Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fr. Voigt, "Great Events Require A Tiny Start"

Fr. Voigt, "Great Events Require A Tiny Start"

"A drop of ink makes hundreds perhaps thousands think."  A word can beget a thought, a thought can beget an act and an act repeated can beget a habit. This is the process of growth in the spiritual life as well.  Today then we ask what is a mustard seed that our Lord should use it to indicate the process of the kingdom of God taking over a society and a world.  What or Who is this mustard seed?

After Abraham left his native country for the land that God would give him, it was predicted that in his "seed" would blessings come upon all.  Our Lord claimed unless the "grain" of wheat fall to the ground and die, it would remain a single grain.  If it died, it would produce a hundred fold, sixty fold or thirty fold.  Now we come to the reflection that is important for us today.  Christ is the Divine Mustard Seed when sown in the world through His suffering and death would produce the kingdom.  How then does it take place?

First, the Divine Seed is the Word made Flesh.  The mustard seed (alias our Lord) is sown by the preaching of one who crushes the word in meditation and sacrifice.  This Word enters the hearts of one who believes and begins the divine process of invading the soul.  The soul possessing the power to reason absorbs the Truth and begets the theological virtue of Faith.  Reason strives to know the truth; faith illumines that Truth and through conviction the soul begets Charity, love of my God and my neighbor.  The power of one word of Truth outweighs the whole world.  Now one soul filled with the Truth can conquer the darkness threatening souls today.

Second step, Truth begets Love and by nature Love expands.  Love's goodness diffuses itself and creates an atmosphere of Divine Life.  This is the power that constructed every Catholic Nation.  It is dogma.  The Truth presented by the Catholic Church of old brought society to the heights of human expressions in music to praise God; in art to imitate what God created and use it for His pleasure; in architecture to lift man's heart up to its glorious end of union with God, the holy Trinity.  The mustard Seed (our Lord) conquered the world.  Atheist, agnostics, schismatics, heretics and today's modernists will soon cry out:

"Oh Nazarean, Thou hast conquered."

They will cry and lament for in their foolishness they have murdered the soul of society through the separation of church and state.  As the state dies, the soul will be set free to fly to its natural end, the glorification of God.  As the state dies, souls will find that they have been deceived by the games and pleasures of the world.  These souls will cry for their eternal love.

Now the final issue breaks in upon society.  The Hound of Heaven expresses the dilemma clearly in this poignant line:

“Naught shelters thee who will not shelter Me.” 

When we or when the nations return to the King of kings and bow down before this majestic and life giving tree then the birds of the air will fly to its welcoming branches and cry out “I am home.”  Praise God for the mustard seed and the leaven that come to us through our Lord and our King.  Take and read His Word for it is light and life.  May God bless us with His expanding presence. 

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt