Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio: "7 Days of Gifts & Burnt Meatloaf"

TradCatKnight Radio: "7 Days of Gifts & Burnt Meatloaf"
Talk given, 1-25-16  (aprx. 1 hr 45 mins)

Please help in this fight for Tradition. We have been "struggling" with donations last few months. Thank you to those who have recently donated and those who consistently do so you are the backbone to our growth.

Topics included in this talk: some feedback to our audience, areas of improvement, latest conciliar and endtime news, reblogs not endorsements, prepare for empty grocery shelves?, Planet X incoming...earthquake swarms increasing, Alaska 70 quakes in ONE day, march for life, silence and solitude are a must for interior life, LaSalette and frightful showers of animals, New Age Messiah and geoengineering, prayer, several stories to help keep focus on the interior life and how the Sacred Heart of Christ operates....

Please send me your latest news, blogs, articles, videos, etc to apostleofmary@hotmail.com for review...

   TradCatKnight Radio: "7 Days of Gifts & Burnt Meatloaf"