Thursday, May 7, 2015

New "Year Of Mercy" Logo & the Masonic/Esoteric Implications

New "Year Of  Mercy" Logo & the Masonic/Esoteric Implications
"The Third Eye"
The Vatican has unveiled its logo for the upcoming supposed “Year of Mercy” that begins on December 8, 2015 and runs through November 20, 2016.  Out of all the things they could have done, this is what they came up with: Christ looks like He is skateboarding or ice-skating, He carries a man as a lamb sideways on His shoulders, and there are three eyes visible, the center one clearly being shared between Christ and the man. One could also say, in the very least, that the image is ambiguous and appears to depict a Christ with two heads and three eyes. However, in reality, it is far worse than this.

TradCatKnight Radio: "2015: The Year of Pseudo-Mercy"
Masonic "Triangle Rays" flowing outward...

The “Eye-In-The-Triangle” above a truncated pyramid on the back of the $1 bill is a Masonic “memorial” to an ancient “Universal Religion” that flourished worldwide. The remnants of this religion are still visible in the eerily parallel ruins of truncated Pyramids and Eye symbols among many civilizations. Pyramids were temples where believers engaged in a powerful mystical practice called “Awakening Our Third Eye”

This “Lost Secret” is an ancient Universal Religion, now lost to time, but still visible in the ruins of the first civilizations, where we see a clear and consistent pattern of pyramids and disembodied Eye symbols

As shown by the researches of past scholars, combined with powerful discoveries revealed in the new book Written In Stone: Decoding The Secret Masonic Religion Hidden In Gothic Cathedrals and World Architecture, these symbols point to a “Universal Religion” that was once practiced globally.
Practitioners focused on trying to open a luminous and mystical “Third Eye,” said to be hidden in the human forehead.

This Third Eye is believed to be the remnant organ from a higher, more sophisticated, and more spiritual form of humanity that lived on earth during an antediluvian “Golden Age,”  attested to by the ancients and by classical historians as “Babel,” “Shambhala” and “Atlantis.”

Third Eye Bindi Dot
On The Hindu Forehead

The Third Eye, called “urna” or “trinetra,”
is marked by a dot in the middle
of the forehead,
above and between the eyes.
As “postdiluvian” humans we still have access to this atrophied organ of our ancestors, which was identified by some 19th and 20th century scientists as the pineal gland:
“A small usu. conical appendage of the brain of all craniate vertebrates that in a few reptiles has the essential structure of an eye, that functions in some birds as part of a time-measuring system, and that is variously postulated to be a vestigial third eye, an endocrine organ, or the seat of the soul…”
—Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary

The “Seat of the Soul” is how French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) described the pineal gland; he called it the bridge that connects man’s soul to his body.
Readers familiar with Eastern religions will recall the Third Eye as having a long history in India, China, and Southeast Asia, where Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism hold sway.
More than a “religious” idea, the Third Eye is an archaic “spiritual” custom.

Kabbalah "Third Eye"

With two eyes closed you can open your Third Eye—the dot on the forehead—and see your spiritual inner Self or soul within.
In the East, Awakening Our Third Eye is achievable through Yoga, and particularly Kundalini Yoga, which teaches the existence of the so-called ajna chakra or Third Eye chakra.
Kundalini in ancient Sanskrit means “illumination,” “enlightenment,” and refers to the light you experience when you awaken your Third Eye and remember who you are (i.e., commune with your soul within).
This “union with God” was considered blasphemy in the Christian West for a thousand years, punishable by death under the Inquisition.
Above Left: Awakening the Third Eye through Kundalini Yoga. Above Right: The Caduceus, popular throughout medieval Europe, is an arcane symbol of Kundalini Yoga.

Esoteric tradition holds that the proper way to activate the Third Eye is to “balance” two “opposite” channels in the body (ida and pingala) around a central vertical axis / spinal cord called the sushumna.
This balance of opposites creates a third force that unites the opposites and awakens the Third Eye and allows you to see your true essence, your Self, who you are.
“You don’t HAVE a soul, you ARE a soul. You HAVE a body.
—C. S. Lewis
This third force of “center” and “balance” is the number Three, the AOUM sound, chanted by Eastern mystics. The AOUM symbol is shaped like the number Three itself—as scholars say—denoting the balance of opposites

The Third Eye is used extensively in the east, appearing in varied disciplines (Yoga, Ch’an Buddhism, Karate, Qigong, and Aikido). The idea of the Third Eye, however, is quite foreign to the West. Despite living in the “information age” of globalization, it is still treated as something strange and alien, an enigma unique to the Eastern religions.

Freemasonry’s Great “Third Eye” Secret
The image of a single Eye is common to Western Secret Societies. A single Eye is one of the key symbols in Freemasonry. The Eye is visible on Masonic temples and aprons, among other places, but it does not stand for God; it stands for the hidden Third Eye in your forehead.

The Eye is also featured on Masonic “Tracing Boards,” age-old instructional designs that are present in all lodges, used to teach initiates (see below).
Dating back more than two centuries, the “Tracing Board” is one of the last vestiges of authentic untouched and unchanged Masonic wisdom.

Above: The “Masters Carpet,” from The Masonic Monitor in 1820, includes Freemasonry’s key symbols: the Sun, Moon, and Mystical Eye.

We are immediately drawn to the single disembodied Eye at the top and center of the portrait.
But few of us notice the two sides, right and left, marked by the twin pillars capped by sun and moon; in Kundalini Yoga, the Ida and Pingala channels.

Isn’t the message here that we have a powerful Third Eye hidden in our foreheads? And that we can awaken this central Eye?


The Geometric Third Eye” Triangle
Isn’t the Masonic All-Seeing-Eye-in-the-Triangle over a truncated pyramid reminiscent of the ancient pyramids and Third Eye symbols in ruins worldwide?
In her fascinating 1924 book, Mystic Americanism, the obscure American author Grace Morey explained:
“The All-Seeing Eye…emblematic of the pineal gland or third eye of the human being…has been found amid the ruins of every civilization upon the globe, thereby attesting the fact of a universal religion over all the earth at some remote period. As we now restore this universal religion, we set the All-Seeing eye upon the pyramid.”
Above: The obverse of the Great Seals shows how “Awakening Our Third Eye” was the Universal Religion of the world’s ancient pyramid cultures.

Masons call the single Eye the “all-seeing Eye” but have little understanding of what this means. Others oversimplify it by calling it the “Eye of God”; either way, these modern descriptions provide us with little enlightenment.
More than a handful of authors and researchers have set forth the thesis that the All-Seeing-Eye signifies man and woman’s Third Eye, available for us to use.
Famous American Author and Freemason Mark Twain, writing in 1899, referred to the All Seeing Eye not as the Eye of some distant heavenly deity or “old man upstairs,” but as a tangible gift that any person can use:
“The common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but the ‘all seeing eye’ pierces through, and reads the heart and the soul, finding there capacities which the outside didn’t indicate or promise, and which the other kind couldn’t detect.”
Freemason Dr. Buck (1838-1916) gave a physical description of the Third Eye and connected its “mastery” to Freemasonry’s third degree of “Master Mason”:
“It has been called “The Third Eye.” The Ancient Hindus called it the Eye of Siva, and it should be borne in mind that Siva is the third person in the Hindu Trinity…It is atrophied, and therefore dormant in the average individual…The Eye of Siva is, in fact, an All-Seeing-Eye; for it practically annuls Space and Time as concepts on the physical plane…
A real Master [Mason], then, has the Eye of Siva; the pineal gland, dormant in others, is active in him…”
If Buck is correct, and practicing this occult system was part of Masonic adherence, then Masonry’s forced secrecy in Europe becomes clear. Due to the power the Inquisition, Masons had no choice but to hide themselves in order to preserve their traditions, knowledge, and rites.
The Freemasons, by implementing Third Eye “magic,” ran the risk of being executed by the Church for heresy, and is thus the ultimate, obvious reason for Masonic secrecy.

