Monday, November 9, 2015

Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda to destroy every nation’s sovereignty

The Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda to destroy every nation’s sovereignty

Preston James, Ph.D  & Mike Harris

It's time to expose the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia's incredibly evil Agenda to Globalize the World into a New World Order System, set up as a tyranny run by them.  

We now know for certain with precise clarity that the Top Policy-makers that actually run most of the World are soulless super-deviants, evil beyond normal imagination and dead set on creating their Globalist NWO System of Tyranny.

Top insiders now refer to this World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913 as the *Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia was taken over by the Bauer family of Banksters who had changed their name to Rothschild.


Thus, many insiders now refer to this World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate as the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). They do this because it has now become known that the Rothschild banking Family gained control over the Khazarian Mafia and still maintains control.
Close insiders have reported that the RKM is empowered by Babylonian Talmudic “Money-Magick” (the Black Art of “making money from nothing”).
We also know that the Khazarian Mafia has maintained a long term incredible, unimaginably evil, inter-generational Agenda to centralize all World Power in their hands. They intend to progressively establish complete control over the World, one nation at a time. The are working hard to Globalize the whole World into a single New World Order (NWO) Luciferian control grid, run by them.
And we also now know for certain that these evil monsters’ long term agenda is to destroy the sovereignty of every nation because unless they do this they cannot create their one world government.
They intend to destroy the sovereignty of each nation, Balkanize them, and then fold them into their long planned NWO confederation of RKM hijacked territories with a single tyrannical World Governing body set up by them and run by them.
These soulless monsters that walk among us pretending they are human have been able to use the sophisticated “Black Arts” of mind-kontrol, sleight of hand, fraud and trickery to gain control of the World’s monetary production and distribution systems.
These Bloodline Family descendants have been able to apply the art of ancient Babylonian Talmudic “Money-Magick”, a Black Art known to these deviant soulless sociopaths as “Money-Magick”. And they used this secret Black Art to create and lend counterfeit FIAT “money from nothing” and rent it to the dumbed-down, naive masses, charging and accruing  increasing amounts of pernicious usury (interest) for doing so.
But along the way those that they could not bribe and corrupt or human compromise, they had their henchmen (and in some cases henchwomen) covertly murder them with poisons, staged so-called suicides (aka “Arkensides”), and abject easily recognizable violent murder to make an example to their cronies to stay in line.
On careful consideration of this Babylonian Money-Magick (“we lend you our money, made from nothing, and we charge you accruing pernicious usury for using our money”). This “money from nothing” system is a fraudulent practice, absurd at face value, but in America it is also and completely illegal and unConstitutional. Why?
Because the US Constitution forbids Congress and the Administration to allow a private foreign bank run by the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate to create and lend fake money to Americans and charge them accruing interest for using what should have been owned by them as their own real money backed by Gold and Silver in the first place.
Fiat money is not real Constitutional money and is therefore illegal ipso facto (the clearly apparent facts of the actual situation show that, no additional proof is needed, and the opposite cannot even be argued). According to the US Constitution, US Money must be issued by the USG, not a private bank and backed by Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver coinage or Gold or Silver certificates like we used to have in America at one time satisfies this requirement.
The private foreign City of London Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) Banksters were able to gain a foothold in America and bribe and human compromise most of Congress and the President to get the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. Once this foothold was gained, this new RKM Bankster franchisee was able to activate a long term plan to substitute Federal Reserve Debt-notes (actually interest bearing loans) as money.
Once this was done, the FRS had been able to install a very crafty, illegal, unConstitutional, purely fraudulent means to accessing and transferring American hard earned wealth to themselves and their crony corporations without the average dumbed-down obedient serf mind of the American masses even realizing this.
It is no coincidence that the RKM Banksters were able to use their same method of bribery and human compromise to also institute the illegal and unConstitutional Federal Taxation System and as well as various support agencies that eventually evolved into the US Treasury Department and the Secret service. And they created a charade that additional Constitutional amendments supposedly making this legal were passed but these were never properly ratified.
These USG agencies, the Internal Revenue Service, and the FBI, all designed to serve the much needed secret police and suppression functions of the RKM Banksters running the FRS and were secretly controlled by the Top Policy-Makers of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). The RKM operates out of the City of London Financial District, a separate nation from England that has its own diplomats and pays no taxes like the Vatican.
The RKM phony Fiat Counterfeit money system was designed to be instituted as a Worldwide Web of Control (WWWC) used to take over the whole world. This was designed by the RKM as a substitute for the British Empire which had been based on international British Naval power which had ruled the seas and allowed numerous British Colonies which expanded the wealth and power of England.
How the Worldwide RKM Banksters’ Web of Evil was created in the first place.
The Rothschild banking family (Formerly Bauers) infiltrated and hijacked the City of London run English system by very crafty and deceptive means and seized control over the City of London Banking after Napoleon’s defeat. At that time the British Empire was beginning to wane in strength.
These Rothschild Khazarian Mobsters realized this and quickly and quietly began to plan, create and covertly institute their very crafty Banking web of deceit upon the nations of the World in order to reverse that weakening. Only this time the Empire of Evil they were creating in secret was far more sinister in its future implications that the British Colonial system.

