Monday, February 1, 2016

AntiChrist Cometh? New Jerusalem Project Underway

AntiChrist Cometh? New Jerusalem Project Underway
By: Eric Gajewski
Judeo-Masonry & 5 Step Plan to Produce the Antichrist
Francis Linked to New Jerusalem InterFaith Project

In addition to my previous articles on this subject I wanted to further elaborate on the topics of the third temple being rebuilt, New Jerusalem Project and the Plan in place to install the Jew's New "Messiah". The mystery of iniquity has long been at work.  The Catholic Church has been infiltrated and subverted and the Catholic States have been overrun and implanted by the NWO's puppets.  Who could save us now from the grips of this diabolical regime?  Let us turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary and pay close attention to the skies for an eagle's sign is coming. 

 This is a recent article coming from the mainstream media and press.

PROPHECY WATCH: Rebuilding The Jewish Temple On The Horizon?

 We know from Catholic Tradition that the AntiChrist will rebuild the 3rd Temple and sit himself in it demanding all to worship him.  We are seeing this plan come together. We are getting dangerously close to the Maitreya's revealing in the world. For those ignorant the common opinion of the Church Fathers is that not only will Antichrist sit in this temple but then also in "Catholic" churches.  We are already beginning to see this transition in the Vatican II Novus Ordo Religion. I have even been getting emails from individuals throughout the world wherein there are images of Maitreya "going up" in supposed Catholic Churches. Should it surprise anyone? Not in the least considering there are some wayward prelates and priests now "worshipping" GAIA.

"Christ arose from among the Hebrews, and he (Antichrist) will spring from among the Jews. Christ showed His flesh as a Temple, and raised it up on the third day; and he, too, will raise up again the Temple of stone in Jerusalem." (St. Hippolytus)

"Antichrist will heal the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, raises storms and calms them, re-names mountains, make trees blossom and wither at a word, re-build the temple of Jerusalem, and make Jerusalem the capital city of the world with the vast wealth of hidden treasures." (Rabanus Maurus, private)

"Antichrist would first seize the empires of the East; he would have Jerusalem as his seat and imperial Capital. Both the city and its temple were to be rebuilt by him." (Sulpicius Severus)

The Third Holy Temple Plans Have Begun 


New Details Emerge on Rebuilt Altar of Jewish Holy Temple

Sneak Peak: The New Temple Institute Visitor Center in Jerusalem 

Upon exposing that Francis was linked to the New Jerusalem InterFaith Project I noticed the article was immediately taken down.  This was quite some time ago so please pay attention in the news for any recent developments. Please remember that from the New Age's own teaching it will be Francis who aides the False Prophet Yeshua Ben Joseph in the formal uniting of all humanity/religions. Please also recall Simon Perez putting out the propaganda for a UN of all religions. Francis seemed to be well supportive of this program. (infowars, reuters, jpost)

This was the title of the article I exposed but was taken down quickly (I saved the info) :

*FYI, Stage 4 of 5 on the New Jerusalem Project which Maitreya (Antichrist?) is behind is the formal unification of all religions via the "head of the Catholic Church"; we would call him the false prophet with aide of an antipope.

After the Third World War, the New Temple Will Be Rebuilt for Antichrist, Not Jesus Christ


 Maitreya's Image to begin appearing in "Catholic" Churches?

It is the synagogue of Satan (those that say they are Jews but are not) that will rebuild Solomon's temple.
And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. - Luke 21:20, 21
The Middle East crisis will lead to World War III. Antichrist will appear at the end of WWIII to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. A one-world government with a one-world religion will be established, the anti-Christian kingdom prophesied in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation. This one-world power will offer apparent peace and security to a world in chaos. The devil, Satan, will establish his earthly kingdom for "a little season," so that he as God will stand in the holy place, showing himself that he is God, and he will deceive many with his signs and wonders.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them. - 1st Thessalonians 5:3

The goal of the New Jerusalem Covenant Project is to create the plan by which Antichrist can solve the Middle East crisis; Antichrist will use this crisis to stage his appearance in the world. Antichrist is supposed to appear at the end of the Middle East crisis (World War III). The prophetic reality of Daniel 9:24-27, Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 11:1-12 is that the new Temple will be built after World War III and will produce the Man of Sin. Thus, the Illuminati plans to destroy the Dome of the Rock during the World War III fighting so that their Antichrist can rebuild Solomon's Temple. This reality means that Arabs will retain control over the Temple Mount until the moment Antichrist comes to the world scene and seizes it for the Jews so his temple can be created. "Peace and safety" will be heralded, and the leaders of the major nations will be busy taking credit for their "brilliant" leadership that seemingly finally solved the deeply engrained religious strife in and around Jerusalem that has plagued mankind for the past 1,400 years.

"The day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 
- 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4


Fervent Masonic Desire to Rebuild Solomon's Temple

Once you understand that Middle Eastern events are being driven by this fervent Masonic desire to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, then you will be able to make sense of what is occurring over there today. To finally realize this dream, control of Jerusalem, generally, and of the Temple Mount, especially, must pass from Israeli control; but it must not pass to Arab control. Rather, control of Jerusalem must pass to the Illuminized International Community. God is using this Masonic "preoccupation" with Jerusalem to pull all the nations of the world together against Jerusalem. Literally, out of the smoke, devastation and terror of the planned World War III, The Christ (Antichrist) shall come striding.

By David Bay,
June 25, 2009

Illuminized Western Freemasonry has long desired to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount. Masonic forces of the United Kingdom, United States, and Israel are absolutely determined to rebuild Solomon's Temple. This plan will bring about World War III, Antichrist, and the beginning of the Tribulation.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Genuine Born Again Christians have normally not given King Solomon's Temple much thought, for we realize that Jesus Christ fulfilled all the types and shadows of the Old Testament law, of which the Temple was an integral part.

Jesus foretold in Matthew 24 that the glorious Herodian Temple, which was modeled after the Solomon Temple, would be totally destroyed. Listen:

"And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and His disciples came to Him for to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, 'See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.'" Matthew 24:2
History records that this Temple, which had so impressed Jesus' disciples, was destroyed in A.D. 70. It was destroyed by the Roman Army that had laid siege to the city; further, even though the soldiers were under strict orders to not destroy the Temple, they set fire to it, and caused that fire to burn so hot, for so long and so thoroughly, that the stones heated hot enough to turn the gold liquid, flowing out of even the mortars of the bricks. When the fire cooled, Jesus' prophecy was exactly fulfilled...

In New Testament Epistles, neither Paul nor any other Apostle emphasized the Temple; in fact, they virtually ignored it! The writer to the Hebrews made it quite clear that the Covenant of Jesus Christ completely abolished the First Covenant of which the magnificent Temple was such an important part. Listen to Hebrews:
"Now if perfection (a perfect relationship between God and the worshipper) had been attainable by the Levitical priesthood -- for under it the people were given the Law -- why was it further necessary that there should arise another, and different kind of Priest, one after the order of Melchizedek, rather than one appointed after the order and rank of Aaron? For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is of necessity an alteration in the law [concerning the priesthood) as well." Hebrews 7:11-12
This passage makes it quite obvious that God considered the First Covenant to be defective and in dire need of replacement! And, when you change the covenant, you change the priesthood and the Law concerning the priesthood.

It does not take too much imagination to realize that if God was going to change the First Covenant and abolish its priesthood, He would abolish the Temple as well. For this reason, we read of God's action taken when Jesus was hanging on the cross, immediately after He "gave up the ghost:"
"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom." Matthew 27:51
God supernaturally ripped the Temple curtain separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies, while the sanctuary was filled with parishioners worshipping during the annual sacrifice for the sins of the Israel. Suddenly, they must have been filled with shock and fear as God abruptly ripped the curtain, throwing the Holy of Holies wide open. Many of them must have feared death, for no one could enter the Holy of Holies and live except for the High Priest, and he only once a year.

Tearing the curtain in two was God's signal that the First Covenant, with its Temple and priesthood, was now irrelevant, and was now to be replaced by His Second Covenant through Jesus Christ.

The writer to the Hebrews picks up this very theme:
"In keeping with [the oath's greater strength and force], Jesus has become the Guarantee of a better (stronger) agreement [a more excellent and more advantageous covenant]." [Hebrews 7:22; Ibid.]

"When God speaks of a new [covenant or agreement], He makes the first one obsolete (out of use). And what is obsolete (out of use and annulled because of age) is ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether." [Hebrews 8:13; Ibid.]
Did you catch that? "... ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether." Therefore, genuine Christians have virtually ignored the Solomon and Herodian Temples, except to arrive at a proper understanding of the Old Testament Covenant.

We certainly understand that God destroyed the Temple because He had instituted the superior Second Covenant through the new superior High Priest, Jesus Christ. To us, the Solomon Temple is just an interesting piece of Ancient History! But, not so with the pagan Freemasons. In their religion, the Temple plays a very, very important role.


Let us stop here for a moment to dispense with the current Masonic lie that their organization is not a religion. Let us review some quotes:
"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are an instruction in religion." ["Morals and Dogma," Albert Pike, p. 231-L]

"It [Masonry] is the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God planted it in the heart of universal humanity." [Ibid., p. 219-M]

"But the Masonic organizations in which these legends were cherished, like Masonic Lodges today, were religious bodies." [The Holy Bible: The Great Light In Masonry," King James Version, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Company, 1968, p. 26]

"... Masonry may rightfully claim to be called a religious institution." ["A New and Revised Edition: An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences," by Albert Mackey, M.D., 33º, Volume II, p. 618.
Do not be deceived: Freemasonry is a religion!

Now that we have amply demonstrated that the genuine Christian has no close affinity to Solomon's Temple because He destroyed it and annulled the Levitical Priesthood that accompanied it, let us examine how important this temple is to the practice of the Masonic religion.

"Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent, and the most pervading of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ..." ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry," by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]
Let us repeat the critical understanding that the noted 33º Masonic author, Albert Mackey, has just given us:
"Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... "
Therefore, the first understanding we want you to grasp is that Freemasonry is absolutely, completely, 100% devoted to the Solomon Temple, without which the entire structure and foundation of Freemasonry would die!

Thus does Masonry stand in stark contrast to genuine, Biblical Christianity. In other words, Freemasonry is rooted at its deepest foundation to the First Covenant of the Old Testament, while Biblical Christianity is rooted to the Second Covenant of Jesus Christ as delineated in the New Testament!

Mackey makes this fact quite clear also:
"Masonry has derived its temple symbolism, as it has almost all its symbolic ideas, from the Hebrew type ..." [Ibid]
Since the Old Testament was written originally in the Hebrew, and the New Testament in the Greek, Mackey is clearly stating that Freemasonry is rooted in the Old Testament!

In the Masonic Bible, quoted above (the Temple Illustrated Edition), the author of the Foreword sheds some further light upon the importance of Solomon's Temple to Freemasonry:
"The traditions and romance of King Solomon's Temple are of great interest to everyone who reads the Bible. They are of transcendent importance to Masons. The Temple is the outstanding symbol in Masonry, and the legendary story of the building of the Temple is the fundamental basis of the Masonic rule and guide for conduct in life ... The cream of Masonic historical and philosophical writing has been drawn upon for his description of the Temple and its relation to Masonic ritual." [The Holy Bible: The Great Light In Masonry," King James Version, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Company, 1968, Forward entitled, "The Bible and King Solomon's Temple in Masonry," by John Wesley Kelchner]
Let us review the important segment:
"The traditions and romance of King Solomon's Temple ... are of transcendent importance to Masons."
The word "transcendent" is used by genuine Biblical Christianity to describe God Himself. Just as the dictionary explains, God is truly "transcendent," "to pass beyond the limit that humans can grasp;" "to exist above and independently of material experience or the universe."

In other words, Solomon's Temple is to the Freemason what God is to the genuine Christian! Thus, belief in Solomon's Temple transcends all of Freemasonry itself, existing above and independently of it. Masonry has placed its "transcendent" faith in a building that the True God Himself destroyed, not once, but twice!


Starting at the end of the quote from the Temple Illustrated Edition Bible, above, we read:
"... In all the rich symbolism of Ancient Craft Masonry two symbols, or symbolic themes, predominate: one is the search for light, the other is the labor of building. The source of light is the Holy Bible, and the grand representation of the builder's art is King Solomon's Temple .... It was natural that imaginative stone Masons, long before the development of anything like our modern fraternity, should have felt a kinship with the great builders of all ages. It was natural also that they should have acknowledge a peculiar attraction for the most famous and glorious of all building enterprises, King Solomon's Temple and Citadel. Interest and attraction for the wonderful structure on Mt. Moriah have increased rather than diminished ... until today the Temple of Solomon is the spiritual home of every Mason." [Masonic Holy Bible, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Co., 1968, p. 11-14]
A short while later, these authors explain:
"King Solomon's Temple was the perfect architectural expression of the religious faith of a people." [P. 25] "Perhaps Masonic interest also increased from a more or less incidental notice of the Temple to a final preoccupation with it as a symbol of spiritual man. [P. 29]
Indeed, Masonic leadership has spiritualized the meaning of the Temple in the life of each and every Mason. Albert Mackey explains:
"To the Master Mason, the Temple of Solomon is truly the symbol of human life ... it becomes a fit symbol of human life occupied in the search after Divine Truth, which is nowhere to be found ... Such is the symbolism of the first Temple, that of Solomon, as familiar to the class of Master Masons." ["Encylopaedia of Freemasonry, Mackey, p. 774]
However, while Solomon's Temple is the symbol of mortal human life to the Master Mason, a higher class of Masons ascribe a different interpretation to yet another Temple. Listen to Mackey explain:
"But there is a second and higher class of the Fraternity, the Masons of the Royal Arch, by whom this temple symbolism is still further developed. This second class, leaving their early symbolism and looking beyond this Temple of Solomon, find in Scriptural history another Temple, which years after the destruction of the first one, was erected upon its ruins; and they have selected the second Temple, the Temple of Zerubbabel, as their prominent symbol. And, as the first class of Masons find in their Temple the symbol of mortal life, limited and perishable, they, on the contrary, see in this second Temple, built upon the foundations of the first, a symbol of life eternal, where the lost truth shall be found, where new incense shall arise from a new altar, and whose perpetuity their great Master had promised when, in the very spirit of symbolism, he exclaimed, 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up'."

