Monday, November 16, 2015

Paris False Flag & The Endgame

WHAT?! Paris Attack Reported on WIKIPEDIA and TWITTER before it happened

Warning: Adult/Sensitive Content within

Further Expose.... "War on Terror" Farce

We have seen these types of blunders before in the past. The endgame is to create sides for WW3 and get "more boots on the ground" in terms of establishing more of a police state. Further False flags will soon hit America

The official narrative around the Paris false flag terror attacks is falling apart faster than the Twin Towers fell on 9/11.

As always, everything about this fabricated false flag operation is highly suspect.  The speed with which French President François Hollande declared war on ISIS, without even having all the facts of the case, much less verified, is both alarming and quite suspicious.

France Uses Paris ‘9/11’ As False Flag Pretext To Unlawfully Enter Syrian Theater Of War
Now there is an allegation that a report appeared on both Wikipedia and Twitter before the attacks even took place!  Similar things have happened in other false flag operations such as the live BBC televised report of Building #7 falling down on 9/11 before it actually occurred!?
It almost makes you wonder about whether these kinds of purposefully obvious blunders are a part of the mind-banging psyop that will set the Internet abuzz with endless conspiratorial speculation. Let’s face it, it’s been working quite well for them, yes?. 

HUGE Happening: Paris Terror Attacks Predicted 5 Days Before They Occurred
Any psyop which has Tavistock Institute mind-contol programming as its inspiration will always play with the peoples’ minds—BIG TIME !  The following account is another perfect example of this ongoing psychological operation in action.
It really does lead one to believe that all the deliberate distraction, diversion and misdirection is done to hide the real purpose(s) of major false flags operations like 9/11 and 11/13.  As follows:

Paris Terror Attacks: Executed To Lock Down Climate Summit Conference

Paris Attack Reported on WIKIPEDIA and TWITTER before it happened

Thanks to the reader who identified the IP address ( as belonging to a block of addresses assigned to VirginMedia Consumer Broadband UK.
The massacre in Paris is reported to have occurred at 21:16 CET.
By 23:06 Wikipedia had an article up that is extremely detailed, containing statements from a former French President and a complete outline of events at several locations, matters that the press I read had not by then reported.
It piqued my interest that an article would be up on Wikipedia within two hours of the event happening. So I went there.
I began reading the current version of the article and then decided to read a much earlier version. I chose the 23:18 version for this article, not overly consciously. At that point I did not understand very much.
By the time I got myself organized here, I saw that the earliest versions of the article had just been erased from Wikipedia’s change record. Everything before 00:00 was erased from the record, preventing access to the originals of the story. That aroused my suspicions immediately.
(That list of deleted versions was gotten again by going to the user page of the person who wrote the article, known only by his number The list appeared there and the articles proved linkable and recoverable. You can reach them, until they’re taken down, by clicking on the list given in Footnote 1.)
The 23:18 version includes discussions of the hostage-taking, complete with an approximate number of hostages involved (60), as well as detailed accounts of events at several locations. It even has a detailed bibliography. How could your average Wikipedia author have done this incredible piece of work and in less than two hours? Obviously this was not your average Wikipedia author.
You’re invited to read this early version of the Wikipedia article, which appears at the bottom of this post.
Revisions were subsequently made to the article. But the storyline it established, which is undoubtedly why it was written in the first place and gotten into Wikipedia so quickly, did not change through any of those revisions. It’s the storyline that the article is designed to make stick in the public mind.
As yet (00:41 PM CET), the newspapers are reporting simply bullet lists of events which they’re aware of only very sketchily. But Wikipedia has extensive coverage. within a couple of hours. That just did not sit with me and I continued to investigate.
In some cases, reports on the cabal’s handiwork have been posted and time-stamped before the event. That has not happened in this case. The black-ops people seem to have gotten better at their handiwork. Nonetheless such full reportage only roughly two hours after the event, for me, still pointed to collusion.

