition of SSPX Coming"

Fr. Juan Ortiz: "Unilateral Recognition of SSPX Coming"
Yep, let the Modernist's recognize the Society without first converting. Sounds logical to me;)
Fr. Ortiz:
Excellences, Confreres,

I've just learn from a VERY RELIABLE source that recently Bp. de Galarreta has been calling confreres and laymen in South America telling them, personally by phone, that :
- a "unilateral" agreement SSPX/Rome is imminent;
- they should not fear it;
- a General Chapter will be called first;
- some "document" will be signed by the SSPX.

 The Reaction of the "dopey joe's?
 We are only letting the Modernist's recognize us ?

Another source affirms that Bp. Tissier will also be invited to give his public approval of the agreement, as Bp. de Galarreta did last January in France..

Bp. Fellay was in the USA at the end of January and in a meeting with the priors prepared them also for an agreement with Rome.

Fr. Vernoy, prior in Florida, said last Sunday in his sermon that "those who oppose a reconciliation would commit a sin."

The spirits are prepared for an agreement.

How many confreres will leave, if the agreement is signed?

In Christo.