Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pharisees, Fundamentalists & Pelagians OH MY!

Pharisees, Fundamentalists & Pelagians OH MY!
Vatican II NewSpeak is heating up....
Eric Gajewski
Be prepared to be called all sorts of names in the future, as the modernists, who occupy "our buildings", continue their destruction, of what little faith is left in the Conciliarist buildings.  Vatican II NewChurch which is heretical/schismatic (silent) will soon go full blown Apostate once all humanity/religions are formally united as One. Real Catholics are outdated and do not fit into the new world order program and thus it was necessary for the enemy "to redefine" what it is to be called "catholic" so they could capture as many "frogs" in the hot pan as they could.  NEW Catholic isn't Catholic. We will be called pharisees for not accepting their homosexual/divorce and remarry "new program" which falls under the guise of "reform and mercy". Tradition is now labeled as fundamentalism.  Praying the Rosary is now Pelagianism. The Vatican II Modernist Pacifists look to the future to build "man's utopia" wilst real Catholics must look to the past in the rebuilding of the City of God.  The true renewal and restoration will soon take place! The devil is livid and knows his time is short. Therefore, be prepared to suffer with a smile and continue to pray for these heretics.  These modernists, who are man centered, are perverts of Scripture, doctrine, true peace and charity. As the New Age boldly says "Dogmatism" must come to an end" which echoes Our Lady of LaSalette "Rome will lose the Faith (Dogma of Faith) and become the Seat of Antichrist."  Hold steadfast to the Ark for She is taking us thru this great storm ahead....

2 Thessalonians 2:14
Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.