This methodology of creating money from nothing and lending it at pernicious interest first to kings and rulers and then to whole nations, quietly and systematically brought most nations of the World under the control of the RKM Banksters who infiltrated and taken over the City of London right after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo.
They hijacked the City of London Banking and hijacked most of the nations of the World monetary production and distribution systems, always charging users of their counterfeit FIAT funny money pernicious accruing interest for doing so. They were able to accomplish this by their usual methods using the inter-generational “Bloodline-family” based Black Arts such as trickery, fraud, covert operations, covert murder, engineered wars, false-flag attacks, bribery and human compromise which “stoked the flesh” of elected officials and corporate leaders to stimulate extreme greed, lust for sex and power, all of the seven deadly sins.
It is important to realize that once a private group of the World’s most evil Organized Crime Syndicate was allowed to hijack America’s monetary production and distribution system, they could then proceed in small incremental steps to substitute complete fiat counterfeit debt-notes for Gold and Silver Certificates. And this is what they did. One any people allows a private group of criminal Banksters to seize the creation of their money, it is only a matter of time and they will all be converted into debt-slaves owned  by these Banksters, the RKM.
And that is exactly what has happened in America and many other nations, especially the European nations. However, because this is a Ponzi scheme it always crashes and must be bailed out by the taxpayers. This can be done repeatedly until all the people’s assets are consumed and the nation is ruined economically, completely asset stripped by the Banksters.
This has been done repeatedly in America and the asset stripping is now almost complete. The next step is for official government and union pensions to start being reduced. Eventually they will be eliminated like Social Security unless we route these foreign controlled Banksters out of America. Right now old folks in America that worked hard and saved all their lives hoping to be able to live off of the interest of their principals receive almost no interest and are spending down their principals rapidly.
The current buying power of the American dollar has been dropping faster than almost any investments can provide. And the stock market is artificially intercepted and controlled by a special USG unit called the “Plunge Protection Team” which makes the whole market an electronic scam. Like it or not, the American economy is on a downward slide due to this debt-note system of the RKM and their so-called Free Trade Agreements which have exported most American heavy industry and manufacturing to foreign countries.
So far the only nation that has stood up to the Banksters and brought therm to justice for their massive asset stripping and financial fraud is Iceland who arrested, convicted and jailed a number of them while cancelling most home mortgages and declaring them paid. This needs to happen in America NOW!
The RKM Banksters were rich enough and powerful enough to provide for those new out of control “needs of the flesh”, best described as extreme vanity, addiction to easy luxurious lifestyles, a drift into and incredible selfishness and narcissism, each of which caused those entrapped to drift into lifestyle based on obtuse evil, various addictions and perversions, and incredible sociopathy.
This creation and installment of this Worldwide spider web of deceitful private RKM central Banking was actually conceived and designed as an intermediate step to transfer enough wealth to the RKM Central Banksters to be able to buy up and control almost every single appointed or elected government official in the World.
This massive corruption of most government officials, especially inside the DC beltway, was a necessary step empowering the RKM to eventually destroy the sovereignty of every nation captured in their “Web of deceit”. This was necessary for the RKM to assume a position of global dominance necessary to be able to then create their own Globalist One-World government based on their New World Order (NWO) plan.  The methodology they developed was Fabian Socialism, which is the breaking down of the overall NWO Agenda into very small goals which could be quite easily attained in small steps along the way without drawing too much attention from the masses and thus no serious backlash against them.
Why have the RKM Banksters been so committed to destroying every nation’s sovereignty? The answer is quite logical.
The RKM, the World largest Organized Crime Syndicate, keeps itself secret and hidden from public view and knowledge. It is run by a small group of Top Policy-makers known for their extreme evil and soulless nature have always had an overall “Globalist Agenda” to take over the World and set up a one-world government which they run, their own New World Order (NWO) System of evil beyond imagination.
But their Agenda doesn’t end there. It actually includes a capstone, which is to exterminate 90% of the Earth humans and to create and substitute a new race of machines  merged with human genomes, known as the combination of iron and clay.
The RKM Banksters approved the design and implementation of the Worldwide Internet as a weapon of cyber war and the greatest spying device ever conceived. They were actually conned and deceived because some very crafty folks at DARPA figured that if the Internet was sold and manufactured as a decentralized spy device that could not easily be immobilized by another nation who became an enemy, this would make it very robust as a weapon of cyber warfare if ever needed.