Or did they?
On closer inspection, after this article was initially written, I’ve found a comment so implausible that it closed the case for me.
In the 23:06 version is this comment:
“In a televised statement at approximately 23:58, French President François Hollande declared a state of emergency and closing of borders for the whole of France.[7]”
How could the writer report what President Hollande did at 23:58, as if it’s a fait accompli, when he’s writing at 23:06, before it happened?  Does this not remind us of the BBC reporting the fall of Building 7 with Building 7 still in the background?
The fact that it was dropped from the change record also makes the article difficult for the researcher to retrieve. Was it dropped to cover their tracks?
I find this circumstance to be so implausible as to establish the lack of credibility of the Wikipedia article.
I furthermore cite this as evidence that the event was pre-planned.

The reason for mounting such an article to places like Wikipedia (I assume there are other similarly-located articles as well) is to “fix” their version of events, on influential and accepted Internet information sources. The public trusts Wikipedia. Who would ever think it was being used to sell a black operation?
Some people may remember the New York pedestrian on 9/11 who, immediately after the “planes” crashed, was interviewed and said that the bombings were probably the work of terrorists. He was later shown to be a plant. And the television commentators who right away attributed 9/11 to Osama bin Laden? Also plants.
It was in fact their own government who engineered 9/11. But these accomplices were used to establish the storyline of terrorism in the public’s mind from the outset. Once a theme has set in the public’s mind, officials can use it to label an investigator a conspiracy theorist.
Here are indications that the intent of the Wikipedia article was to establish the Muslim/Arab storyline.
The Wikipedia article states:
“One report stated that there might be six gunmen.[10] French radio network Europe 1 reported that as many as three suicide bombers were also involved in the attacks.”
Suicide bombers are usually associated in the public mind with Muslims and Arabs.
“Someone who escaped the attack told a journalist that the attackers mentioned Syria and that there were five or six attackers.”
How did this writer gain access in less than two hours to “someone who escaped the attack” while listening to radio broadcasts, reading as many articles as he says he did, and writing such a detailed piece? This statement is for me not probable.
The work that this comment does is that it introduces a second element to the storyline: association with Syria. Watch for the Illuminati to say that ISIS has established itself in France and that these events were their calling card.
The storyline is further developed later:
“French President François Hollande issued a statement, saying the French people must remain strong in the face of terrorism.”
We’ve now had it “established” that the attack was by terrorists, probably from Syria, including some suicide bombers.
One element that was dropped from the 23:18 version, that is present in the 23:06 version, (2) is the statement: “The terrorists shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘This is for Syria.’”  I’m not sure why they dropped this item. Surely it was a clincher, but they did.
The fact that this comment was dropped from accounts after 00:00 may explain why the earlier accounts were deleted from the change record. I think they feared being seen as stage-directing if the picture of terrorists shouting “Allahu Akbar” was left in. Being dropped from the change record, the statement was henceforth not available to the researcher. Or so it may have been thought.
Conclusion from all of this? Obviously. It was the Muslims and Arabs.
Now what I consider to be the fear-mongering began:
“Former French Prime Minister François Fillon also issued a statement, saying that ‘war is among us.’[22]  Authorities urged residents throughout Paris to remain indoors for their own safety.[7]
War is among us! Is that not designed to raise fear in people? If that doesn’t get them going, the hostage-taking will.
“In response to the attacks, France’s borders were closed, and the national military was called in.[23] The country was also placed in a state of emergency.”
The country is under a state of emergency. Civil rights have been curtailed. Many people have lost their lives. A great deal of fear has probably been generated both by the attacks and the reportage. And we have an ongoing hostage drama to keep the public’s attention rivetted.
I can’t think of circumstances that would be more compelling.
Will this false-flag operation work? Will it fool the French people?
Many people have lost their lives in this latest act of state terrorism. Others are being held hostage. We owe it to all of them to expose the true nature of this false-flag attack on the French people and the world. And then to remain calm.
I urge the people of France to enact a campaign, whose motto is simply: “Stop.” And then explore all the possibilities that simply getting people to stop may bring.
Stop acts of state terrorism.  Stop attacks on people’s civil rights. Stop demeaning Muslims and Arabs by falsely representing them as the culprits when it’s our own governments who are behind these acts of violence and massacre.
I request that others take another piece of this story and continue the unravelling until the whole black operation is laid bare.
I don’t think an operation like this could have been staged without leaving plenty of clues about its fabrication.