In his 1918 book, The Wonders of the Human Body, Dr. George Washington Carey tells us:
“…the All-seeing eye…This is the eye of freemasonry, the third eye. While I am credibly formed that few Masons understand their own symbols, the fact remains that they use them…”
The idea that the so-called “All Seeing Eye” is really the Third Eye continues today.
In their well-researched book, The Uncommon Vision of Sergei Konenkov,1874-1971, published by Rutgers University Press in 2000, scholars John Bowlt, Wendy Salmond, and Marie Turbow explain:
“The Great Pyramid is a central occult symbol that is often depicted with the “all-seeing-eye” or “third eye” inside it. In this form it is the symbol of mystical Freemasonry.”

In her 2006 book, Eden, contemporary author of the esoteric, Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh, explains:
“The Order of Freemasonry acknowledges the ‘All Seeing Eye’ as the ‘Eye of Great Wisdom.’
This ‘Great Wisdom’ is said to offer those who seek the sacred mysteries an understanding of illumination, inner vision, and intuitive knowledge. Contact with this great wisdom occurs through the ‘Third Eye’ (pineal gland) located inside the forehead.”
Freemasonry is often called a “Science of the Soul”; it is likely, then, that such an inward-facing order is in fact a repository for instructions on how to awaken the Third Eye, endowing an initiate with powers born of his own eternal nature.

This expose sheds a
whole new light
on this diabolical image.
Do you notice the
black triangle the feet
are standing upon?
Reference the "triangular rays"
coming from the
Divine Mercy picture all
the way at the top
of this blog...

 In Conclusion
Today, Freemasonry derides and disassociates itself from these ideas; the Third Eye and any related mystical / esoteric concepts are dismissed and pejoratively labeled “the occult”. Why?

The answer is simple; it is because these doctrines appear to remove the Old Testament “God” from the equation completely, by empowering man with the strength of his own divinity. This does not sit well with many modern Freemasons, but, as we now know, many highly trained and educated Masons of the past, including several noted authors and scholars, were convinced that such Third Eye ideas were integral to their order and that the modern system of Freemasonry is in fact corrupted.

Desperate that mankind should never lose sight of this knowledge, and yet knowing that its truths were forbidden in the atmosphere of intellectual intolerance that marked the Dark and Middle Ages, the Freemasons designed Third Eye gnosis into the architectural facades of churches, castles and cathedrals all over the world, as demonstrated in Written In Stone



Vatican II is leading souls into a "New Age" Esotericist Religion...
The False Prophet, Master Jesus will soon arrive in Rome who is the setup man for the NewAge "christ" Maitreya

TradCatKnight Exclusive: The False Prophet

TradCatKnight Exclusive: Maitreya, the Antichrist?

"I see that in this place (Rome) the (Catholic) Church is being so cleverly undermined, that there will hardly remain a hundred or so priests who have not been deceived." Blessed Anna Emmerick 
Get out of the Conciliar Church! Support the SSPX Resistance!

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  1. First thing that came to my mind with this image is....two men "cheek to cheek." Subtle homo-imagery involved methinks.

    My creepometer is going off.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Humanity has been robbed ,and doesn't it tell right now ,my poor people are defeated through lack of knowledge / Power , So they take away your spiritual connection to your self ,then poison parts of the brain that decide true or false and loose the ability to think critically ,then they drink the fluoride that further depletes their brain cells and function ,then they have some McDonalds and change their Dna a bit more ,followed by Some soft drink with Baby Fetes cells for flavour in it , have some GMO deserts and finally go out side and suck up those chemtrails , Hows your Gland Going ? Great Research thankyou !