The Heroes at Darpa started a new revolution that cannot be easily stopped, but did so covertly.
These DARPA folks that developed the Internet understood but kept secret the realization that if the Internet was ever implemented it would seal the exposure and fate of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). They realized that the RKM was the World largest Organized Crime Syndicate and the main cause of all wars, mass death and destruction in the World since the 1700’s but far too powerful and sinister to take on publicly and directly.

They realized that the Internet would become the World’s New Gutenberg Press and would result in a new and very powerful Populism that would emerge in parallel from the Internet. They also realized that without the maintenance of abject secrecy the incredibly inhuman, evil beyond imagination of the Khazarian Mafia could not maintain their existence.
The RKM has been able to maintain power because they have been far more evil than any other entity in the World and have been able to attain and maintain power because of their ability to bribe, human compromise and corrupt the leaders of a society by the unmitigated, endless evil of the RKM system. No normal human could ever deploy such inhuman, unimaginably evil deeds to maintain control over all the governments and political leaders of the World.

ISIS, the professional mercenary army created, supplied, paid and deployed by Israel, the Pentagon and the CIA, with major help by the Saudi Royals and the regime running Turkey. As with all other synthetic so-called Terrorists, ISIS was created as a secret proxy force designed to appear as spontaneously emerging Islamic Extremists. It’s hard work and very expensive to engineer and create these synthetic terrorist groups. Now with the advent of the Internet and a near complete collapse of opsec of the Israelis, the Pentagon and the CIA, these enemies of humanity can no longer create terrorism in secret anymore and are being exposed to all. As the masses find this out, you can imagine how these world class criminals who are creating synthetic terror and mass-murdering thousands of humans are going to find themselves in deep doo-doo soon.

Only now we have the Russian Federation and its astute Statesman leader Vladimir Putin which have completely checkmated ISIS and have exposed those nations who created it, supplied it, paid for it and now run it.
We know now that the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been involved in hiring and supplying the mercenaries that make up ISIS, ISIL, Al Nusra, and Al Qaeda (aka Al CIA Duh), but the best way to refer to this complex behind these mercenaries set up to appear as terrorists is the term Israeli-American Terror Machine.
It’s very hard work and typically a very slow geopolitical process to provoke wars for RKM profits and the deployment of synthetic terror can greatly speed up the process.
The goal in deploying the Israeli-American Terror Machine is to create synthetic terror and use it as a means to justify the deployment of the American War Machine on behalf of the RKM Banksters. This is done in order to justify another illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked, unwinnable, perpetual ground and air war to keep the massive war profits flowing to the RKM Banksters and their crony defense related corporations. The first major deployment of the Israeli-American Terror machine in America was the use of a micro-nuke and other explosives to blow up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.
The second major deployment was the attack on America on 9-11-01 in which micro- and mini-nukes were planted in the Twin Towers, turning them to dust. This immediately mass-murdered about 3,000 innocent humans, destroying their families.
This was followed by about 39,000 slow deaths from the radiation poisoning and contaminated dust in the air, with about 70,000 folks in the NYC and surrounding along with many first-responders now fighting for their very lives from strange cancers and lung disorders from this attack on America on 9-11-01.
Of course this has all been covered up by crooked Federal Judges and the USG Administration, the US Congress, the FBI, and a Controlled Major Mass Media which functions as an illegal News Monopoly that continues to avoid publishing any 9-11-01 truth.
The result, the RKM and their perps and cutouts have skated free until now and have not yet been brought top justice for this incredibly evil crime used to justify the mass-murder of over a million civilians living in Afghanistan and Iraq and thousands of American Soldiers.
But sadly many more American Soldiers some estimates up to 40 or even 50% are returning from these illegal, unConstitutional Mideast wars horribly wounded and disabled after being used a mere RKM cannon fodder for Israel and the RKM. Israeli leaders love to manipulate the situation so that American Soldiers are killed and wounded instead of their soldiers because they have a deep hatred and disgust for whom they secretly refer to as “American Goyim”.
These top Israeli leaders and the top RKM leaders hate any nation that allows Christianity and view it as their greatest enemy along with Islam. However they infiltrate and use both whenever it fits their needs to start wars and manipulate World politics. These folks mock America because it allows Christianity. Doubt this? Then look at the modal attitude of their citizens that many Judaics express more than just occasionally.

