Monday, August 17, 2015

Prepper Tips: 10 Of The Best Bartering Items If The Grid Goes Down

Prepper Tips: 10 Of The Best Bartering Items If The Grid Goes Down

Written by P. Henry
If we have an event similar to the nationwide power outage portrayed in American Blackout, there is little doubt that we will eventually have widespread panic, looting and rioting by people who either don’t care or are driven to criminal behavior because of fear or need. The duration of the hypothetical scenario in American Blackout was only 10 days, but for events lasting longer as in a societal breakdown caused by an economic collapse, we could be looking at years of chaos. With no formal way to purchase anything using what would at that time be worthless paper, people would need to revert to bartering.

I have discussed potential risks with bartering in the past that I still feel would be valid, but assuming that barter was the only form of commerce you could use I wanted to write down my thoughts on what I felt would be the best bartering items to have on hand. If you could stock up on prepping items now with an eye toward a future without money, what would be the best items to have on hand for barter with someone else?

Before I get into that, let me quickly explain what bartering is to those who don’t know. Bartering is simply exchanging goods or services for other goods or services. It is trading without using money. An example of this is I have a neighbor who has a large and productive garden and he has tons of beautiful vegetables that he grows like nobody’s business. I on the other hand have chickens that lay a good number of eggs each day. He has vegetables and my garden is lagging this year. I have eggs and he doesn’t have any source of protein. In a barter situation, I could negotiate with him some of my eggs for some of his vegetables. We would both work out an equitable amount of each (vegetables and eggs) and trade. The terms would be up to us and I would be free to set my prices as low or high as I wanted. My neighbor would be able to do the same.

This concept isn’t new and bartering was actually the way people purchased things for a very long time. Bartering continues to this day, but you can’t go into a Wal-Mart and say, “How about I cut your grass for all these groceries?”. Bartering would work best in small communities with people who know each other I think. Of course outsiders would be able to barter too, but then we get into that risky part of bartering I spoke about in my other post.

Bartering isn’t limited to goods. Services in the form of work or skilled trades can be bartered too. If we had the same grid-down economic collapse scenario I was talking about and my neighbor needed his roof repaired on his house. I could barter my carpentry skills for those vegetables too. One issue I can see coming up quickly in a long term catastrophe would be services of a more personal and physical nature. When you have nothing to trade but your body, I can see very bad things happening and this isn’t a plot from a movie either.

What am I trading for?

Now, we know what bartering is and how it’s done, but before you start stocking up on items you intend to use for barter, you have to ask yourself what you want to barter for? If you have barter items, the implication is that you would trade these for something you don’t have. If you are already planning to trade for something you don’t have, wouldn’t it make more sense to get that item you want instead of purchasing bartering supplies? Maybe that doesn’t work for all things and you would rather be safe than sorry. OK, I understand that, but the supplies listed below aren’t probably going to get you big ticket items. If you plan to barter for guns or ammo, you better have something very valuable to the people you expect to trade with.
  1. Food – This one along with some of the others is a tough one. There will be people without food and I know that decent people will part with something of theirs that you want for food. Maybe if someone is desperate enough, they will barter a weapon for a big chunk of food to feed their family.
  2. Water filters – Clean water is so simple, but immensely important. Disease is one of the quickest killers in any type of natural disaster. People in Haiti quickly succumbed to disease in the quake of 2010 because they had no clean drinking water and sanitation was a major problem. Having some simple water filters like LifeStraw or gravity fed systems like the PointONE could be highly valuable.
  3. Ammo – This probably goes without saying, but ammo will be more valuable than even Gold I think if we really live to see TEOTWAWKI. The supply and pricing is still not back to the levels we enjoyed a couple of years ago. I don’t know if they ever would, but I can always use a little more.
  4. First aid – Antibiotics – Medicine is hard to stock up on unless you have a very understanding doctor. Fortunately, there are sources for antibiotics you can take advantage of now and stock up before the hospitals are overflowing with people.
  5. Toilet Paper – Feminine napkins – One of the first small wins in my quest to convince my wife that stocking up on some things wasn’t crazy. All she had to picture was not having some of life’s necessities on hand and that changed her mind about stocking up.
  6. Candles – Candles are cheap and you can store them just about anywhere and forget about them. I have a box in my supplies and these provide light and potentially warmth to someone who has nothing.
  7. Batteries – Another no-brainer. If you have devices like radios, flashlights, walkies-talkies you will want to have batteries on hand. Bonus if these are rechargeable like Sanyo Eneloop.
  8. Propane – Small propane canisters like the kind for camping grills or lanterns are relatively cheap and could make an excellent barter item.
  9. Alcohol – Cigarettes – I don’t know how long cigarettes would store. If you kept them in a freezer they might last longer, but I wouldn’t devote a lot of space to something I can’t use, although I have said that if zombies take over the world I will probably take up smoking again. Alcohol on the other hand has a few uses. Buy small pint bottles and these may enable you to barter for something really needed if all other sources are gone.
  10. Books – Resource books and even fiction books. Without our modern distractions, a good book will be welcome to someone who has the time to chill out or who needs to learn something.
What about toiletry items for hygiene and cleaning up? I have heard others talk about that and I am sure someone would want those if the situation were ever so dire that people valued getting clean more than eating or protection but I think that is of limited value.
What other ideas do you have? What if anything are you stocking up on to use as barter?
Source: The Prepper Journal —

16 Ways To Conserve Water In Your Home

With the recent proliferation of water shortages caused by wonky weather patterns, finding ways to maximize the water we do have has become a focus of preppers near and far.  That said, in addition to knowing how to find, harvest, purify, and store water, it is important to develop a lifelong habit of conserving water.
The bottom line is that careful water conservation methods will allow you to make the most of limited supplies not only following a disruptive event but also day to day as you learn to make do with what you have during a drought.
Today I share 16 ways to conserve water in in your home.  We’ll begin in the bathroom since interestingly enough, that is where 75% of all household water is used.

16 Tips to Help You Conserve Water
1.  Do not keep the bathroom faucet running.
The faucet at the bathroom sink does not need to be running continuously while you brush your teeth, wash your face, or shave.  You will save between three and five gallons of water each minute your faucet is turned off.  That is a lot of water! Instead, use the stopper on the sink and drain the basin when you are done.
2.  Only flush when needed.
The toilet is not a wastepaper basket for tissues, cotton balls, or other bits of trash.  Even better, flush the solids every single time but alternate flushing the liquids.
The prepper’s motto is ‘yellow, let it mellow’, ‘brown, flush it down’.
3.  Flush using less water.
Most toilets installed before 1980 use 5 to 7 gallons of water per flush. Toilets installed between 1980 and 1993 use 3.5 gallons per flush. Toilets installed since 1994 use 1.6 gallons.
If you happen to have an older toilet, consider filling a used soda bottle or jar with water and small pebbles or marbles and place it upright in the tank.  This will cut down on the amount of water that flows through the tank with each flush.  Just be careful not to place the bottle where it will jam the flushing mechanism.  Also, make sure you don’t displace so much water that you have to double-flush.
Double flushing wastes more water than you would save.
4.  Check for leaky faucets and toilets.
It is easy to replace worn washers and since a small leak can waste many gallons of water a day, it is well worth the effort to test for leaks now.
The way to test for toilet leaks is to put a few drops of food coloring in the tank to see if the colored water appears in the bowl.  This takes about 10 minutes.  If the water color changes, you have a leak.  Not to worry, though.  Most leaks can be repaired with a kit that you can pick up at your local hardware store or on Amazon.
You can find a lot of information on toilets and toilet repairs at the Toiletology 101 website, including a free course on toilet repairs.
Keep in mind that little leaks can add up quickly.  A faucet drip or invisible toilet leak that totals only two tablespoons a minute comes to 15 gallons a day. That’s 105 gallons a week or 5,460 wasted gallons of water a year.
Are you wondering how long the parts in your toilet tank should last?  The answer is: it depends.  Replaceable parts such as flappers and washers or seals inside the refill valve may last several years. However factors such as water treatment processes, toilet bowl cleaners, and high water pressure can cause parts to disintegrate much sooner. If you touch the flapper and get black “goo” on your hands, the flapper needs to be replaced.
5.  Check for hidden water leaks.
Check for hidden water leaks elsewhere in your home by reading your water meter.  What you do is read the house water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.
6.  Take short showers.
Bathing and showering consume huge amounts of water.  One good way to conserve is to turn the water off while you soap up.  I get too cold doing that so instead, I have installed a water saving shower head. Another option is to limit the length of your shower to 5 minutes or less. Reducing your shower time by only 1 minute can save up to 1,000 gallons of water a year.
7.  When you take a bath, use lots of bubble bath.
I kid you not.  Stop up the tub, add a copious amount of bubble bath and add just a few inches of water.  It is totally an illusion but it will seem as though the water is higher than it really is.  In addition, remember to plug the tub before turning on water; that initial burst of cold water will be warmed later by adding hot water.
8.  Refrigerate drinking water to keep it cold.
Like your drinking water cold?  Keep a bottle or carafe of drinking water in the refrigerator so that you do not have to leave the faucet running while getting a cold drink.  Personally, I prefer my drinking water a room temperature.
9.  Use kitchen water wisely.
In the kitchen, don’t let the faucet run when you scrub vegetables or prepare other foods. Put a stopper in the sink instead.  Likewise, do not use running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods. Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator or place it in a bowl of hot water instead.
10.  Compost food scraps.
Instead of using a garbage disposal that requires running water to operate, start and use a compost pile.  Your garden will love you for it. Here are 80 things you can compost that might surprise you.
11.  Be prudent when preserving pipes in freezing weather.
Most people know that you can leave some water running in order to prevent pipes from freezing in cold weather.  Except for the most extreme of situations, all you need is a very thin trickle of water running to accomplish that goal.
12.  Use your washer and dishwasher for full loads only.
When doing  laundry in a washing machine, run full loads only.  The same applies to dishes in a dishwasher.
Hint:  Instead of pre-washing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, spray them with a mixture of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap and water (3 tablespoons per quart of water).  Sponge or brush off the excess food, perhaps using a bit more of your spray.  No additional water is needed.
Want to save some money?  Make up a batch of DIY Liquid Castile Soap and use that instead.
13.  Install inexpensive faucet aerators in your bathroom and kitchen.
If you can bathe your whole body with a showerhead that uses less than 2.5 gallons per minute, why use up to 7 gallons just to wash your hands in the sink?
An inexpensive faucet aerator that supplies 2.5 gallons per minute should be fine in the kitchen. In the bathroom, a 1-gallon-per-minute aerator will provide plenty of water to brush your teeth, wash your hands.
14.  Water plants deeply but less frequently.
When watering your plants, deep soak each time you water. Many people water lightly and frequently, causing a shallow root system.
Watering deeply and infrequently creates a healthy root system that is better equipped to withstand heat and drought.  Also, use watering cans, whenever possible, especially when watering just a few patio plants. Watering with a hose may actually put more water on the patio than in the containers as you move from plant to plant.
Even better, If you must use water on your outdoor plantings, consider using rain water or a grey water system.
15.  Use buckets of water instead of a hose.
Use buckets when washing your car instead of letting the water from the hose run continuously.  Your vehicle will become just as clean and when you are done, a quick rinse will whisk away the final remnants of dirt.
This same process works with washing outdoor furniture, patios, and just about everything else.
16.  Repurpose shower water.
This last tip came from a Backdoor Survival reader.  Here is what he said.
Living in Texas, during this drought, I heard an excellent idea to conserve water. While taking your shower, place a 5-gallon bucket (readily available at any home improvement store) in the tub with you, right by the drain. As you shower, some of the water will end up in the bucket, instead of going down the drain.
The Home Water Audit
Curious to see how you are doing when it comes to water conservation? I found this nifty home water audit online at the Water Use It Wisely website>  It only takes a moment to complete and you might be surprised at the results.  I actually scored 31 out of 36 but then again, where I live the water cost is about a dollar a flush so I am extra careful when it comes to water.
The Final Word
Like so many things in life, the use of water can be a mindless process mired in habit.  However, many places in the US, particularly the state of California, are undergoing an epic drought.  Heck, even my home in lush, green, Washington State is in a state of drought.
This is not only affecting the availability of drinking water, but also the much needed supply of water to support agriculture.  Whether you live is a drought state or not, the lack of water is going to seriously affect the cost of food for a long time.
Right now, when you turn on the faucet, there it is: fresh, clear water.  But after a disruptive event?  Not so much.  If you are lucky, you will at least have some water and if not, let us hope that you will have plenty of water stored away and that you will have learned in advance to be miserly in its use.
In closing, most of the tips outlined today apply to a “situation normal”. After all, a bubble bath would be out of the question following a disaster.  On the other hand, the habits you develop during normal times will carry you forward with the proper mindset when faced with a survival “do or die” situation. During those times, your supply of water will be limited to the amount that you’ve been able to store. Plus, if your are acquiring the water yourself, it is a lot of work, carrying in buckets of water and then purifying them.
Either way, normal times or not, you do not want to waste a drop.

