Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Poem, “Hell Brought to us”

“Hell Brought to us”
Poem By: Eric Gajewski
From the Work, "Fortress of the Soul"
    Matthew 23:33
You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?

The earth quickens yet I remain
Sped by Thy Justice,
The Rod of Correction no longer refrains
As the whole world looks on,
In disbelief and even cursing Thy Holy Name
The hour hast cometh,
Therefore, clutching the Rosary I pray
The season is ripe,
Iniquity abounds because man hast lost his way
Ye knowest not the hour,
But His Wrath is all we see this Day
Hearts torn by self,
Depicted in the covering clouds of the Storm
Grace withdrawn,
The earth dressed in sackcloth and ashes, were we not warned?
Old we grow,
But still in Thy Sacred Heart we trust
With Hope I know,
That Love will resurrect this body made of dust
Ill hearts hidden in inner hell,
Which shalst birth three days of dark
Put on display,
That we need not search for 
because hell itself will be brought to us….

TradCatKnight Exclusive: "The 3 Days of Darkness"

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