Government response

French President François Hollande issued a statement, saying the French people must remain strong in the face of terrorism. Former French Prime Minister François Fillon also issued a statement, saying that “war is among us.”[22]   Authorities urged residents throughout Paris to remain indoors for their own safety.[7]
In response to the attacks, France’s borders were closed, and the national military was called in.[23]   The country was also placed in a state of emergency.[7]

This is really strange the paris attack was reported 2days before it actually happened and no this screenshot is not photoshopped at all you can check out the link to the post on twitter and that post is still up there right now check it out have a look its so strange and paste link to see the live tweet)
Could the paris attack be a set up ? to blame muslims and get all the world to go against islam,i guess we will just have to be patient to know the real truth about all these incidents that have occured.
Paris Attack Reported on WIKIPEDIA and TWITTER before it happened | The Millennium Report 

RT Just Destroyed Fake News on Paris, ISIS and the NWO! Wow!

You’ll see more truth in 10 minutes from RT in this interview than in 10 years of watching the Fake News in the USA!   RT just made our news look like the disgusting lying pigs they are as they put on Geared O’Colman in Paris!  I’ve never seen this guy before but he really impressed me!  You’ve got to watch this interview and share it around because I’ve never seen somebody destroy the lies about everything so quickly.  In just 10 minutes he brought out the truth that France is knee deep  in Syrian evil as well as funding other terrorists in Africa and the Middle East!
Watch Gearoid rock the truth and notice the difference between RT and our scum media like Faux News.  On Faux, they constantly interrupt their guests especially if they aren’t saying the propaganda properly but here, you get to hear Gerooid O’Colman for 10 solid minutes with only a few questions from the host.  Can you imagine the Zio fangs coming out if this guy went on the Zionist Mossad operation at Fox?  They would lose their mind and be foaming at the mouth!
Geared O’Colman Just Destroyed the CIA Fake News on RT in this Video!  SHARE!


Paris false flag. Dead body starts flicking through his mobile phone.

  Pardon the language


The False Flag Link: Syrian Passport "Found" Next To Suicide Bomber Was "Definitely A Forgery"

 Yesterday, when we explained just how the tragic events in France over the past 48 hours unfolded precisely as we predicted they would two months ago (ironically, as per our post from September 11, 2015) we commented on the oddly fortuitous discovery of an intact Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers, a passport which Greece chimed in as belonging to a Syrian refugee who had entered the country at Leros on October 3, 2015 from where he subsequently travelled all the way to Paris.

Specifically, we said that "we admit to not being experts on the nuances, or even basics, of "suicide bombing for terrorists 101", but is bringing your own passport to an event that will be your last, really that crucial, especially when the passport is such a critical smoking gun?"
The following cartoon best captures the idiocy of anyone actually believing a suicide bomber would have brought their actual passport to what they knew would be their last act on earth.

Shortly thereafter, it was Serbia's turn to join the story of the rogue "Syrian refugee", when the Serbian newspaper Blic published the picture of the alleged Syrian passport belonging to a 25-year-old man named Ahmed Almohamed, and said he had crossed into the country on 7 October, having arrived four days earlier in Leros, Greece, seeking Serbian refugee status.

Then a Greek newspaper, Protothema, said he was travelling with a second man, Mohammed Almuhamed, and published pictures purporting to show their travel documents. The Guardian proposed the following map to track Ahma's progress across Europe:



CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack

More wars and more surveillance can't help


As predicted and previously reported, terrorists who took part in an unprecedented attack in the center of Paris killing over a 100 and injuring hundreds more, were well-known to French security agencies before the attack took place.
The UK Daily Mail reported in its article, “Hunt for the Isis killers: One terrorist identified as ‘young Frenchman known to authorities’ – another two found with Syrian and Egyptian passports,” that:
One of the terrorists involved in last night’s attacks in Paris has been officially identified as a Parisian, according to local media reports. 

The man, who was killed at the Bataclan, was identified using his fingerprints and was from the southern Parisian neighbourhood of Courcouronnes. 

French reports say that the man, who was around 30 years old, was already known to French anti-terrorist authorities prior to last night’s attacks. 
Similarly in January 2015 in the wake of the “Charlie Hebo attack” which left 12 dead, it was revealed that French security agencies tracked the perpetrators for nearly a decade beforehand, having arrested at least one terrorist a total of two times, incarcerating him at least once, tracked two of them overseas where they had trained with known terrorist organizations and possibly fought alongside them in Syria, before tracking them back to French territory.
Astoundingly, French security agencies never moved in on the terrorists, claiming that after a decade of tracking them, they had finally decided to close their case for precisely the amount of time needed for them to plan and execute their grand finale.

More Wars and More Surveillance Can’t Help

With a similar scenario now emerging, particularly in the wake of the “Charlie Hebo attack,” where French security agencies knew about extremists but failed to stop them before carrying out yet another high-profile attack, even with enhanced surveillance powers granted to them by recent legislation, it appears that no amount of intrusive surveillance or foreign wars will stem a terrorist problem the French government itself seems intent on doing nothing to stop.
The problem is not France’s immigration laws. Dangerous people are in France, but they are being tracked by French security agencies. The problem is not Syria. Terrorists have left to fight there, acquired deadly skills and affiliations before returning to France, but have likewise been tracked by French security agencies. Instead, the problem is that French security agencies are doing nothing about these dangerous individuals knowingly living, working, and apparently plotting in the midst of French society.
In the coming hours and days, the French government and its various co-conspirators in their proxy war against Syria will propose a plan of action they claim will stem the terrorist threat France and the rest of Europe faces. But the reality is, the problem is not something the French government can solve, because the problem is clearly the French government itself.
ISIS is Behind the Paris Attacks, But Who is Behind ISIS? 
With the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) emerging as being behind the attack, the question that remains is, who is behind ISIS itself? While the West has attempted to maintain the terrorist organization possesses almost mythological abilities, capable of sustaining combat operations against Syria, Iraq, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, support from Iran, and now the Russian military – all while carrying out large-scale, high-profile terrorist attacks across the globe – it is clear that ISIS is the recipient of immense multinational state-sponsorship.
The rise of ISIS was revealed as early as 2007 in interviews conducted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 9-page report “The Redirection.” The interviews revealed a plan to destabilize and overthrow the government of Syria through the use of sectarian extremists – more specifically, Al Qaeda – with arms and funds laundered through America’s oldest and stanchest regional ally, Saudi Arabia.
A more recent Department of Intelligence Agency (DIA) report drafted in 2012 (.pdf) admitted:
If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).
The DIA report enumerates precisely who these “supporting powers” are:
The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime.
And to this day, by simply looking at any number of maps detailing territory held by various factions amid the Syrian conflict, it is clear that ISIS is not a “state” of any kind, but an ongoing invasion emanating from NATO-member Turkey’s territory, with its primary supply corridor crossing the Turkish-Syrian border between the Syrian town of Ad Dana and the western bank of the Euphrates River, a supply corridor now increasingly shrinking.

