Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Knights of Mary Message

Knights of Mary Message
Those of you in California

Laudetur Jesus Christus ...

The confidence in the Immaculata will lead us to Her and to our Savior, Jesus Christ. She was chosen from ALL of time to be the most perfect vessel, to not only give the world Christ, but to also give us sinners the graces necessary for salvation. The gift of Jesus' Mother to us from the cross is the greatest gift to aid in our salvation and the sign of His infinite mercy. 

The Knights and Handmaids of Mary, enjoyed a beautiful play on the life of our patron, St. Maximilian Kolbe at the Christ Cathedral. It gave much Glory to God and to the Immaculata. Pray for St. Luke Productions that they continue these plays. +AMDG+ Many Grace Packages, pamphlets on the Militia Immaculatae, and handouts of the errors of Communion in hand were distributed. No human respect can be shown when working in our Father's vineyard.

"Do you know what the Devils first temptation is to the person who wants to serve God with dedication?
+ The Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney 

"But the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing, and  about saith to them: Why stand you here all the day idle?" +Matthew 20:6

The confidence and love we have in and for our Mother, will lead us to bring Her to the whole world. We must first spread the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at our own parish. It is a sample size of the whole world, for if we cannot get everyone to consecrate themselves to Her with holy priests, the fullness of Truth, and extra graces by our own consecration to the Blessed Virgin, then how can we expect for Russia to be consecrated and then that of the whole world? It is a true J-O-Y to bring charity to the world, and this acronym can assist us in fighting temptations to not do so.
 J- to serve Jesus first
O- to serve others
Y- for yourself
This is the proper order to show the world, true love(charity), which is the love of our neighbor's souls. 

This is why I have put you among your neighbors: so that you can do for them what you cannot do for Me—that is, love them without any concern for thanks and without looking for any profit for yourself. And whatever you do for them I will consider done for Me."  +God the Father to St. Catherine of Siena 

Upcoming Events:
Sunday, January 31st - Recruit table after ALL Masses, please join us.
Sunday, February 7th - Feast before Fast, potluck at Northridge.
Saturday, February 20 - Feast of Blessed Jacinta - Ora pro nobis - This is our 3rd Militia consecration and will take place after 9am Holy Mass (if Fr. Colletti is celebrating one). Following this will be a meeting focused on the Religious Education Conference and the game plan to effectively instruct the ignorant and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The four-day event, February 25th though 28th, is held at the Anaheim Convention Center.
We will hand out Grace Packages, pass out handouts on the errors of Communion in hand, spread the work of St. Maximilian Kolbe, and God willing, publicly pray a Rosary of Reparation for the conversion and salvation of all those in attendance. The Devil will not like any of the above mentioned to take place, so keep that in mind because we are the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is imperative. I exhort all members of the MI to attend to bolster our forces for this is a hotbed for spiritual warfare.

Novenas ( if you are able) :

and a request from Luke Washicko, with special intention for vocations
Our Lady of Good Success Novena
( It shows that we should have started it today, but I did not get the info in time, so if you are able, please start on Tuesday along with St. Blaise. )
It is best to say the prayers as a group, if possible, but please do not get discouraged if you start it late or miss a day or have a full plate of prayers already, just start it when you can and finish it. Our Lord knows your heart.

http://youtu.be/5FaRFictwY8 Monsignors sermon for Septuagesima Sunday. Let us cross the finish line together!
http://youtu.be/Kfs7mkasY8w "Give me ten truly detached men, and I will convert the world with them."+ St. Phillip Neri
http://youtu.be/evWEMKxYGW0 EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE- A great tool for ourselves and for Novus Ordo Catholics we may know or whomever you feel may benefit from it

Miltia websites:
For those who are able:
Mass during the week is celebrated at 8am and 9:15 most days (the greatest form of prayer)
Holy Hour is every Wednesday at 3pm
Stations of the Cross is every Wednesday at 6pm
Holy Hour via conference call with Northridge at 7pm (see bulletin for details)
Monsignor's catechism class is every Wednesday at 7pm
Additional confession is on Saturday from 2pm to 3pm
+ Sweet Heart of Mary, be our Salvation +