Pandemic Survival Guidelines

The way the modern global infrastructure works, we see contact with humans from all over the globe within a single day, which makes virus transmission extremely likely in normal circumstances. Combine this with the fact that antibiotics of incredible power being overused are forcing viruses and bacteria to evolve constantly to survive and we have a situation where the possibility of a super-bug appearing is not just a possibility but a very dangerous inevitability.

A lot of scientists and epidemiologists nowadays believe that a global scale pandemic is entirely possible. The best we can do in the mean time is to be as ready as we can be in case something like this happens. There are far worse things than the fictional zombie apocalypse out there in terms of bacterial and viral infections, so let’s talk about ways we can protect ourselves in such cases:
Much like any situation where we have a threat, the first step is assessing what we’re dealing with. Right this second someone, somewhere out there is dying due to infectious diseases. These unwanted microscopic guests aren’t going away anytime soon, so we need to be the ones taking measures to keep ourselves safe no matter what. Often media will let the story go if the outbreak is small and may not even be reported, but you should still stay ahead of the media and pay attention to such minor outbreaks as they can always be the sign of an upcoming pandemic. Despite the pretty poor way the 2015 Ebola outbreak was handled, the CDC monitors a lot so you would do well to pay attention to any news they and the federal government have to share anyway.

You need to make sure you have your own water, food and other aid supplies no matter what, as this will make you have more than what about 90% of the population have at any given time. People are generally skeptical and believe that they will have what it takes to survive a disaster, so they rarely prepare for one. Unfortunately as any disaster survivor can tell you that is a very unrealistic scenario. You need to make sure you have what you need to make sure you will survive not just a few days, but long term if need be. Epidemics are a situation with a lot more insidious dangers than any other sudden disaster. You should always have what you need so you can avoid going to public areas where contagion levels will be higher, regardless of transmission vectors.

Identifying High Risk Areas
When an outbreak does happen, you will want to make sure you watch to see whether the infection spreads closer to where you live. Depending on the way the virus or bacteria are transmitted, it may take days or months for it to reach a pandemic state. Make sure you watch where the infection pops up and do your best to avoid such areas at all costs.

Keeping up Proper Hygiene
You need to make sure you are careful with your hygiene during an outbreak. Depending on the way the virus or bacteria is transmitted, this can easily be the thin line between staying healthy and getting sick. Always wear gloves and a medical mask at the least and if you know the contagion to be airborne, you should do your best to avoid concentrations of people. Evacuate the city if you must to stay safe. You can have a self-storage facility house most of the supplies you need, coming over and picking them up when you need them or you can construct some type of storage in your home if you live away from the cities. Either way works, just remember to keep an eye on expiration dates and to have enough water to last you for at least two weeks. A storage room is necessary if you want to keep your supplies safe. Make sure you pack everything airtight and move your supplies out of storage and into a saferlocation outside the city during the early stages of an epidemic.
Article provided by: Removals London LTD


By C. J. Gardner July, 2015
I don’t remember exactly when the “room” entered my night time thoughts.  It wasn’t exactly a dream…just a grumbling voice in my head saying…”prepare”.  Prepare for what, I wondered!  I tried to turn over, ignore the message, and grasp the illusive sleep I so desperately needed.  Each night the message returned in some form or another.  Often I would fall asleep immediately only to wake an hour later…thinking about how I was to prepare and for what.  Most of the time, sleep wasn’t on the program at all, and my brain would begin going ninety miles an hour the minute my head hit the pillow.  During the day, my deranged thoughts wandered to the “room” while I was cooking, while I was cleaning, while I was showering, or while I was reading and trying to relax.  I began to appreciate what Noah probably went through when God first mentioned an ark to him!

The “room” had never really had a purpose…nothing ever seemed to fit exactly.  It was an 8X10 basement room with no windows!  When the house was built, it was to be a fitness room…but after moving in the treadmill…we realized there was no room for anything else.  The treadmill eventually
went into a garage sale from lack of use! Then, my husband decided to make the “room” into his office.  Cabinets were installed along one wall with peg board and electrical outlets for his coffee pot.  A large computer desk was purchased with extra drawers for files and important papers.  It looked like an office!  It smelled like an office!  But…there were no windows!  My husband eventually dragged his files and papers and boxes to the dining room so he could see the outside world as he worked.  I retired and began to sew and make crafty things, so I set up my sewing machine in the “room”, and used the desk as a cutting table.  Soon, however, I too longed for the light of day, and crafting went by the wayside.