 Image: ISIS-held territory seen in dark grey forms a corridor directly up to the Syrian-Turkish border – or more accurately, begins at the Turkish-Syrian border. In recent days, this corridor has faced being completely cut off by joint Syrian-Russian gains in and around Aleppo and toward the western bank of the Euphrates River. East of the Euphrates is already held by Kurds and Syrian forces. NATO is clearly providing ISIS’ primary support, and yet ISIS is alleged to have been behind an attack on a NATO member.
In fact, the desperation exhibited by the West and its efforts to oust the Syrian government and salvage its proxy force now being decimated by joint Syrian-Russian military operations, is directly proportional to the diminishing size and stability of this corridor.
Just last week, Syrian forces reestablished firm control over the Kweyris military airport, which was under siege for years. The airport is just 20 miles from the Euphrates, and, as Syrian forces backed by Russian airpower work their way up toward the Turkish border along the Syrian coast, constitutes a unified front that will essentially cut off ISIS deeper inside Syria for good.
Should ISIS’ supply lines be cut in the north, the organization’s otherwise inexplicable fighting capacity will atrophy. The window for the West’s “regime change” opportunity is quickly closing, and perhaps in a last ditch effort, France has jammed the spilled blood and broken bodies of its own citizens beneath the window to prevent it from closing for good.
The reality is that France knew the “Charlie Hebo” attackers, they knew beforehand those involved in the most recent Paris attack, and they likely know of more waiting for their own opportunity to strike. With this knowledge, they stood by and did nothing. What’s more, it appears that instead of keeping France safe, the French government has chosen to use this knowledge as a weapon in and of itself against the perception of its own people, to advance its geopolitical agenda abroad.
If the people of France want to strike hard at those responsible for repeated terrorist attacks within their borders, they can start with those who knew of the attacks and did nothing to stop them, who are also, coincidentally, the same people who helped give rise to ISIS and help perpetuate it to this very day.

False Flag Paris Shooting - Exposing Concert Hall Eagles of Death Metal and Reporters 

With each successive false flag it further divides the world for world war 3 BUT further entrenches men into the next step on the NWO agenda...


Endgame: More police/military presence and paranoia around the world over "terrorism"


U.S. Cities Increase Security After Paris Attacks

Major cities in the U.S. have bolstered security after a series of terror attacks in Paris Friday. The New York Police Department dispatched its “critical response group,” which is equipped with high-powered weapons, and other security to crowded areas of the city on Friday. Additional officers were deployed to the French embassy and French government sites in the city, NBC New York reported.
Police said there was no known credible threat, but the extra security measures were being taken “out of an abundance of caution.” “At this time, we know of no specific or credible threats of an attack on the U.S. homeland of the type that occurred in Paris tonight,” Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said Friday. French president Francois Holland on Saturday blamed ISIS for the attacks, describing the violence as an “act of war.” FULL REPORT


From the official Illuminati Card game

I have been warning you sometime of the false flags to come to America.  Further, I have specifically warned that these states would get hit...


ISIS Announces 6-Month Terror Campaign, NAMES 5 Targets — CA, VA, MD, IL, MI

 The same Islamic terror group that has claimed responsibility for the Texas attack vows to hit in at least five states — California, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois and Michigan.

ISIS says it has 71 “trained soldiers” already in the United States and claims 23 have signed up for “missions like Sunday” — when two gunman clad in body armor fired assault rifles at an anti-Muslim event before police officers shot them dead.

The claims came through a “message to the crusaders” that posted on social media, supposedly from ISIS terrorist Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki. Here is the full message:

“To our brothers and sisters fighting for the Sake of Allah, we make dua for you and ask Allah to guide your bullets, terrify your enemies, and establish you in the Land. As our noble brother in the Philippines said in his bayah, ‘This is the Golden Era, everyone who believes… is running for Shaheed.’
“The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy. Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts of our brothers and disperse the ones behind her. To those who protect her: this will be your only warning of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events, gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our brothers. We knew that the target was protected. Our intention was to show how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.
“We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.
“The next six months will be interesting, To our Amir Al Mu’mineen make dua for us and continue your reign, May Allah enoble your face.
“May Allah send His peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhummad and all those who follow until the last Day.”
– Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki