Thursday, July 23, 2015

Alex Jones' Links to John Birch & CIA

Alex Jones' Links to John Birch & CIA
Dept. of False Opposition

by Timothy Fitzpatrick
(Excerpt/edited by 

Like the John Birch Society, Alex Jones' role is to divert attention from the Cabalist (Satanic) 
Jewish cult that controls the Federal
Reserve and through Freemasonry nearly every aspect of American life. 

 In his 1988 book Murder By Injection, Eustace Mullins wrote that the JBS was created by the Rockefeller family as controlled opposition to the conspiracy it purportedly opposed. Jones' father was a JBS member and young Alex was probably recruited at a young age to advance their treasonous ruse. Revilo Oliver, a JBS founder, discovered the group was directed and funded by Jews. 

Neither the John Birch Society nor Alex Jones, attack the core problem which is the private control of the nation's credit by a cabal of exclusively Jewish banksters. 

On his radio program, Jones constantly ranted and raved about the United Nations takeover of America, a specifically JBS theme. The JBS states that one of its "most immediate to get the United States out of the United Nations and the United Nations out of the United States." 

Other JBS rhetoric often rehashed by Jones includes the notion of fluoridated water as a plot to make us all docile. In my observations of Jones, when he is under criticism, instead of addressing the points, he will automatically fall back on his foundational JBS rhetoric, including the fluoride and vaccine conspiracies. 

Older readers may remember that the JBS was strongly anti-JFK during the former President's short term in office. The JBS was remembered for distributing close to 5,000 flyers accusing JFK of committing treason while serving as President, in the days leading up to the assassination. 

Jones has gone out of his way to suppress the Israeli Mossad orchestration of this crime.[11] Of course, the Society and Jones have not been so anti-JFK in recent years, as it has become more obvious that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, and to say otherwise would tarnish their image as being anti-conspiracy.


JBS, like CIA front National Review, was established in 1958, at the height of the CIA's psychological warfare research and development phase and during the CIA's creation of its Operation Mockingbird program, which would pave the way for the CIA to use the media for covert domestic and international psychological warfare. 

John Birch himself worked for U.S. intelligence through the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). And like National Review, which was dominated by Jews at the top[12], it appears the JBS' function is to homogenize the conservative movement and, eventually, the conspiracy community, into one manageable controlled opponent.[13]

The Rockefellers were also active on the 'right wing' front through their sponsorship of the John Birch Society. To enable Robert Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to devote all of his time to the Society, Nelson Rockefeller purchased his family firm, the Welch Candy Company, from him at a handsome price. Welch chose the principal officers of the Society from his acquaintances at the Council on Foreign Relations. 

For years afterwards, American patriots were puzzled by the consistent inability of the John Birch Society to move forward on any of its well-advertised 'anti-Communist' goals. 
Similarly, many of Jones' critics reach the same conclusion that Mullins reaches about JBS--Jones' inability to move forward on any of his purported goals of thwarting the New World Order conspiracy.


Late Zionist researcher John "Birdman" Bryant [discovered] disturbing revelations by  disillusioned Bircher founder Professor Revilo P. Oliver, which implicates what he calls the "B'nai Birch[15]" with Jews and the CIA. Bryant writes,
"In 1966, Prof Revilo Oliver (1908-1994), who was co-founder (with eleven others) of the Birch Society and Associate Editor of its major organ, American Opinion, discovered that Robert Welch, the JBS's principal founder, was controlled by Jews." 

The purpose: to harmlessly absorb and deflect the energy and money of patriotic Americans while suppressing the Masonic and Jewish nature of this satanic conspiracy.

In 1981 Oliver published America's Decline: The Education of a Conservative, in which he told the story of his discovery.[16]

I was not astonished, although I was pained, by the discovery that Welch was merely the nominal head of the Birch business, which he operated under the supervision of a committee of Jews, while Jews also controlled the flow, through various bank accounts, of the funds that were needed to supplement the money that was extracted from the Society's members by artfully passionate exhortations to "fight the Communists."[17]

The money generated from Alex Jones' supporters could be working against their own interests. Oliver makes another prophetic, parallel Jones-JBS critique,

..."I note that Welch, perhaps on instructions, no longer has much to say about the "Communist Conspiracy," and, after flirting with the notion of reactivating Weishaupt's diabolic llluminati, seems to have settled on the conveniently nameless and raceless "Insiders" as the architects of all evil, inspired by an unexplained malevolence."

This describes Jones' carefully crafted explanation of the world conspiracy as being merely the work of "globalists", "the elite", "Luciferians", etc.

Oliver goes on describing the direct Jewish involvement in editorial policy,

"...the Society still publishes American Opinion and the Review of the News, for which very competent journalists are hired to write under Jewish supervision, and both periodicals contain some authentic information that is not found in the New York Times, since they are censored for distribution to a different audience."[18]

Today, JBS publishes The New American. Proving Oliver correct, on Sept. 13, 2011, JBS published an article by the Jew Sam Blumenfeld endorsing the official kosher story of the 9/11 WTC attack.[19] Birch writer John Rees is alleged to be an "Israeli intelligence agent."[20] Rees also allegedly provides intelligence to the CIA, FBI, and NSA.[21] JBS has also propagated the Holocaust dogma of Judaism.[22]

Oliver, again, details then what is now echoed about Jones as controlled opposition,

"After my resignation, many individuals urged me to "expose" the Welcher, but almost all of them had already perceived that the Society had become a Jewish auxiliary, primarily used to keep the goyim confused and docile and to frustrate patriotic movements that had any potential of effectiveness." [23]

The JBS never addressed Oliver's accusations but, instead, Welch and the society went on a public smear campaign against Oliver. Likewise, when confronted, Alex Jones never addresses his many Jewish and intelligence connections but ends up smearing the questioner or diverting the discussion.


But as the JBS has somewhat faded today, Alex Jones has risen to popularity to carry on its legacy. It appears Jones was knowingly recruited by the CIA at some point during his John Birch-influenced upbringing. 

Along the way, he has been guided by the "Jewish supervisors" such as Stratfor in Austin. Like National Review and like the JBS, Jones' objective is to misdirect dissent to the New World Order conspiracy by homogenizing dissidents into a monolithic group that can be more easily directed by the conspirators. It's interesting that Jones uses the word "experiment" when talking about his parents raising him. Could it be that his parents were somehow involved in the CIA or one its fronts? Jones Jr. then, was being groomed for work as a field agent from a very young age, which is not uncommon in the CIA.

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  1. I have posted some interesting info about JBS and Nelson Rockefeller at FitzInfo article you reference - as Dachsie or DachsieLady

    I have been around since 1998 in the Austin TX 'cosnpiracy corner" and the probably the only Catholic in the whole bunch of us. Was in JBS one year and figured there was something "just not right" about it though much of their information in their New America magazine is very good.

    JBS and Alex Jones and alll of have it intractably wrong regarding 9-11 truth.

    God bless us each and every one in the Name of the One Who is Truth.

  2. I don’t believe that this that is stated about the John Birch Society is entirely accurate. The leaders of the JBS, (and here I am referring to Welch) despite having been Protestant, openly recommended and sent Catholics to Archbishop Lefebvre, which resulted in the establishment of a half a dozen chapels of the SSPX in the late 80s, one of these being the SSPX chapel in Franklin, Tennessee of which I received all the sacraments as a child and learned to serve Mass. The John Birch Society is the most vocal against the United Nations. I do, however, believe that it is entirely possible that they were subverted or infiltrated just as I hold this opinion about other organizations that had solid beginnings and later went wrong and just so happened to be very effective against global communism, the TFP comes to mind. Anyhow, check out this excellent video by the John Birch Society, which seems to contradict this article completely. Notice that Fr. Gruner appears in this JBS video!!!

  3. Welch is said to have converted to Catholicism on his death bed. John McMannus is a Catholic but the whole time he was president of the JBS he kept that fact very quiet. Mr. McMannus has done several interviews and conference presentations at since leaving the JBS but curiously he never makes the slightest reference to his having been the president of the JBS for a very long time.

    excerpt from my comment there as DachsieLady

    "I was listening to Dr. Stan Monteith’s radio show regularly and on one show about two years ago, Dr. Dennis Cuddy was the guest and said that Nelson Rockefeller controlled the Right and David Rockefeller controlled the Left. That was a striking insight. I did a little more research and found the following tidbit that supports something mentioned in your article. (I would mention that Dr. Stan Monteith, who passed away recently, and who was an early member of the early California John Birth Society, stated several times on his radio show, and to me in emails, that he came to fully realize that the JBS was a controlled opposition organization.)
    Here is that tidbit of information.
    From the small book, actually booklet that I with some difficulty was able to obtain an electronic copy of, The John Birch Society An Enigma. Bumsville, MN: Weisman Publications
    by Braddock, James E.
    “”As JBS policy, he [Welch] had an Anti-communist but pro-Jewish stance. After Welch had the JBS started, he received a large sum of money from the Rockefellers. Braddock states, “Robert Welch…heir to, the Welch Candy Company… Nelson [Rockefeller] purchased the company for a price that was three times the asking price but with the condition that Robert would head the new John Birch Society.” ” "

    E. Michael Jones and David Wemhoff explain what Christ taught and what the Church used to teach regarding
    how Christ the King is over the societal moral order of all nations on earth. Christ's Order, the Logos, is over and above the solely natural order. The USA was founded upon revolutionary Jewish / Masonic Englightenment principles.

    It always comes back to Jesus and how he told us to be not conformed to this world system.

    Israel - Host Peter Helland with Guest David Wemhoff (July 8th, 2015)


    Israel - Host Peter Helland with Guest David Wemhoff (J...
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    Certainly the JBS told the truth about the United Nations, and certainly much of their information was good.

    However, the Luciferian world revolution for the goal of a one world death and slavery system for all has already happened. We are to be counter-revolutionaries and work and pray and be in the world but not of the world.
