Monday, February 8, 2016

Video- Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show Agenda

Video- Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show Agenda 
Note: Not an Endorsement
666 on stage, gay agenda and global "love"

Although I do not agree with everything the maker of this video suggests I believe you will get the overall message of what the Illuminati were trying to push during the halftime of Super Bowl 50.

Super Bowl 50 Filled With Illuminati And Pro-LGBT Imagery Dominates Halftime Show

Everything from rainbow-colored everything to the stage itself forming a cultic New Age cross whose center was a swirling chaos of confusion, the message was driven home. Super Bowl 50 was for the One World generation.
 No longer are these shows about the music, it is all about the “message”. All these people are waiting for now is the appointed “messenger”... Antichrist.


Illuminati Superbowl 50 Halftime Show Agenda