Or consider this little Jewish party in Israel.

Or how about the act of this Jewish comedian.

Anyone who considers all the evidence will quickly come to the conclusion that Israel is a racial-based state of Khazarians a large portion of whom (especially the Likudists) have a collective hatred toward “American Goyim”, Palestinians and Islamics based on their own sick racial superiority complex. The problem is that 97.% of Judaics living in Israeli actually have no ancient Hebrew Blood at all, while about 80% of Palestinians do and there is no provable Jewish race at all, but only Khazarians and European Askenazis that do not carry ancient Hebrew blood. There are however some small enclaves of Hebrews in Spain and other areas which are Sephardic Judaics.
The Murrah Bombing was run by the Mossad and covered up by the FBI and became an immediate turning point in America. It was used to start the official US War on Terror and used to wrongly blame the newly forming American Militias. Timothy McVeigh was an undercover agent whose execution was faked. Some insiders believe that Shandra Levy talked about this to a friend resulting in her murder and the ruin of the Political career of Rep. Gary Condit for getting her a job at the Bureau of Prisons.
The 9-11-01 attack on America was used to provide a believable reason to attack those leaders and their nations who the RKM had wrongly blamed for this attack on America as an excuse to fight more wars for Israel and the RKM while deploying American troops as mere cannon fodder for Israel’s wars in the Mideast. These wars had been planned for years before by the RKM and the RKM False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01 was staged to provide the trigger to motivate the American masses to support them.
None of this official USG lying and propaganda would have ever worked unless the RKM completely controlled all American Major Mass Media, which they have be able to do for at least 50 years, ever since they assassinated JFK.

 And to do this all Major Mass media has been consolidated into six Major Mass Media news corporations which actually constitute a a News Cartel, which is an illegal News Monopoly.
These six Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) are controlled by six Media Moguls who all answer to a large American investment house that also works out of Switzerland. Some say this is a direct descendant of the Knights Templar, but so far no definitive proof of that has emerged.
Right now the Internet along with President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation are exposing many of the lies and synthetic terror created by the Israeli-America Terror Machine.
Putin and the Russian federation have completely checkmated ISIS and this has also checkmated the Israeli-American Terror machine and fully exposed all the lies of the Pentagon and the US Administration who have now been caught supplying ISIS.
Basically the US Administration, Congress and the US State Department have been caught lying through their teeth about ISIS and all other terror groups which the Israeli-American terror Machine has covertly created and deployed, paid and supplied. Surveys show that the majority of all Americans completely distrust Congress and the US Administration and look upon them to be less desirable than cockroaches.
In defense of their incredibly evil, anti-human system, the RKM has decided to continue to push and guarantee massive illegal and legal immigration in America in order to destroy American borders, language and culture without which no nation can retain its sovereignty.
And this is exactly why the mercenary terrorists run by the Israeli-American terror Machine have been instructed to mass-murder and rape as many civilians as possible why money is funded to the young men to flee north to Europe. This is to force refugees northward to Europe in order to overwhelm and punish Europeans for supporting the Boycott, Divest, Sanction movement against Israel because of their negative view of Israel’s Apartheid of Palestinians.
But Israel and the RKM are also angry with the Europeans for not pushing NATO to help fight more proxy wars with America for Israel against Syria and Iran in order to help build the Greater Israel boundaries without sacrificing IDF soldiers, but only American and European Goyim. It has been rumored that many refugees from Syria are young males who have received some travel money. It is now suspected that wealthy RKM Cutouts have been supplying these funds.
This use of rampant legal and illegal immigration is done to break down the borders, language and culture of the European nations involved and serve as an application of the Cloward-Piven strategy which is the forced over-utilization of a nations resources and services. In this case we have a  creation of an ongoing deep recession with an ever growing engineered unemployment due to imposed Free Trade Agreements with a massive influx of immigrants with radically different language and culture. these together can be used to engineer the gross over utilization of existing government support systems and precipitate a major societal chaos followed by a complete collapse of the social and political system.

