Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Crusading Knight Reflects the Majesty of Our Lord Jesus Christ

A Crusading Knight Reflects the Majesty of Our Lord Jesus Christ

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira


Why is it that when a knight fights for Our Lord Jesus Christ, something of the Holy Shroud of Turin is reflected in his soul? With all the circumstances I have just described, the Shroud displays that erect, judging, rejecting, sovereign, firm, disapproving and affirmative majesty that makes Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Shroud the perfect Model of a knight’s soul. 


If He wanted to order someone to bring Him a steed and a spear, He would need no armor, for he would forge ahead and win: no one would dare do anything against Him, for it was He that was fighting.

The greatest beauty in a knight’s soul, which gives unity to the beauty of his moral profile, his weapons, his steed and the fray, is that majesty of Our Lord Jesus Christ that is reflected in him and which, at the hour of combat, makes his adversary fear him even more than his lance.

The knight’s best armor is neither his armor nor shield; neither sword nor lance; it is his gaze and countenance and the strength of soul with which he judges and charges on. These material resources are very helpful to him, and it is a design of Providence for him to have them. But he is a true knight only when his adversary understands that those things on him are magnificent accessories. His real weapon is he himself!

The fighting spirit is the pulchrum [beauty] and weapon in the battle of the true Catholic, the son of the Church militant, the son of the Queen who has a Heart in battle array.

TradCatKnight Presents: "I am an Eagle!"