"And so to these two classes or Orders of Masons the symbolism of the Temple presents itself in a connected and continuous form. To the Master Mason, the Temple of Solomon is the symbol of this life; to the Royal Arch Mason, the Temple of Zerubbabel is the symbol of the future life. To the former, his Temple is the symbol of the search for truth; to the latter, his is the symbol of the discovery of truth; and thus the circle is completed and the system made perfect." [Ibid., Pages 774-775]
The Temple is so very important to the Mason that he took the final step to spiritualize its meaning. Master Masons look upon Solomon's Temple as their symbol of human life, while Royal Arch Masons consider the inferior Temple of Zerubbabel as their symbol of eternal life! The two symbols, taken together, form a spiritual circle, thus "perfecting" the Masonic symbolic system!

Now, you can understand how the Temple of Solomon became such a "transcendent" issue for the Mason!


Since Freemasonry reverences Solomon's Temple so very much, and since this Temple holds such a pre-eminent position in all of Freemasonry, from its foundation to its very roof, is it much of a stretch to understand that Freemasons might fervently desire to re-build Solomon's Temple on the only place on earth it can possibly be built -- the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

Let us examine some of these writings to see the fervent desire of Freemasons to rebuild Solomon's Temple!
"The Freemasons have, at all events, seized with avidity the idea of representing in their symbolic language the interior and spiritual man by a material temple ... The great body of the Masonic Craft, looking only to this first Temple erected by the wisdom of King Solomon, make it the symbol of life; and as the great object of Masonry is the search after truth, they are directed to build up this temple as a fitting receptacle for truth ..." ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company, p. 774]
The word "avidity" is defined as "eagerness, greed." Therefore, we can see that they are "directed to build up this temple" with eagerness and greediness! Mackey then goes on to talk about this new temple and some of its new fixtures.
"... new incense shall arise from a new altar, and whose perpetuity their great Master had promised when, in the very spirit of symbolism, he exclaimed, 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.'" [Ibid.]
"New incense" arising from a "new altar," in a Temple that Mackey has just associated with the "great Master Mason," Jesus Christ! In other words, Mackey has linked the new Temple with a Christ or Messianic figure. In another book, Masonic author, Edward Waite, is even more explicit. Listen:
"The Temple of Masonry is hence forward the house of Christ' ... [Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History," Volume II, reprinted in 1970 by Weathervane Books., p. 314]
The new Solomon Temple is henceforth to be called the "house of Christ." The naive might think Waite is referring to Jesus Christ, but Waite did not say that, did he? Do you know that the term "Christ" literally means the "office of the promised Messiah"?

Jesus fulfilled that office when He lived and ministered among men, and He was recognized as having fulfilled that Messianic office. Listen:
"And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." [Matthew 16:16]
Notice Peter said "Thou are the Christ;" in other words, Peter recognized that Jesus was the Divine/human fulfillment of this office of Messiah.
"And the high priest answered and said unto him, 'I adjure Thee by the living God, that Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God.'" [Matthew 26:63]
The high priest asked Jesus point blank if He was the fulfillment of that Messianic office.
"... the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether He were the Christ, or not." [Luke 3:15]
Even the common Jew understood this distinction between the office ["the Christ"] and the man Who would fill it.

However, the Bible says that another Christ shall arise, and he shall be the Antichrist or one who comes in the guise of Christ, pretending to be the Messiah. Unfortunately, most of the people living at that time will be deceived into believing him to be Messiah, and will enthusiastically follow him [Revelation 13:3b-4].

Since Masonry is a counterfeit Christianity, it seems logical that Mackey and Waite might be talking about Antichrist, not Jesus Christ. Therefore, Waite really said:
"The Temple of Masonry is hence forward the house of [anti-]Christ."
If plans are really afoot to rebuild Solomon's Temple, it will be for Antichrist, not Jesus Christ. And the Bible foretells just this kind of event, does it not? Listen:
"And many false prophets will rise up and deceive many into error ..." [Verse 11] "So when you see the appalling sacrilege [the abomination that astonishes and makes desolate], spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Holy Place ...." Matthew 24:15
Jesus is quoting Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11, in which Antichrist will go into the Holy of Holies and commit the "Abomination that Causes Desolation." The Apostle Paul gives us more insight as to why Antichrist's actions are so offensive to God.
"... and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition), who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and insolently against and over all that is called God or that is worshipped [even to his actually] taking his seat in the Temple of God, proclaiming that he himself is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3b-4
Matthew 24:15 suddenly depicts Antichrist walking into the Holy of Holies to declare himself to be God, and proudly demanding that he be worshipped as God. Revelation 13:15 tells us that Antichrist will actually erect an image created in his likeness; this image will not only be able to speak, but will possess the supernatural power to kill anyone who does not worship it!

Now we understand. Antichrist will walk into a rebuilt Temple standing on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, declare himself to be God, demand to be worshipped as such, and erect a talking image made in his likeness!

Therefore, the re-built Temple of which Jesus foretells is directly linked to Antichrist! Why should we be surprised to learn from Waite that "The Temple of Masonry is hence forward the house of Christ"?

This planned new temple shall be the Temple of Antichrist, in complete fulfillment of Scripture.


"... in the High Grades [of Masonry] we hear of a secret intention to build yet another temple at Jerusalem." [Author, Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History," Volume II, reprinted in 1970 by Weathervane Books]

In the late 1800's, Masonic author and authority, Edward Waite, boldly stated that a secret plan does exist within Freemasonry to "build yet another temple at Jerusalem."

This poses a problem, does it not? In the mid-600's, the Muslim Dome of the Rock was built squarely on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Therefore, any "secret intention" of the top Masonic leadership to rebuild Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem must necessarily include a plan to remove the existing Dome of the Rock!

Thus we read of just such a plan being executed by New World Order author, Peter Lemesurier, writing in his book, "The Armageddon Script:"
"... it may be possible for the New David to ride into Jerusalem in all his resplendent majesty. Note the word 'ride' ... on a donkey as predicted in Zechariah 9:9 ... it would seem advisable for the new Messiah to repeat it, donkey and all ... The processional route will, of course, lie directly across the Kidron ravine, as close as possible to the Temple Mount ... he must be duly enthroned and anointed with oil (in token of Psalm 45:6-7) amid the rubble of the dome of the Rock ..." [P.. 233-35]
Thus, you see clearly the plan to reduce the Dome of the Rock to rubble so Solomon's Temple can be rebuilt; further, Lemesurier ties this destruction of the Dome of the Rock to the appearance of the "New David," the New Age Christ -- the Masonic Christ actually, whom the Bible calls Antichrist.

Adding to the declaration of the fervency of this "secret intention to build yet another temple at Jerusalem," we read:
"Perhaps Masonic interest also increased from a more or less incidental notice of the Temple to a final preoccupation with it as a symbol of spiritual man." [Masonic Holy Bible, Temple Illustrated Edition, 1968, P. 29]
To Reiterate:
Masons are "preoccupied" with King Solomon's Temple.