This is based on the “Order Ab Chaos” model of High Freemasonry which is the use of engineered chaos and societal collapse in order to make away for the emergence of a New World Order, the Phoenix Bird Rising from the ashes of Greek Mythology.
A second option is for the RKM to come up with a multi-modal means of censoring the Alternative Media websites on the Internet using a two tiered speed system, fast for RKM approved businesses and very, very slow or stalled for those unapproved Alternative media web sites.
A third option the RKM is now carefully considering is the deployment of one or more 9-11-01 style False-flag attacks to blame on Syria or Iran in order to draw American into another illegal, unConstitutional air and ground proxy war for Israel in the Mideast.
A fourth option the RKM is seriously considering right now is a blanket detonation of all Samson Option nukes planted in the major cities of the World and used as a means to start WW3 by blaming it on Iran, Syria, Russia and China.

Homeland of the Khazarian Mafia which was destroyed in about 1020 by the Russians and the Persions (now Iran), which now encompasses part of the Ukraine. Are the Likudists trying to use US State Department assets to make the Ukraine the New Judaic homeland as Israel become rejected by the whole World over Palestinian Apartheid and perhaps soon to become Balkanized. Henry Kissinger has stated that Israel will be no more within ten years and a secret CIA study also claimed that Israel is now doomed.
* The Khazarian Mafia is an abbreviation to represent the organized crime group that later morphed into the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. VT Financial Editor Mike Harris coined the term “Khazarian Mafia”. His VT radio, “The Short End of the Stick” show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Khazarian Mafia after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. He also discovered the long held hatred that the RKM has harbored since about 1020 AD for the non-Khazarian Russians that is still a major motive for the Khazarian Mafia today in its quest to destroy Persia (Iran) and then encircle and once again destroy Russia. Their goal? To steal all Russia’s its assets like in 1917, and mass-murdering any non-Khazarian Russians remaining alive, as a replay of their Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

The Khazarian Mafia operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican, but has worldwide power through its private central banking system which uses FIAT money issued and placed in circulation (lent out for use at interest/pernicious usury).
The Khazarian Mafia has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for Israel and to earn massive profits. The Khazarian Mafia uses UK, Israeli and American Intel factions and especially the Pentagon to traffick in massive quantities of illegal narcotics to generate massive “off the books” money for black ops and payoffs to politicians and government officials they “own”.
There is a large Worldwide Drug Cartel which evolved from the City of London Intel proprietary called the British East India Company which sold Opium to the Chinese to get back all the silver and Gold the British had spent buying Chinese Tea and Silk.
This led to the two Opium Wars but made the members of this Cartel immensely wealthy. One member set up the Russell Trust aka as the Skull and Bones at Yale University, which built the windowless Campus Building called the Tomb and bought a private island for the 15 new Luciferian death cult recruits that were selected each years from the Yale student population.
This large Opium Cartel actually managed the construction of the Pentagon, making it an occult symbol of the pentagram to harness the teaming power of Lucifer in order to take over the whole World with their military might, and now runs the top Pentagon command structure. This large Opium Cartel is actually a main part of the RKM and also hijacked the CIA under the control of GHWB (actual name George Sherf). If we are ever to clean out the massive corruption and filth out of the Pentagon and NATO, this RKM and its large Worldwide Opium Cartel must be completely dis-empowered at all levels.
Despite all the RKM Traitors and corrupt that now infest the Pentagon, there is a new faction of insiders who are gaining power by the day and have actually checkmated this evil RKM system inside the Pentagon. Stay tuned because this is likely to become quite interesting in the days and weeks to follow as true American begin to take their nation back from the RKM. Everyday more and more of the hidden history of the Babylonian Talmudics aka Khazarians becomes uncovered and known, despite their serious long term efforts to excise it from the history books.