After that, the “room” sat empty for a number of years.  Whenever we had something that we didn’t use any longer…it was taken down to the “room” and over time, it was filled with white elephants!  I gardened, spent time with my family, and worked on my genealogy.  Time passed.  Barack Obama was elected president of the United States for a second term.  Politics became uglier than usual, and the world became restless.  Gun control was discussed, and friends and neighbors became uneasy…concerned about our constitutional rights.  Prices soared, and the younger generation, as well as many seniors, struggled on a day to day basis just to make ends meet.  Tea Parties materialized and a new patriot movement began!

My husband and I had a discussion about the various disaster possibilities…natural and man-made.  A complete economic collapse…a terrorist attack…an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse)…or a nuclear or missile attack on key United States cities would cripple our society. The destruction of the electronic grid and loss of communication would take months…maybe years for recovery.  Blowing up all the major bridges would take years to rebuild.  However, a complete economic collapse, as during the great depression, would be monumental.  Suddenly I knew what I was to prepare for!

The “room” would finally have a name and purpose.  I would create a Disaster Recovery Room (DRR)! I saw the smile cross my husband’s face…which said, “Humor her…this too will pass!”
So began my journey!  I measured and made my plan.  I tore out the computer desk, cleared the junk from the cabinets, donated my fabric and craft items, and cleaned the floor.   I now had a blank slate!  I slept through the night for the first time in months!

Starting a journal helped me establish some basic guidelines.  We would stay with our home in an emergency…not plan to move to another safe area.  I wanted my entire immediate family, two daughters, one son-in-law, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren (all ten of them) here with us in the event of a major disaster.  Buying supplies for ten people would be expensive, and since money was a bit tight, I would need to do a little at a time.  I made list on top of lists…for everything from food to medical to maintenance to reentry into the new world.  The plan was to first start with enough food, water and supplies for two weeks, expanding that to a 90 day supply, then to one year.
Before making any purchases, I scoured our home for usable items.  At some point we had purchased an air bed.  That was moved to the DRR along with some basic tools, the bread machine, a spare coffee pot, and the dehydrator.Hours were spent researching survival supplies on the internet and it was about this time that I first heard the term “prepper”.  There was a name for people like me!  I discovered there were lots of  people like myself who were worried about our country and its future.

I bought a couple of survival books and studied them from front to back.  I already had many books on gardening and crafting.  Those were moved to the DRR along with other books on using herbs and healing naturally.   A book called “Strategic Relocation” by Joel Scousen was most interesting. Even though relocating was not in my plan, his book gave me a wealth of information regarding nuclear targets, military targets, and number of tornadoes per state.
Another book I purchased was “The Doom and Bloom” medical book.  This book covers basic first aid and wellness in a time when you might not be able to get traditional medical care from a physician.  Both books can be purchased through

 Read the whole article here:

7 Tips for Long-Term Survival After You Bug Out

You’ve Bugged Out, Now What? Generally, preppers are concerned with either bugging in, or bugging out. The problem comes when they don’t think about what to do after you bug out. I think by and large, most people plan to stay put initially — unless the impending doom lands directly on top of them. That’s actually the smartest thing to do, too (in my opinion). But eventually, we all have to think about bugging out. Packing your bug out bag with the latest emergency supplies, tactical clothing, and homemade MREs is fine — but you’re going to have to end up somewhere. So what do you do once you get there?

For the whole article Read here

32 Foods That Aren’t Just For Eating

Regular readers of this blog already know that I love learning about alternative uses for everyday items. Not only is it fun and interesting, but it saves me money and makes me feel more prepared.

For example, a while back I realized that instead of buying lots of household cleaners, air fresheners, and toothpaste, I could just buy a big bag of baking soda and use the money I save to buy more food and supplies. And when a disaster occurs and I can’t just run to the convenience store anytime I need something, I can just use the knowledge in my head to make use of what I already own.
For this post I want to focus on foods, food ingredients, and food scraps. Baking soda isn’t the only food-related item that can be used in multiple ways. There are at least 30 more.
Note: Each item below is also a link to an article with the complete list of alternative uses. For details on how to do the things I mention, follow the links. Now on to the list, in alphabetical order.
1. Apples – This healthy fruit won’t just keep the doctor away. It can also help preserve baked goods, prevent stored sugar from crystallizing, moisturize your skin, and much more.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar – Everyone should have a bottle of this in the pantry. It can relieve stomach aches, prevent acne, make your hair shine, and clean almost any surface.
3. Baking Soda – As I mentioned in the intro, baking soda can be used to clean and deodorize all sorts of things. It can even relieve itchy skin and bug bites.
4. Bananas – Bananas and their peels are good for skin care, whitening your teeth, treating cuts and scrapes, and fertilizing your garden.
5. Coca Cola – This is something worth having on hand. Not so you can drink it, but for all the other things it can do: remove blood stains, clean oil stains, relieve congestion, cure nausea, and even defrost a frozen windshield.
6. Coconut Oil – Probably the most versatile item on this list. I make use of coconut oil every single day. It’s a little pricey, but well worth it.
7. Coffee Grounds – You might be surprised how many things you can do with coffee grounds. It’s good for dealing with pests, helping your garden, cleaning pans, removing odors, and more.
8. Cooking Spray – This can help with all sorts of miscellaneous problems like gum in your hair, ice buildup in the freezer, a ring stuck on your finger, a squeaky bicycle chain, etc.
9. Corn Starch – A great food to stockpile, but it can also clean your carpet, remove stains, relieve sunburns, wash your hair, and more.
10. Egg Shells – Don’t throw them away! Put them in your garden or feed them to your chickens. They can even make your coffee less bitter.
11. Fruit Peels – These are good for your garden, too. They can also freshen the air, soften your hands, and repel insects.
12. Garlic – It’s one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and it can also prevent infections, sore throats, acne, cold sores, and itchy skin.
13. Honey – Like coconut oil, honey is sort of a cure-all. It’s especially good for sore throats, acid reflux, insomnia, and allergies.
14. Ketchup – There aren’t a lot of things you can do with ketchup, but I like it so much I had to include it. It’s not that hard to make, and it can even help prevent cancer.
15. Lemons – The real question is, what can’t you do with lemons? This fruit is incredibly healthy and great for cleaning up around the house.
16. Mayonnaise – Soften your hair, exfoliate your skin, clean sticky residue, relieve sunburns, fix cracks in furniture, and much more.
17. Milk – In college I used it as a hangover cure and today I use it to treat insect bites and remove ink stains, but there are many other things you can do with it.
18. Mustard – As with ketchup, there are only a few things you can do with mustard, but they’re worth mentioning. Mustard can help prevent blisters, help soothe a sore throat, and relieve muscle pain when mixed into an Epsom salt bath.
19. Oatmeal – This is a great thing to stockpile because it’s a nutritious and has a long shelf life. Better yet, it can also be used for cleaning cast iron and neutralizing odors.
20. Olive Oil – Not as great as coconut oil (in my opinion), but still good to have around, especially if you have skin problems.
21. Onions – Use them to clean your grill, remove rust from knives, polish metal, treat insect bites, and soothe burns.
22. Peanut Butter – Another food every prepper should stockpile. It can also be used as shaving cream, mouse trap bait, an odor eliminator, a glue remover, and even a hair moisturizer.
23. Pepper – Black pepper can soothe ear aches and plug radiator holes. Cayenne pepper can soothe sore throats and keep pests away.
24. Potatoes – Polishing your shoes and silverware might not be a major concern of yours, but if you ever need to, potatoes will get the job done. They’re also good for your skin.
25. Rice – If your electronic device gets wet, drop it into a tub of rice to dry it out. There are several other miscellaneous uses for rice.
26. Salt – This stuff is cheap, it lasts forever, and it can clean clothes, deodorize shoes, melt ice, remove rust, repel ants, and much more.
27. Sugar – Sugar also lasts forever. Like salt, it’s good for many things, but one of the best things it can do is kill bacteria on wounds, helping them heal faster.
28. Tea Bags – Used tea bags are great for treating minor bruises and sores, deodorizing your home, and helping grow certain kinds of plants.
29. Tuna – As far as I know, there’s only one alternative use for a can of tuna, but it’s awesome. You can use it to make an oil candle. And when you’re done, you can still eat the tuna.
30. Vegetable Oil – Although I recommend coconut or olive oil, if you have any old vegetable oil in your pantry you can use it to clean your car or season your pots and pans.
31. Vinegar – Yet another item that basically lasts forever. You can use it to clean almost anything, and it’s a temporary cure for heartburn.
32. Vodka – Use this to clean your home, clean yourself, relieve pain, and barter with others.


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1 comment:

  1. Regarding prepping or bartering during any future calamities, I would also add dried herbs and essential oils to stock up on to prevent sickness when medicine is not available. If stored correctly, shelf-life is at least 1 year and take up little space.