They are so "preoccupied" that they have gone to great lengths to justify building a new Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Listen:
"Concerning the building of this temple, the Zohar teaches that Solomon's Temple was not built according to the original plans ... In a word, the Lord did not build the House, and they laboured in vain that built it ... There is a time, however, to come, when the Holy One shall remember His people, Israel, and the Lord shall build the House." [Author, Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History," Volume II, reprinted in 1970 by Weathervane Books]
To Reiterate:

"Zohar teaches that Solomon's Temple was not built according to the original plans ... In a word, the Lord did not build the House, and they laboured in vain that built it ... There is a time, however, to come when the Holy One shall remember His people, Israel, and the Lord shall build the House."
Now that we have been told that Solomon did not follow God's original plan in building his Temple, we realize the importance Masons lay upon a "Holy One" that shall come to "remember His people, Israel," and shall commemorate that remembrance by finally building a house that He had originally intended Solomon to build!

In other words, King Solomon messed up the royal plans for the Temple! He did not follow God's original plan, so God allowed Solomon's magnificent Temple to be destroyed! The Coming Christ will rebuild it, but shall build it according to the original Divine Plan.

Now, can you appreciate the ruling handed down a few years ago by the Orthodox Jewish leadership that "only Messiah can build the Temple"? When the Masonic Christ shall come, then shall be fulfilled Waite's quote, "the Lord shall build the House!"


Shockingly, the modern Masonic Bible, quoted above, verifies the fact that the Solomon Temple will have to await the appearance of a very special man. Listen:
"It is known to every reader of the Bible and student of Solomon's days, that an amazingly detailed description of the Temple and its associated structures has been carried down from the mists of antiquity by the Scriptures. Lineal measurements, materials employed, and ornamental detail are so graphically presented that restoration of the Temple, at any time within a score of centuries past, awaited only the coming of a man with the vision to recognize its historic value, and the imagination to undertake the task." [Foreword, "The Bible and King Solomon's Temple in Masonry," by John Wesley Kelchner, 1968, A. J. Holman Company]
To Reiterate the Key Point:
"... restoration of the Temple ... awaited only the coming of a man with the vision ..."

Once you understand that Middle Eastern events are being driven by this fervent Masonic desire to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, then you will be able to make sense of what is occurring over there today.To finally realize this dream, control of Jerusalem, generally, and of the Temple Mount, especially, must pass from Israeli control; but it must not pass to Arab control. Rather, control of Jerusalem must pass to the Illuminized International Community.

God is using this Masonic "preoccupation" with Jerusalem to pull all the nations of the world together against Jerusalem. Literally, out of the smoke, devastation and terror of the planned World War III, The Christ (Antichrist) shall come striding, just as Peter Lemesurier indicated in his book, "The Armageddon Script."

[Note carefully, that Illuminized Freemasonry derives its entire Satanic religion from the Hebrew type; thus, the Arab is considered an enemy, to be vanquished. All Arabs need to understand they are targeted for extinction, as their strongly monotheistic religion will never allow them to completely accept the claims of The Christ (Antichrist). We have detailed the plan by which this eradication shall occur, in stages -- NEWS1631, entitled, "Blood In The Streets."]

The Christ (Antichrist) shall enact the scenario Lemesurier outlined, where he shall be anointed Messiah, standing "amidst the rubble of the Dome of the Rock."

Illuminized Western Freemasonry -- driven by the United Kingdom, the United States, and Israel -- are carefully maneuvering events in the Middle East to so precipitate the war that will not only allow their Christ (Antichrist) to arise [Tim Cohen, "Antichrist and A Cup of Tea"], but will destroy the Dome of the Rock by either a deliberately induced earthquake or war [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script"].

As Cohen so strongly states, the key leadership in this script is in London, at the House of Windsor. They make the policy; and officials of the United Kingdom, the United States, and Israel implement it.

We have noted lately the true "Axis of Evil" driving world events -- England, United States, and Israel.  We have been able to trace the beginning of this entire modern flow of history all the way back to British Illuminist Francis Bacon and the equally Illuminist Queen Elizabeth I. But, that is the grist for another story to be told at another time!

However, the point is that, as the beginning of the Illuminized plan for the New World Order can be traced back to the 1590s to British leadership, it makes sense that Antichrist shall ultimately come from Great Britain. Thus, we can understand the many plans the Illuminati has laid to make rebuilding Solomon's Temple a reality. Consider our previous articles which have talked at length about International Control of Jerusalem:

NEWS1052 -- Verbatim Transcript of the Seminar at the House of Theosophy, August 18, 1991. Five Steps of New Jerusalem Covenant Plan to Produce Antichrist Outlined and Explained

NEWS1395 -- First of Five Steps Occurred, Just As Outlined In House of Theosophy Seminar

NEWS1413 -- Control Over Jerusalem, Arafat Not Agreeing

NEWS1529 -- Is The United Nations About To Take Step Three of New Jerusalem Covenant Project?

NEWS1573 -- Is Jerusalem About To Be Declared International City?

NEWS1587 -- Pope John Paul II Signs Covenant With Arafat Calling For Internationalization of Jerusalem!

NEWS1635 -- U.N. Has Officially Controlled Jerusalem Since 1999!


Five Steps of the Plan to Produce Antichrist

Complete Seminar Notes from House of Theosophy Seminar Which Reveals Plans for Last Stages of New World Order!!

 In early August, 1991, John called to tell me that the New England Director of the House of Theosophy, Bill Lambert, was holding a seminar at the Boston headquarters. The name of this seminar, "POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE"

John said that Bill Lambert was one of the major players in the New World Order Planning, because the House of Theosophy has always been such a major player since Madame Blavatsky had founded it in 1875.

John said that Lambert still considered him a member, so he could get in, with me as his guest. John asked me to keep my identity of Christian a secret, and just listen and take notes. The revelations were astounding, not so much for their actual content, but because their plans fulfilled Bible prophecy, and much of what he revealed showed that the Time of the End was truly upon us.



I. "Prophecy

-- Self-fulfilling nature of:

"What a person thinks, he creates. Occult law states that energy follows thought. Therefore, collective belief in wrong prophecy by millions of people can cause an immense unconscious level of negative feelings that can lead to fulfilling prophecy."

"Armageddon is a good case in point. People believe in the Armageddon concept, which is that this present world must be destroyed before the new can be created (the new heavens and new earth). Therefore, massive collective belief in this concept leads toward a self-fulfillment of that concept. Belief in Armageddon is intertwined around Israel and the Middle East, and is causing nations toward this region, possibly setting the stage for massive, even nuclear, war."

II. "New Jerusalem Covenant Project

"Sometime between 1985-2010, the following scenario will unfold, depending only on the right set of circumstances:

* Moslem and Jewish areas in Jerusalem will be combined with Christian to create the New Jerusalem Covenant

* All religions will convene to celebrate three (3) religious festivals simultaneously:

1. Festival of Goodwill -- normally in May-June
2. Festival of Easter -- normally in April
(Celebrates new birth, as exemplified by the Christ -- Jesus Christ to Christians)
3. Festival of Wesak -- normally in March
(Celebrates birth of the Buddha)

This celebration of these three combined Festivals will create the New World Order
Religion and will be the spiritual equivalent to the political United Nations."

"When the religious communities of the world are thus merged, political governments to simultaneously hold the following political/business conferences:
1. Planetary Goodwill Congress
2. Planetary Human Resource and Disarmament Congress
3. Planetary Environmental Resource and Space Congress"


"Thus, when the three religious conferences and the three political/business conferences are simultaneously held, a grand merger of all forces will occur world-wide that will move the world in any desired direction."

"Then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem." 

Bill Lambert refused to say that this combination church building would be built on the Temple Mount, as I directly questioned him. But, note that the specific part of the New World Order Plan, called the New Jerusalem Covenant Project, envisions the establishment of a combination religious Jerusalem -- Islam, Christianity, Judiasm. 

Bill further stated that "any purely political settlement in the Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In other words, a purely political settlement would leave the religious nature of the problem unsolved."

"Any permanent solution to the Middle East conflict would also have to see the religious portion of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel would permanently decline."


"The impetus toward this type of settlement is made possible only because of a general fear of war. This fear of war must be maintained until the desired political and religious changes have been instituted."


"At the proper moment in history, the "Pope" will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. This action will then finally break the Middle East logjam."


III. "Review of the Establishment of the New World Order Religion as espoused by the Alice A. Bailey books

* "What is occurring now at such a rapid pace was written by A.A.B. Bailey speaks to the spirit of peace, which is now invading humanity, on page 173 of her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy:

"The fusion of many minds into one directed activity is today of supreme importance...Unity of directed thought and purpose is the guarantee of inevitable and future success. The power of massed thought is omnipotent...The Spirit of Peace is hovering close to humanity, seeking opportunity to make His Presence felt. The Spirit of Peace is not an abstract concept but a potent Individual, wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet. Great Forces are awaiting the hour when They can function as the Liberators and the Deliverers of mankind. But the door to Their entrance must be opened by humanity itself and it will be opened by a united act of the will, expressed through some formula of words and expressed in sound. It will be brought about by an activity performed simultaneously by all men and women of goodwill and by all the world aspirants and disciples. The door will not open unless the act of invocation is backed by the focused will. The directed determination of the man or the group who is using the suggested formula, prayer, or invocation is essential."


* "Energies want to flow from the Hierarchy to earth to produce the physical manifestation of the Christ [Biblical Antichrist]; but, such flow can only occur when humanity raises its collective consciousness to be properly awakened receptors." (Page 617-618, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, paraphrased by Mr. Lambert).

At this point, I raised my hand to ask Mr. Lambert, 'You spoke earlier about the "Pope" going to Jerusalem; when Lord Maitreya makes his appearance, there will be three types of people:

  1. Those whose consciousness has been properly raised so they can readily accept him;

  2. Those whose consciousness has been raised somewhat but not so high that they can readily and immediately accept him, but they might be able to accept him after further enlightenment;

  3. Those who will never accept him.'
I continued:

'What responsibility do the leaders of the world's religions have toward those members of their flock who are of group number two? Will they step forward to publicly urge group number two people to accept the Christ [Biblical Antichrist]?'

Bill's answer was that the acceptance of the Christ [Biblical Antichrist] was completely an individual affair.

I then tried again to get Bill to state that one of the leaders of the world's religion would step forward to play the role of the Biblical False Prophet. I said, 'Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the "Pope" is a proper receptor to the Christ [Biblical Antichrist].'

At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper receptor to the Christ [Biblical Antichrist]. This is the most direct acknowledgement by a influential person involved in the planning for the appearance of Christ that the "Pope" would be ready and waiting for the appearance of The Christ [Biblical Antichrist]. 

Mr. Lambert continued with his seminar.

D.K. (one of Alice Bailey's Guiding Spirits) has revealed that, "when the Christ [Biblical Antichrist] comes forward, he will establish his throne on earth. However, the door where evil dwells must be kept shut." D.K. identifies this evil as being the "lowest level of human nature where we tap into our primal, base nature."
In other words, this evil consists of the members of Group #3, whose consciousness has not and cannot be properly raised so they can be proper receptors of the Christ [Biblical Antichrist], i.e., born-again Christians.

Quoting from Alice Bailey's book, Esoteric Psychology 1, Mr. Lambert revealed the mystery of Healing Dynamics. The working of the energy in the Seven Rays will produce human healing. To facilitate this healing, the Hierarchy has revealed scientific discoveries to mankind (pages 373-374). At this point, I raised my hand to share that certain scientists had claimed they had received the inspiration for their inventions under the influence of a psychic dream. Quoting from my seminar notes, I mentioned Mr. Vogel of IBM, the developer of the Xerox copier, and I pointed out that Thomas Edison was a dedicated Theosophist. Mr. Lambert did not dispute these points and went on to explain that "electricity is a major life force. The life-force of electricity is a combination of magnetism, electricity, and an unknown force. The entire universe is a manifestation of electrical power."

"Some time at the end of this decade, the Hierarchy is going to reveal a major new secret to human scientists concerning electricity."

I was enthralled. In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined receiving such direct confirmation of the concept that Satan has been intervening directly in the affairs of man during this century to reveal scientific secrets. This explains the sudden explosion of knowledge starting at the beginning of this century.

In fact, as Bill continued to talk, I sensed that the New Age worships Science as their God. Being more specific, they worship the Science of Forces as their God, thus directly fulfilling Daniel's prophecy: Neither shall he (Anti-Christ) regard the God of his fathers...but in his estate shall he honour the God of Forces" (Daniel 11:37-38, King James).

Mr. Lambert continued with his seminar:

IV. "A Cashless economy is coming, and will solve all sorts of problems:

* Crime will disappear

* Each household will have a computer with which to conduct all purchases. Computers are coming that are small enough to hold in your hand, so that you can conduct small transactions, i.e., paper boy or a teenager who cuts your lawn. Costs of computers are currently falling so that even people on Welfare can afford one."

V. "Virtual Reality is becoming a reality. Virtual Reality is defined as mentally creating a reality which is so real that you can literally live within it for a time."

This concept is being taught now in the College Music Program. My son is a music major in a Christian college, and he has heard of Virtual Reality, even though the college does not teach it. Virtual Reality will be given tremendous impetus by computer gaming, i.e., Nintendo. A person will be able to slip a helmet on which will place him into an alternate reality as real as factual reality. In fact, discoveries are progressing which will allow this computer game to pick up an individual's brain waves and project the type of reality, visually within the helmet, that the individual is conceiving in his brain!! Does it sound super-natural? It is; it is from Satan.

Mr. Lambert continued with his seminar:

VI. "UFOs and Aliens are part of the New World Order.

They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the Anti-Christ appears."

VII. "Super-Natural Capabilities Of The Anti-Christ

Then, Mr. Lambert revealed that, "when Lord Maitreya appears, he will appear as different beings to different people.

* He will appear as a man to a man and as a woman to a woman.

* He will appear as a white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian, etc."

It makes no difference whether you are viewing him in person or on Television. Thus, "he will show that he is all things to all people".

Another author has also indicated that his image will appear over all nations of the earth simultaneously, and that he will speak to each ethnic group in their own language. We know this is technologically possible with computer images being sent from ground to satellite and back down to earth. There will evidently be a mixing of super-natural phenomena and advanced technology when the staging of the Anti-Christ occurs. Of course, if Satan has deliberately revealed scientific secrets to man, as New Agers claim, we can say that both the super-natural phenomena and scientific technology are the work of Satan.

* "Finally, a sound will be heard world-wide which will herald the coming of Maitreya the Christ. Prompted by this sound, people will be aware of his coming on three distinct levels: Spiritual, physical, and emotional. (Refer back to Page 2 to the quoted portion of Alice Bailey's book.)"

* As to the time-table of Maitreya's appearance, Mr. Lambert would not be specific. However, one of the listeners raised his hand to volunteer the information that he had read that Lord Maitreya was on board the warship at Malta in 1989, and participated in the conference between Presidents Bush and Gorbachev.

Mr. Lambert did not deny this and a thrill went through the truly New Age participants at the thought that this could be true. If this is true, the appearance of Maitreya is very close.

This concludes my notes on this most interesting seminar. I leave it to you to reach conclusions on the significance of these revelations. However, remember two things:

1. Bill Lambert admits he is being guided by his Guiding Spirits who are telling him many things concerning the immediate future.

2. Bill Lambert is a participant in the critically important New Jerusalem Covenant Project. The goal of this project is to create the Plan by which Maitreya can solve the Middle East crisis and use this crisis to stage his appearance in the world.

I would not be surprised if this group is actually writing the Peace Treaty/Covenant which Maitreya will sign with Israel at the proper time. This would then directly fulfill Daniel's prophecy of 9:27.

Will the already Planned Illuminati Rothschild Temple be the new rebuilt Masonic Temple where all false religions of the world will be represented and where the little horn antichrist will be worshipped as God bringing in the one world religion after each of their Gods show up in the sky

Is the Rothschild Temple being Prepared to be Built on the Temple Mount? 

If the veteran insider to the conspirators of Israel and even the world, Benjamin Fulford, is correct, the construction of the “Jerusalem Tribulation Temple”, or as BibleSearchers Reflections coined in 2005, “The Rothschild Temple” is scheduled to be built in 2012.  If this were to happen, be prepared to watch one of the best coordinated construction projects in the world to be erected.  As Fulford wrote:
Benjamin Fulford – “The group of people who have been secretly running the governments of the West for thousands of years are determined to fulfill biblical prophecy before relinquishing power, according to high level secret government sources. As a part of their plans, they have reached a secret agreement with Muslim countries to rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in a manner that will leave the Muslim holy site, the Dome of the Rock, intact.
In addition, it has been agreed that Jerusalem will be turned into an international city so that it can be a capital for both the Jews and the Palestinians, the sources say. “The architectural plans have already been drawn up and we want to rebuild the temple in 2012,” one senior Zionist source says.”

For years, the Christian and Jewish believers of Israel have learned, read and even visited the Old City of Jerusalem shop by “The Temple Mount Faithful” who have dedicated many years in preparing all the vessels and instruments, like the silver shofars, to be prepared to immediately start the ritual services of a Jewish Temple, if and when such were to be built.
They even have trained and dedicated priests (Kohens) of Levitical blood-lines to be prepared to begin the ritual temple services in a moment’s notice.  For decades, it has also been reported that young priests or Kohens of Levitical bloodlines have been raised on “covenanted” or “separated locations” in areas of ritual purity prepared to take over the various ritual services of a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. 

