Friday, November 6, 2015

Conservatives Are Not The Measure Of Catholicity

Conservatives Are Not The Measure Of Catholicity
Eric Gajewski
Amidst the waging war between the "Conservatives" and "liberals" in the upper hierarchy (and throughout the Church) we must ask ourselves the questions, "Are the conservatives the measure of Catholicity in this hour of apostasy? Or do they still remain a part of the bigger problem in this modernist crisis?"

Phew! We survived the synod (for now)... yet now what? Both the conservatives and liberals will go back to teaching Vatican II and saying the New Mass.  Thus, to a large extent, there is nothing truly  different between these two sides of the same coin.  One camp, less poisoned, wilst return to business as usual with teaching the diabolical second vatican council wilst the other, is ready to take it and further plunge Vatican II NewChurch and its new doctrines into full blown apostasy (formal loss of dogma of Faith).
Nay, objectively speaking, conservatism wilst not save your soul.  The conservatives, in reality are liberals themselves holding to all those liberal principles condemned (some infallibly) before Vatican II which flow from the sect of Freemasonry (religious liberty, liberty of conscience, social democracy, modern ecumenism, freedom of press, freedom of speech, separation of church and state, etc). The conservatives (some of them) still cling to the thesis, that, by simply attending a Latin Mass everything is okay. But is this the reality? The answer, of course, is that, this is far from the truth.  Before Vatican II ever arrived EVERYONE in the Latin Church attended the TLM Mass yet was Modernism still not prevalent in those times?  The Faith precedes all. For how one believes determines how we are to pray.  And is this Vatican II "faith" our Catholic Faith? Or is it some twisted and demented new Baskin Robin's Frankenstein flavor that calls it self "Catholic?  The answer, of course, is the latter and so we must continue to pray.  Objectively speaking, there is no such thing as a "Novus Ordo Catholic" because the Novus Ordo is literally another religion.  Vatican II was the modernist platform to prepare the world for the coming New Age Religion. The reality is, our Church, was hijacked by Modernists, Masons and Marxists and Vatican II was the "pastoral" bridge (the texts themselves) that will bring men over into the New Age Religion wherest ALL will be said to be EQUAL (formally)

However, let us not be mistaken for Sedevacantists.  The Council itself was pastoral, thus, the errors do not come by way of the "Church" but rather by wayward churchmen through the authentic fallible Magesterium. The Popes are not manifest heretics but rather teach this new religion under the guise of it "being Catholic".  They believe they are Catholic and we can prove otherwise (objectively speaking), that is, how they are not BUT we must wait for just authority in the future to formally depose them as such (like Pope Honorius).  The Sedevacantists not only analyze wrongly they leave out the important part of the "just authority" deposing a heretical Pope. When the nearly the whole of the Church is swallowed up by Modernism what else can we do but pray and suffer and await that day of the just sentence to be given. Thus, they are Popes still materially over the church (even if interiorly they are not) who not only must be resisted but must also be avoided in the sense that, anywhere, this new religion is taught, it must be avoided altogether. Thus, refuting the pseudo traditionalist myth of resisting from within. If I am a practical sedevacantist I am in good hands just as St.Athanasius was!  It (Vatican II/New Mass) offends Jesus greatly and wounds His Sacred Heart. For without Faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God and the Vatican II Novus Ordo Religion and Mass pleaseth not God.  Reference the holy mystics (approved) who warned us before Vatican II to verify this thesis. 

The Conservative Cardinals still clinging to Vatican II and New Mass still ALL need conversion and repentance and thus they are not the measure of Catholicity in this dark hour.  Archbishop Lefebvre, is an eagle of our time, who, not only warned the faithful of what was transpiring during his days but also warned us of the future to come. We are not dealing with just simple errors here or there, nor, can we reduce this modernist crisis to the impotent argument of resisting (religious liberty, collegiality & ecumenism).  We are dealing with a whole new man centered religion of which "Catholics" can have full communion as long as they go along with the new doctrines, the new mass, the new rites, the new theology, the new evangelization, the New Church of the Advent in general.  Therefore, Catholics who say they are in "full communion" with Physical Rome are in reality in "full communion" with the Novus Ordo Religion being pastorally implemented over time. Catholics can only cling to Eternal Rome and hold to Tradition and keep their distance from the poison lest you end as one of the pseudo traditionalist groups (either are compromising or outright teaching/following heresy).

Rome will soon be punished and largely destroyed for her sins.  Those compromising and/or clinging to Vatican II will also be punished greatly.  The delusional fantasy land of trying to give Vatican II a "Catholic twist" is nearly up.  The majority will perish and thus the chastisements are paving the way for the new beginning throughst the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The eagles will arrive in due time but for now we must keep in prayer. We must keep praying for conversions.  We must keep the Apostolic Faith of all times which Modernist Rome no longer teaches since the Council.  No, it rather teaches, the impotent humanitarianism Pope St. Pius X warned us of, that is building the new city of man.  After all we must save the poor and the earth rather than save souls (the modernist teaches). We must pray for the "scales" to fall of the eyes of these conservative Saul's who are (objectively speaking) "destroying the church".  They are not the measure of orthodoxy and must be resisted to the Face even as we must with Francis for they are no different underneath it all. In hindsight, the questions that will still remain, "Where were you (conservative) during the revolution of Vatican II and/or why did you leave the side of Archbishop Lefebvre and those few who truly resisted?