And then on September 7, 2010, Destination Yisra’el reported that “Jerusalem and the Holy Sites of the Jews have already been Bought and Given Away but not to Israel” in a blog that reported that:
Destination Yisra’el – “On September 2, 2010, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas entered into secret conference in Washington and the White House to be negotiation for the “Final Status” of a Palestinian State. On that same day, in a news brief just before the negotiations began, Aaron Klein in the article titled, “Israel concedes Jerusalem before negotiations even begin", reported;
Aaron Klein - "JERUSALEM – Ahead of the start of today's Mideast summit in Washington, the Israeli government publicly conceded sections of Jerusalem will become part of a Palestinian state while holy sites would be governed by a 'special regime'.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak outlined a deal with the Palestinians; ‘West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The Arab neighborhoods in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live will be theirs'."
Cutting Edge Ministries, in the same day also commented with these “bombshell” remarks;
Cutting Edge Ministries – “In accordance with the "New Jerusalem Covenant Plan", Israel has conceded control of Jerusalem and her holy places before negotiations with the Palestinians even begin!
The Rothschild's 500 million franc purchase of the Temple Mount and several thousand surrounding acres may be about to be brought into public view; however, great war will instantly break out when Muslims realize that the Illuminati controls the entire area!”
It was in 1991, two years before the signing of the Oslo Accord Agreement, that the director of Cutting Edge was admitted undercover into a member’s only meeting of the Boston House of Theosophy, in order to listen to a lecture by the returning New England Director, Bill Lambert, of the House of Theosophy, titled “Possible and Probable Events to Occur in the Future”.  Lambert was chosen because the House of Theosophy had historically been a major player in world ecumenism since the days of the Russian Occultist, Spiritualist Madame Blavatsky founded it in the year of 1875.
Lambert had just returned from a 3-year global assignment in Jerusalem. There he was working on an international committee panel making preparations for the transformation of the Nation of Israel into a nation “fully submitted to the global community, i.e, under the expected Jewish Messiah.”
The group Lambert was working on was called “The New Jerusalem Covenant Project.”  On this panel were many working projects and committees making the preparation to “internationalize Jerusalem” where all the holy places of Christianity, Islam and Judaism would be under the control of the ‘International Community’, some call the “One World Order”. Their goal was to build a “combination Temple/Church-Cathedral/Mosque” where the three Abrahamic religions would worship together on one mount. 
It was their belief that whenever these three religions were once pacified to live in harmony with each other under the control of the International Community, it would eventually be transformed into a New World Order Religion.  To Lambert, the ultimate solution to thousands of years of hatred, pogroms, sectarian wars and international hotspots would be neutralized by having a common home for each of the great religions to worship. 
Bill Lambert appeared so convinced in this private lecture that the “final solution to the seemingly intractable religious warfare, hatreds, and tensions that have been swirling over the region since Israel became a nation in 1948, was to have a combined place of worship. When questioned on whether the International Interfaith House of Worship would be placed on the Temple Mount, Lambert did become quite evasive with a reactive body language that gave the director from Cutting Edge the idea that it would not be built on the Temple Mount. Then came the expected bombshell: 
Cutting Edge – “Once this combination worship center is built, the "Pope" will travel to Jerusalem to dedicate the groundbreaking for the new international, interfaith worship center, he will declare all world's religions to be united, and the New World Order Religion will be born!"
The director for Cutting Edge then made this cogent observation that came from his visceral inner self;
Cutting Edge – “Lambert's statement reveals the intense hatred the Illuminati has for the Orthodox Jew, a hatred that Jewish journalist, Barry Chamish, has chronicled well.”
He went on to observe that this hatred was played out in the expulsion of the Orthodox religiously observant Jews from Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip and eventually trying to expel the observant patriots of Israel now spreading out the tentacles of Judaism and Israeli influence throughout the West Bank region of Shomron in Ancient Samaria, and in Judea."
As Bill Lambert spoke;
Bill Lambert – “Any purely political settlement in the Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In other words, a purely political settlement would leave the religious nature of the problem unsolved. Any permanent solution to the Middle East conflict would also have to see the religious portion of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel would permanently decline."
To fulfill these future objectives, long term strategic plans were put into place to create an atmosphere of war and the rhetoric of war continued until the political and religious changes in Israel and Jerusalem were put in place.
According to Bill Lambert – “The impetus toward this type of settlement is made possible only because of a general fear of war. This fear of war must be maintained until the desired political and religious changes have been instituted."
The Illuminati that represents the interests of the Israeli Freemasons, the Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve, the Vatican, and the Jesuits were in essence manipulating the world geo-politics in order to fulfill the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and produce a decade of “fear of wars’ not just War.
Then Lambert went on and mentioned that there would be three global conferences were to occur between the dates of August 28 to September 10, 2000.  Their purpose was to apply “focused will” that would force the Arabs and Jews to accept an equitable solution to Jerusalem and so that they could announce the birth of the New World Order. These conferences included in part: 
  1. The first conference that was planned was to be a global religious conference that met on August 28-41 at the United Nations in New York.
  2. The second conference was planned as a global business conference that met on September 4-10 at the United Nations in New York.
  3. The third conference was planned as a global political conference that would meet at the United Nations in New York, also in the year of 2000.
And so on that day, starting on August 28, 2000, Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz spoke at the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations. Many in the Protestant Christian community were shocked when the revelation became apparent that Billy Graham was a Freemason. 
The goal of the World Peace Summit was to form a permanent council of religious leaders to advise the U.N. on preventing and settling religious disputes. Of the more than 1,000 participants that came to the conference, their representatives included adherents to Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Judaism, Spiritism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Confucianism.
The movers and shakers behind the Summit meeting were the World Council of Churches and the Vatican. It was they who will be the responsible parties to assemble an ecumenical global community.
Now eleven years later, on the international political atmosphere, “War Fever” and War Fear” has been rising dramatically in a manner not seen since the height of the Cold War in the 1960s.  It began when the Freemason, Ariel Sharon, the candidate for the office of the Israeli Prime Minister ascended, just before Rosh Hashanah 2000, the Temple Mount and there read portions of the GogUMagog War in Ezekiel 38-39.
Immediately the cue had been placed and the Freemason Yasser Arafat started the Palestinian Intifada on September 29, 2000. On that day, the “Fear of War” gripped the Nation of Israel with “Posttraumatic War Syndrome” that Israel has never recovered.
On September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers of World Trade Center were hit by two commercial flying airplanes. America stood still in shock for almost 6 weeks. The air flights across America plummeted as well as the American and world economy. 
Within two weeks on the 8th day of Succot, the American air force invaded the airspace of Afghanistan to hunt down Osama bin Laden and the War against Terror began, when on September 11, 2001, the United States Air Force invaded the borders of Afghanistan and the “War against Terror” began.
According to the esteem Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, on this day, the third phase of the “GogUMogog War” began. The “War against Terror” was to be a seven year war, according to Rabbi Kaduri’s prediction, and that it was. (September 11, 2001 to Rosh Hashanah 2008). The Palestinian Intifada was followed by the War in Iraq on March 20, 2003 and the “Fear of War” or “Rumors of War”’ was on the lips of all peoples.
Seven years later, when the Congress of the United States failed to pass TARP on the eve of Rosh Hashanah in 2008, the New York Stock Exchange plummeted 777 points; the Number of G-d. The “War against Terror” effectively stopped and the entire world was plummeted into an economic crisis that the world had ever seen. The judgments by the G-d of Israel was now beginning to rain down His mighty wrath.
It is this “Special Regime” that is preparing to take control over the religious areas in Jerusalem and will be in charge of preparing for the ground breaking of an International House of Religious Fellowship will be constructed. Will this be the new Temple of the Jews?  There is no resemblance of this House of Ecumenical Faith to the Third Temple that will be built in the days of the Messiah as given in vision to the Prophet Ezekiel.
And then, the plans are that the Pontiff of Rome will travel to Jerusalem to accept the control of the Temple Mount and to dedicate a new House of god for all religions. The ecumenical New World Religion will have now been unveiled.
It would be only one month later after Billy Graham’s daughter spoke at the Millennium World Peace Summit, when Rosh Hashanah arrived on the eve of Friday, September 29, 2000.  The Jewish New Year had now begun.  Two days earlier, on September 27, 2000, the candidate for the Prime Minister of Israel, Arial Sharon ascended the Temple Mount in order to assert the right of the Jewish people to be able to visit this holiest site of Judaism.
It was reported that Sharon read from Ezekiel 38 while on the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharim). Within twenty four hours, the Second Intifada erupted and the 1993 Oslo Accord was effectively annulled. The entire account of this epic moment in Israeli history was recorded in Arial Sharon’s biography, titled, “2000 Visit to the Temple Mount.”
On September 7, 2000, twenty two days before Arial Sharon went up to visit the Temple Mount, and nine days after Billy Graham’s daughter spoke at the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations on August 29, 2000, that Yasser Arafat, the President of the Palestinian Authority was involved in a heated interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. This was only nine days after the Billy Graham’s daughter spoke at the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations. As Cutting Edge reported on a YowUSA report:
Cutting Edge – “In a heated interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour last Thursday, Yassir Arafat may have very well revealed where the next conflict will begin ... The full interview was aired Sunday morning on CNN’s World News program, during which Arafat realized that he had slipped up and then abruptly ended the interview by pulling off his clip-on microphone. He then brusquely departed the interview cubicle surrounded by Palestinian staffers with very concerned looks on their faces. Something was said that should have not been said."
"During most of his interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour he skillfully deflected her questions with the usual pat answers ... Undaunted, Amanpour returned to the same issue of shared sovereignty from a completely different angle by asking Arafat if he would prolong the peace process. Amanpour asked, 'Would it be safer and better for you to extend this state of affairs that certain people would say is a sellout?” Arafat responded: '... I had mentioned and promised my people, my nation, my religions, the Christianity and Islam and I'm not going to betray them. I will continue to liberate all Islamic and Muslim holy places. If not (pointing to himself) another one will come along to liberate it'."
"At this point, Arafat’s body language took a pronounced shift. It was obvious that Amanpour’s determined efforts were annoying him. He shifted from his usual relaxed demeanor, and began leaning forward in his chair and began insistently pointing a finger at Amanpour ... by this time in the interview Amanpour was likewise becoming more intense if not personal. That was when she framed her next question with a simple statement that obviously inflamed Arafat. 'Your people want an economic future'?”
"The impact of this simple statement was obvious, Amanpour was essentially implying is that economics is the main objective for the majority of Palestinians. With that statement the tension between them rose another notch and Arafat said: 'We Palestinians our first targets is our land (the land of the holy places)'. At this point, Arafat leaned towards her and asked her if she knew what the holy places were? After expressing several choppy thoughts, he suddenly leaned back in his chair and immediately changed his body language. The change was unmistakable. He obviously realized that he had said something that he would not have said, were he in control of the interview. He feigned a quick smile and announced that the interview was over…”
Here was a strange event, a shocked reporter, but with the “slip of the lip”, it appeared that a dark secret had been revealed. Was it that his preplanned military plan was to attack Israel? Or as a Freemason, did Yasser Arafat let “slip” the fact that if he failed to pressure then Prime Minister Barak to crumble and give up sovereignty of Jerusalem to the Vatican and the Illuminati, there would be a more sinister force to play out the cards in the future.  
As Arafat said; - “I had mentioned and promised my people, my nation, my religions, the Christianity and Islam and I'm not going to betray them. I will continue to liberate all Islamic and Muslim holy places. If not (pointing to himself) another one will come along to liberate it (the Temple MOunt."
Were Palestinian Christians aware that Arafat was representing them in securing Islamic and Muslim holy place, which included specifically the Temple Mount, and from whom? Of course, the Jews!  What religions was he representing? Did that include the Vatican Roman Christianity, where today, a majority of Christians have been either killed or driven from the land?  But the most poignant sentence that he stated was that if he could not liberate Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Holy Places from Jewish control, “…then another one will come along to liberate it.”
As a Freemason, his confession was a bombshell, in the revelation that the Illuminati plan would bring the Masonic Antichrist or the Anti-messiah. In less than twelve hours, Arafat was fleeing back to his presidential abode, knowing that he would have to be accountable to his task masters for his revelation of their secrets. As Cutting Edge  closed:
Cutting Edge – “However, as interesting as this revelation seems to be that Arafat is looking to the time when "another one", possibly Antichrist, would come on the scene to accomplish what he could not, his next gaffe is really serious and is probably the one that got him on that plane the very next day. Arafat seemed incensed that anyone could believe the Palestinians are driven by mere economic reasons, for their battle against Israel is more fundamentally religious than the huge majority of the people of the world can believe. Arafat wants people to know that their hatred toward Israel is religiously based. He said:
Yasser Arafat – “ We Palestinians (pause), our first targets is our land – the land of the holy places.”
Wow!! Did you catch the import of this statement? First of all, Arafat admitted that his military has targets planned for destruction, a statement that clearly reveals his plans of war against Israel!!
But, secondly, Arafat reveals that the very first targets against which Palestinians would train their guns are the Muslim Holy Places! Certainly, if the Dome of the Rock were reduced to a pile of rubble, Arabs all over the world would want to blame Israel and would do so gladly if the Palestinians disavowed responsibility and blamed the Jews first. Instantly, in the "twinkling of an eye", one billion Arabs would be screaming blood for those poor, 6 million Jews. One billion to 6 million -- and the Israelites will win again! God's glory is truly about to be revealed to the world.
While the world waits and frets about the possibility of a war breaking out if and when Arafat will unilaterally declare Palestinian Statehood, the easiest, and most surefire, way in which to start all-out war between Israel and all the Arab nations would be the destruction of the Arab Dome of the Rock! Tens of millions of outraged Arabs all throughout the Middle East would fill the streets of all the major Arab cities, demanding their governments intervene militarily to right this outrageous wrong! And, Arafat would be able to deny any responsibility or knowledge of the attack, even though his provocateurs had carried out the bombing.
Then, the scenario of the Palestinians starting this war by attacking Israel strongly from within would begin to unfold. As Israel moved military forces toward the inner part of Israel to deal with the Palestinian "Police Force" now trained in military strategies and armed with anti-tank and antiaircraft weapons, the regular armies of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt will attack with full force.  Arafat must have been really in deep hot water with the Illuminati, because he has just revealed the Illuminati Plan to produce the Third World War that will produce Antichrist!
So today, eleven years later, and Plan B appears to be on the horizon. The count-down to 2012 seems to be the final date in which the secret orders that seek to control Planet Earth with Jerusalem as their capital is running down to the last wire.
The era of the Anti-Messiah will have now come.  This era will be so carefully crafted that the whole earth will wonder after the dragon Sea Beast of Revelation:
Revelation 13:1-2 – “And I saw a beast come up out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads. On its horns were ten royal crowns and on its heads blasphemous names. The beast which I saw was like a leopard (Fourth Reich of Germany?), but with feet like those of a bear (Bear of Russia) and a mouth like a mouth of a lion (Lion of Great Britain and her colonies, United States and Canada). To it the dragon (Eastern “White Dragon Powerof Japan and Red China) gave its power, its throne and great authority.
Here we are introduced, as revealed in BibleSearchers Reflections, toThe Apocalyptic Globalist ‘Sea Beast’ and the Islamic ‘Earth Beast’ of Revelation 13”. It is not just the Vatican, but a global entity larger and more sinister than that. Here we see the maturation of the Sea Beast coming out of the alliance of the protégé, Jacob Frank, of the Jewish False Messiah Shabbatai Tzevi who declared that the Messianic Age would begin on the date of June (6th month) 18 (6+6+6), in the year of 1666 (1000 plus 666).
This coalition and deception nearly destroyed Judaism in Poland, Ukraine and Eastern Europe in the 17th century, except for the heroic efforts of one of the great Jewish Talmudic sages of the early era of the Enlightenment, Rabbi Jacob Emden, as told in the sub-documentary titled, “Rabbi Jacob Emden, the Defender of Covenanted Jewish Orthodoxy”. 
Here was an alliance, between Rabbi Jacob Frank, who inherited the messianic mission of Shabbatai Tzevi, Amschel Mayor Rothschild, the founder of the international Rothschild banking giant and Adam Weishaupt, the Jewish Jesuit who founded the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
Over three hundred years later, this coalition is alive and well today. Has this not been through the Federal Reserve founded in 1913 that has controlled the monetary systems of the world since World War II? Yes, for this control has been through the fiat monetary system that has ruled the world through the American Dollar. 
Today, the world stands in fear as Ben Shalom Bernanke, the Jewish head of the Federal Reserve is in the process of destroying the eminence of the United States of America. We see this today through the collapse of the Eurozone economy and the rise of the New European Union, with one government, one bank, and one currency.
This epic geopolitical change will then cast its shadow over the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.  The once free country dominated with the ideology of the politically active Puritans and the Pilgrim Separatists, will then collapse the American economy through its trillions of dollars in debt. These two epic events in world history, the collapse of the Eurozone and the collapse of the American Dollar as the ‘Currency of the World’ will transform the whole earth. 
The question we must ask, will the death of the American Dollar and what appears to be the fatal demise of the United States as it emerges into the North American Union give rise to a greater power force to the amazement of the entire earth?
Revelation 13:3 – “One of its heads of the beast appeared to have received a fatal wound, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed (“wondered”- NKJV) after the beast in amazement.”
Will we see the rise of the Fourth Reich of Germany with control over the New European Union under the rule of Angela Merkel the purported daughter of Adolf Hitler?  Will we see the rise of the New American Republic as the North American Union under the rule of the purported Rothschild-Rockefeller descendant of Barack Hussein Obama rises to his ultimate legacy?
One thing is certain, we are sitting on the precipice of an epic era watching the final conflict between good and evil...

Apostate Church "to pickup" and eventually move to Jerusalem? I wouldn't rule it out considering the Church Fathers taught the city of seven hills was Rome or Jerusalem 

Great resource exposing the Illuminati and New World Order from a credible military man